Copy lib/markdown
folder to %APPDIR%\Notepad++\plugins\PythonScript\lib\
to %APPDIR%\Notepad++\plugins\PythonScript\scripts\
Navigate to menu Plugins -> Python Script -> Scripts -> markdown. You can also place that script on your toolbar or in "Python Script" menu. Refer to Python Script for Notepad++ documentation for more info how to do that.
Notepad++ recognizes only two major encodings: single-byte (ANSI) and multi-byte (UTF-8 etc).
Because of that, I had to assume some encoding for single-byte chars - I chose cp1250, because
it suites me best. If you use some other encoding, you have to modify scripts/
And above all: use UTF-8 ;)
Markdown syntax highlighting for Notepad++. Optionally, if you don't use white background, here you have highlighting with Monokai theme
- Python-Markdown (BSD license)
- BSD (see