Fall Guy Stats App written in ASP.NET, C#, with EFCore for a backend and Angular for frontend.
It watches the log file as you play for a DTO output in your player.log file, captures that DTO and adds it to the SQLite db.
Has endpoints for Episodes, Rounds, and Stats.
- Download the latest release FallGuyStats_v.x.xx.zip file under assets.
- Unzip the file to somewhere you'll remember it.
- Inside the zip folder, double click on FallGuyStats.exe.
- Open up a browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000
- If all looks good there, open OBS and add a browser source. Change the URL to the one above. You should see the stat tracker show up on your obs capture screen.
- Add custom css if you want it.
- In OBS, go to File->Settings->Advanced-> Uncheck "Enable Browser Source Hardware Acceleration".
- Play Fall guys and watch the stats rack up!
Tweet or message me on twitter or create a bug in the issues section if you found something that isn't working as it should.
- When you encounter bugs, get as many details as you can and add it to a new issue, and tag it as a bug.
- If you want to add a new feature, I would love to see your contribution. Fork the repo, make your changes, test those changes and make a pull request.
- Add documentation to the Wiki. I <3 documentation.
- Tweet about the tool and link to my Repo. Soon there will be videos explaining how to use this tool.
- Gimme money on Ko-fi! In your donation message, let me know what feature you would like to add and that feature might become more important to me >_>