Bruce is the middle-aged human bartender at the Skewered Dragon. What you know so far: When they arrived at the Dragon around four in the afternoon, Bruce was already half in the bag.
Boris is an overweight, large human who serves as the Skewered Dragon’s bouncer. Unenthusiastic and untrained, he relies on his bulk to maintain order in the Dragon. Which is to say if things ever get really out of hand, he just tries to direct it outside. Or hides. What you know so far: Boris told them that Floon and Neverember were jumped by five members of the Zhentarim and most likely took them back to their hangout on Candle Lane. He was a little reluctant, especially in the presence of the Crimson Sail merchants, but spilled his beans for the promise of future tidings from Jarik and his patron.
Chella is a large tortle and is a valued member of Thaggus’ permanent crew. Soft spoken and wildly intelligent, he will sometimes even stand in for Thaggus when the Harbor Master is otherwise occupied. Chella is always in the company of Ktchcck, a claw-footed raptor. What you know so far: Despite initially intercepting the party and keeping them from talking to the Harbor Master directly, Chella was cordial and friendly. He, and the Thaggus, seemed appreciate the party’s straightforward and respectful approach. He even called Luzeiros friend, appreciating his acerbic wit.
Cricket is a small, mousey human male, in the employ of Thaggus. He looks like a bookkeeper or a librarian. In fact, he is one of Thaggus’ most trusted allies, managing many of the complex contracts, liens and arrangements with the underbelly of the docks. Despite his fragile appearance, because of his role in the Harbor Master’s organization he is treated with a deference by those who know who him. Even so, he is seldom seen without at least one of the Harbor Master’s retainers as an escort and is never far from his huge wooden briefcase. What you know so far: Cricket knew of Neverember’s disappearance, but did not know that Floon was with him. He seemed genuinely interested in Floon’s return or to know who was responsible for his disappearance. He also recognized Barakka’s noble plumage. He gave the party an open invitation to bring information to them at the Harbor Master’s office. He distinctly stopped short of employing them or making any formal arrangement with them. Even in the Thaggus' presence, Cricket seemed comfortable speaking for and making overtures to the party for the Harbor Master, without directly checking with him.
Gurth is a gigantic grey hipottan. What you know so far:You met him, while he was left in charge of the Harbor Master’s office. He looks like he’s very strong and you’ve seen him move very very fast. What you know so far: He ransacked the office and is likely to get chewed out for that, more than the paperwork that he lost. He didn’t strike you (luckily) as very smart.
Jubble Xeleon the "mature," "retired adventurer" that was your first point-of-contact from your employers, in Waterdeep. What you know so far: He's not from Waterdeep, but can be reached by leaving messages with Durnan (proprietor) or Bonnie (the barmaid) of The Yawning Portal.
Ktchcck a claw-foot raptor who is frequently seen with Chella. What you know so far: Ktchcck appeared to have an affinity for Cricket, moving to a defensive position near him when there was the possibility of danger.
Krentz was the leader of the Xanthar thugs who were harassing Yagra at the Yawning Portal, your party dispatched them. Krentz and one of his men were allowed to retreat. I’m sure that will go well for you.
Marion is a human bar maid who works at the Skewered Dragon. What you know so far: She was one of two bar maids who were on staff at the Dragon when they arrived. She had been sitting at the bar, nursing a hangover from the previous shift while her counterpart left Thaggus and the Crimson Sail merchants to their business. She is fond of Jarik, at least his money and the ale that it buys.
Thaggus, the Harbor Master, is a tall and handsome gull aarakocra. Thaggus is always clothed in expensive business attire and cuts a commanding appearance in any room. He is a calm, collected and measured presence in any setting. He sits at the head of a network of enterprises whose chief business is scheduling and organizing all business that occurs on or around the Dockward. Despite his direct connections with organized and unorganized crime, he serves more like an unofficial city supervisor than a crimelord. While he has a small (usually exotic) retainer of agents on hand at all times, he employs retired, off-duty and sometimes on-duty members of the City Watch to keep order on the docks. A skilled diplomat he is also a valuable asset to many of the city’s Lords. What you know so far: He has no use for the whole dragon business and sees it as more disruptive than useful or lucrative. He likewise seems to have no interest or concern for Renaer Neverember. He does have some kind of arrangement with the merchants from the Crimson Sail that was just brokered. He also seems to be sizing up your party’s value.
"Volo" famous scibe of Volo's Guide to Monsters, he makes his "base of operations" at The Yawning Portal. Volo is currently working on his next book Volo's Guides to Spirits and Spectres, which he tells everyone all the time, leaving some to wonder when he actually his time to work on it! What you know so far: He's famous for his work, he seems to revel in his own celebrity and seemed very eager to hire you to find his friend Floon. Volo tells the party he can be reached here at the Yawning Portal or messages can be left for him with Durnan and/or Bonnie.
Yagra, the half-orc mercenary, What you know so far: upon whose behalf you intervened - breaking up a Zhentarim brute squad intending her ill-will. While she is grateful to all of you, she is particularly grateful for Erethil for healing her in the heat of combat. Like (everyone else) she says that if you need her you can reach her here or through Durnan or Bonnie.