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File metadata and controls

118 lines (81 loc) · 3.83 KB

agnt-db - A simple Clojure agent-based store for hash-map structures

A work in progress.

The original goals of this project were to provide a simple mechanism for sharing clojure hash-map structures between threads with coordinated updates and also file-based persistence of the maps.

The particular application which inspired the approach was a web app where users could register online bookings for certain resources. A user could see which resources were available and which were already booked, then choose a free resource and attempt to book it. If the resource was still available when the server received the request, great - the booking was made and confirmed in the response. If however in the mean time, someone else had booked that resource, the server had to say 'sorry, taken already - try again'.

In practice, the requests were http requests, invoking a clojure handler which would perform the above processing and return the response. Each handler invocation would be on the container's particular request thread and would also perform side-affects such as persisting the state of the bookings model to disk.

This project is aimed at evolving a "clojure-spirited" way of dealing with this problem.

The first pass is a clojure agent based approach, but we'll create a general api and may provide other (than agent) implementations in future.

Here's a simple example of the basic usage of agnt-db for the scenario above;

Example usage

Clojure 1.2.0
(use 'agnt-db.agnt-db :reload)

(agnt-open :udb "./test/users.adb")

(agnt-upd :udb [:joe] {:uid :joe :fname "Joe" :lname "Soap"})

(agnt-upd :udb [:fred] {:uid :fred :fname "Fred" :lname "Blogs"})

(agnt-get :udb [])
{:fred {:uid :fred, :fname "Fred", :lname "Blogs"}, :joe {:uid :joe, :fname "Joe", :lname "Soap"}}

(agnt-get :udb [:fred])
{:uid :fred, :fname "Fred", :lname "Blogs"}

(agnt-get :udb [:fred :fname])

(agnt-open :rooms "./test/rooms.adb")
(agnt-upd :rooms [:room1 "Jul 01"] {:am :free :pm :free})
(agnt-upd :rooms [:room1 "Jul 02"] {:am :free :pm :free})

; Book room1 for Joe whether its free or not
(agnt-upd :rooms [:room1 "Jul 01" :am] :joe)

(agnt-get :rooms [])
{:room1 {"Jul 02" {:am :free, :pm :free}, "Jul 01" {:am :joe, :pm :free}}}

(agnt-get :rooms [:room1 "Jul 01"])
{:am :joe, :pm :free}

; Now Fred gets room1 status
(agnt-get :rooms [:room1 "Jul 01"])
{:am :joe, :pm :free}

; Fred books room1 pm provided it is still free
(agnt-upd :rooms [:room1 "Jul 01" :pm] :fred :free)

; Fred confirms that he got the booking
(agnt-iswas :rooms [:room1 "Jul 01" :pm] :fred)

; Joe thinking pm was free books that as well
(agnt-upd :rooms [:room1 "Jul 01" :pm] :joe :free)

; Joe checks if he got it - sorry, pm was already taken by Fred
(agnt-iswas :rooms [:room1 "Jul 01" :pm] :joe)

(agnt-get :rooms [])
{:room1 {"Jul 02" {:am :free, :pm :free}, "Jul 01" {:am :joe, :pm :fred}}}

Further Notes (see source for details)

By having a single agent handle all the requests and using send-off/await, we are (hopefully) certain of each update being handled serially and appropriate blocking ensuring the disk persistence side effects are correctly coordinated.

The use of agnt-upd and agnt-iswas should allow the esired semantics of the requirement to be met.


Discuss issues on agents, error handling, etc.

Still To Do

  • Proper test framework to verify the model under stress load.
  • Additional api functions (query, join, etc)
  • More sophisticated disk-persistence model (use of caching, indexing, etc