- INI Settings
- Declaring and Accessing INI Settings
- Summary
- Accessing Streams
- Streams Overview
- Opening Streams
- Accessing Streams
- Static Stream Operations
- Summary
- Implementing Streams
- PHP Streams Below the Surface
- Wrapper Operations
- Implementing a Wrapper
- Manipulation
- Inspection
- Summary
- Diverting the Stream
- Contexts
- Filters
- Summary
- Configuration and Linking
- Autoconf
- Looking for Libraries
- Enforcing Module Dependencies
- Speaking the Windows Dialect
- Summary
- 扩展生成器
- ext_skel生成器
- PECL_Gen生成器
- 小结
- Setting Up a Host Environment
- The Embed SAPI
- Building and Compiling a Host Application
- Re-creating CLI by Wrapping Embed
- Reusing Old Tricks
- Summary
- Advanced Embedding
- Calling Back into PHP
- Dealing with Errors
- Initializing PHP
- Overriding INI_SYSTEM and INI_PERDIR Options
- Capturing Output
- Extending and Embedding at Once
- Summary
- 《PHP扩展开发及内核应用》
- 下一节: PHP的生命周期