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File metadata and controls

209 lines (152 loc) · 6.5 KB

General specifications about the development of training modules on My Training Platform

  • Generalities
  • Structuration of a module
  • Particular case of a SCORM module
  • Communication with the LMS


The LMS runs thanks to an UNIX system and assets (including modules) are hosted on AWS S3.

That's why files are case-sensitive and have to respect web's standards (no special characters, no spaces, no capital letters). Cf

Files' content can be reduced to optimize display results.

Inside the LMS, the module is displayed in an iframe of 100% of width and height, with a burger menu on the top left corner.

The first 50 pixels on the top left musn't be used because they would be recovered by the burger.

Structuration of a module

The module has to be delivered compressed in a ZIP archive, without password.

Files composing the module can be hierarchical and can count as many folders and subfolders as you need.

Inclusions of files have to use relative paths.

The main html file must be called index.html and must be at the module's root

WARNING: you must compressed the content beginning with the bottom of the website (from index.html) and not beginning with an upper level. This means that if you store your files into a project folder you mustn't compress this project folder but the files inside of it.

All required ressources for the proper functioning of the module have to be included inside of it. No external HTTP requests.

Particular case of a SCORM module

The LMS integrates a SCORM 2004 standard and modules can use it.

In the case of a scorm module, the first file doesn't have to be named index.html but it has to be specify in the manifest (lmsmanifest.xml).

It is recommended to use an API wrapper, like this one:

Code example to connect to LMS

var scorm = pipwerks.SCORM;  //Shortcut
var scormStartTime = (new Date()).getTime();
var lmsConnected = false;

 * Utils
function handleError(msg) {
  // how you want to handle error, for example "alert"

 * Connection managment
function connectToLMS() {
  // scorm.init returns a boolean
  lmsConnected = scorm.init();

  // If the course couldn't connect to the LMS for some reason...
  if (lmsConnected == false) {
    // add a body class
    var a = document.body;
    a.classList ? a.classList.add('no-lms') : a.className += ' no-lms';
    // ... let's alert the user
    handleError("Error: Course could not connect with the LMS");

function disconnectFromLMS() {
  // If the lmsConnection is active...
  if (lmsConnected) {
    // Log session time
    var now = (new Date()).getTime();
    var milliseconds = now - scormStartTime;
    var seconds = Math.round(milliseconds/1000);
    var interval = 'PT' + seconds + 'S';
    var success = scorm.set('cmi.session_time', interval);
    // If the value wasn't successfully set...
    if (!success) {
       // ... let's alert the user
       handleError("Error: Session Time could not be set");
    lmsConnected = false;

window.onload = connectToLMS;
window.onunload = disconnectFromLMS;

Once connected it's possible to set/get values from the LMS, using scorm.set(key, value) or scorm.get(key).

Communication with LMS's specific features

You can interact with the LMS to mark the module as completed, to note a score and/or post in the community.

We make available the file mtp_lms.js which does the connection between the LMS and your module.

It is available here:

Two methods are available:

createCommunityPost take an object as a variable. This object can have these attributes:

  • community_group_id, integer, optional
    • If the community_group_id isn't filled, the post is created on the user's profile and is visible by his friends.
    • In the case of a community_group_id filled, the post is related to the relevant group.
  • content, string, optional
    • The text content of the post which will appear in the community.
  • image, string, optional
  • image_processor, string, optional
    • Image processor identifier used for processing
  • video, string, optional
    • A video linked to the post. It has to be a MP4 URL.
  • video_processor, string, optional
    • Video processor identifier used for processing
  • callback, function, optional
    • The name of the function which will process datas returned by the LMS.

sendModuleCompletion takes an object as a variable. This object can have for attributes:

  • success, boolean, required
    • Save the module as succeeded or not for the current user.
  • callback, function, optional
    • Name of the function which will process datas returned by the LMS.

If a callback is filled, it has to take an object (the one returned by the LMS) as a parameter.

The callback of createCommunityPost returns:

{ event: 'create_community_post',
 status: 'OK',
 status_message: '',
 community_group_url: '<url_du_groupe>',
 show_me_url: '<url_profil_utilisateur>',
 root_url: 'root_lms_url'

The callback of sendModuleCompletion returns:

{ event: 'create_training_module_completion',
 status: 'OK',
 status_message: '',
 root_url: 'root_lms_url'

An easy error handling is set up. If the treatment goes well, the key status of the returned object is OK and the key message_status is empty. Otherwise, the key status of the returned object is ERROR and the key message_status allows you to retrieve more specific datas about the nature of the error.

Example of use:

var group_id = 17;
var message = 'Happy Message';
var image = 'my_base64_image';
var submit = submitButton;
var lms = new MTP_LMS();

var communityPostAdded = function(obj) {
  if (obj.status === 'ERROR') {
    // Process the error
  } else {
    // Offer to see the group in which the post has been sent

var moduleCompletionSaved = function(obj) {
  if (obj.status === 'ERROR') {
    // Process the error
  } else {
    // Thank for playing

submit.on('click', function() {
    content: message,
    community_group_id: group_id,
    callback: communityPostAdded

    success: true,
    callback: moduleCompletionSaved