This guide is intended to assist users users who are updating to LDAR-Sim V3.0 by providing instructions on how to update their parameter files to the supported V3.0 format.
The majority of the LDAR_Sim parameters from V2 still exist in V3.0, but some of them have moved parameter files. In LDAR-Sim V3.0, global parameters has been renamed to Simulation_setting. A new parameters file: the "virtual_world" parameters has been introduced to contain parameters that inform the LDAR-Sim virtual world.
Many of the parameter you would find in programs in V2 you will now find in the Virtual World parameters file. Do note that there can only be 1 Virtual World parameters file per simulation set. This has been done to avoid confusion on the construction of the LDAR-Sim virtual world. The LDAR-Sim virtual world informs properties such as leak rate, leak frequency, etc. and is shared between all programs in simulation.
Parameters that would previously be found in the LDAR-Sim global parameters can now be found in the Simulation_settings parameter file. Other than the file level renaming completed for clarity, the parameters situated in this file are largely unchanged.
Contains parameters used to inform properties of the LDAR-Sim simulation, such as input and output folders, years to simulate, simulation set name, etc. These parameters are largely unchanged from what used to be the global parameters.
Contains parameters used to inform the LDAR-Sim virtual world. These parameters will typically be a direct match for parameters previously found at the program level in V2. There can only be one Virtual World parameter file per simulation set.
Locate the global parameters file for the version 2 of the parameters you are looking to convert. Typically this will be named something like G_.yml. Global parameters can be identified by locating the parameter file with the contents:
parameter_level: global
Rename the global parameters files to:
Open up the newly named Simulation_settings.yml. Find the following values:
parameter_level: version:
Change those values to match what is shown below:
parameter_level: "simulation_settings" version: 3.0
Caution: This step is case sensitive. Spelling must match.
Locate the program parameter file associated with the baseline program for your simulation. The program name parameter will match the value set for the baseline_program parameter in the Simulation_settings (Your transformed global parameters file). This will often be set to P_none.
For Example:
baseline_program: P_none
You are looking for a file with the property:
program_name: P_none
Ideally the name of the file should also be P_none.yaml, but this is not required.
Copy the key value pairs of the following parameters from the baseline program if they exist:
weather_file: weather_is_hourly: infrastructure_file: site_samples: subtype_times_file: subtype_file: consider_weather: repair_delay: type: val: emissions: consider_venting: leak_dist_params: leak_dist_type: leak_file: leak_file_use: LPR: max_leak_rate: units: NRd: economics: carbon_price_tonnesCO2e: cost_CCUS: GWP_CH4: sale_price_natgas: repair_costs: vals: file: verification_cost:
Note: If some of the parameters listed above do not exist in the baseline program, this is perfectly fine, these missing values will be inherited from the default values.
Created a new yaml file. Name it:
Paste the contents copied from the baseline program into this new file
Add the following parameters and values. They can go anywhere, but the top of the file recommended.
version: "3.0" parameter_level: "virtual_world"
Important: You must repeat this step for each program file in the parameter files
Program files can be identified by the property:
parameter_level: "program"
Ensure each program file contains only the following parameters:
version: parameter_level: method_labels: program_name:
The values for "method_labels" and "program_name" should remain unchanged.
Set the values for the version and parameter_level as indicated
version: "3.0" parameter_level: "program"
Important: You must repeat this step for each method file in the parameter files
Method files can be identified by the property:
parameter_level: "method"
Find the version property in the method file
Set the version to 3.0
version: 3.0