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libp2p Kademlia DHT specification

Lifecycle Stage Maturity Status Latest Revision
3A Recommendation Active r1, 2021-10-30

Authors: @raulk, @jhiesey, @mxinden

Interest Group:

See the lifecycle document for context about maturity level and spec status.


The Kademlia Distributed Hash Table (DHT) subsystem in libp2p is a DHT implementation largely based on the Kademlia [0] whitepaper, augmented with notions from S/Kademlia [1], Coral [2] and the BitTorrent DHT.

This specification assumes the reader has prior knowledge of those systems. So rather than explaining DHT mechanics from scratch, we focus on differential areas:

  1. Specialisations and peculiarities of the libp2p implementation.
  2. Actual wire messages.
  3. Other algorithmic or non-standard behaviours worth pointing out.

For everything else that isn't explicitly stated herein, it is safe to assume behaviour similar to Kademlia-based libraries.

Code snippets use a Go-like syntax.


Replication parameter (k)

The amount of replication is governed by the replication parameter k. The recommended value for k is 20.


In all cases, the distance between two keys is XOR(sha256(key1), sha256(key2)).

Kademlia routing table

An implementation of this specification must try to maintain k peers with shared key prefix of length L, for every L in [0..(keyspace-length - 1)], in its routing table. Given the keyspace length of 256 through the sha256 hash function, L can take values between 0 (inclusive) and 255 (inclusive). The local node shares a prefix length of 256 with its own key only.

Implementations may use any data structure to maintain their routing table. Examples are the k-bucket data structure outlined in the Kademlia paper [0] or XOR-tries (see go-libp2p-xor).

Alpha concurrency parameter (α)

The concurrency of node and value lookups are limited by parameter α, with a default value of 3. This implies that each lookup process can perform no more than 3 inflight requests, at any given time.

Client and server mode

When the libp2p Kademlia protocol is run on top of a network of heterogeneous nodes, unrestricted nodes should operate in server mode and restricted nodes, e.g. those with intermittent availability, high latency, low bandwidth, low CPU/RAM/Storage, etc., should operate in client mode.

As an example, publicly routable nodes running the libp2p Kademlia protocol, e.g. servers in a datacenter, should operate in server mode and non-publicly routable nodes, e.g. laptops behind a NAT and firewall, should operate in client mode. The concrete factors used to classify nodes into clients and servers depend on the characteristics of the network topology and the properties of the Kademlia DHT. Factors to take into account are e.g. network size, replication factor and republishing period.

For instance, setting the replication factor to a low value would require more reliable peers, whereas having higher replication factor could allow for less reliable peers at the cost of more overhead. Ultimately, peers that act as servers should help the network (i.e., provide positive utility in terms of availability, reachability, bandwidth). Any factor that slows down network operations (e.g., a node not being reachable, or overloaded) for the majority of times it is being contacted should instead be operating as a client node.

Nodes, both those operating in client and server mode, add another node to their routing table if and only if that node operates in server mode. This distinction allows restricted nodes to utilize the DHT, i.e. query the DHT, without decreasing the quality of the distributed hash table, i.e. without polluting the routing tables.

Nodes operating in server mode advertise the libp2p Kademlia protocol identifier via the identify protocol. In addition server mode nodes accept incoming streams using the Kademlia protocol identifier. Nodes operating in client mode do not advertise support for the libp2p Kademlia protocol identifier. In addition they do not offer the Kademlia protocol identifier for incoming streams.

DHT operations

The libp2p Kademlia DHT offers the following types of operations:

  • Peer routing

    • Finding the closest nodes to a given key via FIND_NODE.
  • Value storage and retrieval

    • Storing a value on the nodes closest to the value's key by looking up the closest nodes via FIND_NODE and then putting the value to those nodes via PUT_VALUE.

    • Getting a value by its key from the nodes closest to that key via GET_VALUE.

  • Content provider advertisement and discovery

    • Adding oneself to the list of providers for a given key at the nodes closest to that key by finding the closest nodes via FIND_NODE and then adding oneself via ADD_PROVIDER.

    • Getting providers for a given key from the nodes closest to that key via GET_PROVIDERS.

In addition the libp2p Kademlia DHT offers the auxiliary bootstrap operation.

Peer routing

The below is one possible algorithm to find nodes closest to a given key on the DHT. Implementations may diverge from this base algorithm as long as they adhere to the wire format and make progress towards the target key.

Let's assume we’re looking for nodes closest to key Key. We then enter an iterative network search.

We keep track of the set of peers we've already queried (Pq) and the set of next query candidates sorted by distance from Key in ascending order (Pn). At initialization Pn is seeded with the k peers from our routing table we know are closest to Key, based on the XOR distance function (see distance definition).

Then we loop:

  1. The lookup terminates when the initiator has queried and gotten responses from the k (see replication parameter k) closest nodes it has seen.

    (See Kademlia paper [0].)

    The lookup might terminate early in case the local node queried all known nodes, with the number of nodes being smaller than k.

  2. Pick as many peers from the candidate peers (Pn) as the α concurrency factor allows. Send each a FIND_NODE(Key) request, and mark it as queried in Pq.

  3. Upon a response:

    1. If successful the response will contain the k closest nodes the peer knows to the key Key. Add them to the candidate list Pn, except for those that have already been queried.
    2. If an error or timeout occurs, discard it.
  4. Go to 1.

Value storage and retrieval

Value storage

To put a value the DHT finds k or less closest peers to the key of the value using the FIND_NODE RPC (see peer routing section), and then sends a PUT_VALUE RPC message with the record value to each of the peers.

Value retrieval

When getting a value from the DHT, implementions may use a mechanism like quorums to define confidence in the values found on the DHT, put differently a mechanism to determine when a query is finished. E.g. with quorums one would collect at least Q (quorum) responses from distinct nodes to check for consistency before returning an answer.

Entry validation: Should the responses from different peers diverge, the implementation should use some validation mechanism to resolve the conflict and select the best result (see entry validation section).

Entry correction: Nodes that returned worse records and nodes that returned no record but where among the closest to the key, are updated via a direct PUT_VALUE RPC call when the lookup completes. Thus the DHT network eventually converges to the best value for each record, as a result of nodes collaborating with one another.

The below is one possible algorithm to lookup a value on the DHT. Implementations may diverge from this base algorithm as long as they adhere to the wire format and make progress towards the target key.

Let's assume we’re looking for key Key. We first try to fetch the value from the local store. If found, and Q == { 0, 1 }, the search is complete.

Otherwise, the local result counts for one towards the search of Q values. We then enter an iterative network search.

We keep track of:

  • the number of values we've fetched (cnt).
  • the best value we've found (best), and which peers returned it (Pb)
  • the set of peers we've already queried (Pq) and the set of next query candidates sorted by distance from Key in ascending order (Pn).
  • the set of peers with outdated values (Po).

At initialization we seed Pn with the α peers from our routing table we know are closest to Key, based on the XOR distance function.

Then we loop:

  1. If we have collected Q or more answers, we cancel outstanding requests and return best. If there are no outstanding requests and Pn is empty we terminate early and return best. In either case we notify the peers holding an outdated value (Po) of the best value we discovered, or holding no value for the given key, even though being among the k closest peers to the key, by sending PUT_VALUE(Key, best) messages.
  2. Pick as many peers from the candidate peers (Pn) as the α concurrency factor allows. Send each a GET_VALUE(Key) request, and mark it as queried in Pq.
  3. Upon a response:
    1. If successful, and we receive a value:
      1. If this is the first value we've seen, we store it in best, along with the peer who sent it in Pb.
      2. Otherwise, we resolve the conflict by e.g. calling Validator.Select(best, new):
        1. If the new value wins, store it in best, and mark all formerly “best" peers (Pb) as outdated peers (Po). The current peer becomes the new best peer (Pb).
        2. If the new value loses, we add the current peer to Po.
    2. If successful with or without a value, the response will contain the closest nodes the peer knows to the Key. Add them to the candidate list Pn, except for those that have already been queried.
    3. If an error or timeout occurs, discard it.
  4. Go to 1.

Entry validation

Implementations should validate DHT entries during retrieval and before storage e.g. by allowing to supply a record Validator when constructing a DHT node. Below is a sample interface of such a Validator:

// Validator is an interface that should be implemented by record
// validators.
type Validator interface {
	// Validate validates the given record, returning an error if it's
	// invalid (e.g., expired, signed by the wrong key, etc.).
	Validate(key string, value []byte) error

	// Select selects the best record from the set of records (e.g., the
	// newest).
	// Decisions made by select should be stable.
	Select(key string, values [][]byte) (int, error)

Validate() should be a pure function that reports the validity of a record. It may validate a cryptographic signature, or similar. It is called on two occasions:

  1. To validate values retrieved in a GET_VALUE query.
  2. To validate values received in a PUT_VALUE query before storing them in the local data store.

Similarly, Select() is a pure function that returns the best record out of 2 or more candidates. It may use a sequence number, a timestamp, or other heuristic of the value to make the decision.

Content provider advertisement and discovery

There are two things at play with regard to provider record (and therefore content) liveness and reachability:

Content needs to be reachable, despite peer churn; and nodes that store and serve provider records should not serve records for stale content, i.e., content that the original provider does not wish to make available anymore.

The following two parameters help cover both of these cases.

  1. Provider Record Republish Interval: The content provider needs to make sure that the nodes chosen to store the provider record are still online when clients ask for the record. In order to guarantee this, while taking into account the peer churn, content providers republish the records they want to provide. Choosing the particular value for the Republish interval is network-specific and depends on several parameters, such as peer reliability and churn. For the IPFS network it is currently set to 22 hours.
  2. Provider Record Expiration Interval: The network needs to provide content that content providers are still interested in providing. In other words, nodes should not keep records for content that content providers have stopped providing (aka stale records). In order to guarantee this, provider records should expire after some interval, i.e., nodes should stop serving those records, unless the content provider has republished the provider record. Again, the specific setting depends on the characteristics of the network. In the IPFS DHT the Expiration Interval is set to 48hrs.

The values chosen for those parameters should be subject to continuous monitoring and investigation. Ultimately, the values of those parameters should balance the tradeoff between provider record liveness (due to node churn) and traffic overhead (to republish records). The latest parameters are based on the comprehensive study published in provider-record-measurements.

Provider records are managed through the ADD_PROVIDER and GET_PROVIDERS messages.

It is also worth noting that the keys for provider records are multihashes. This is because:

  • Provider records are used as a rendezvous point for all the parties who have advertised that they store some piece of content.
  • The same multihash can be in different CIDs (e.g. CIDv0 vs CIDv1 of a SHA-256 dag-pb object, or the same multihash but with different codecs such as dag-pb vs raw).
  • Therefore, the rendezvous point should converge on the minimal thing everyone agrees on, which is the multihash, not the CID.

Content provider advertisement

When the local node wants to indicate that it provides the value for a given key, the DHT finds the (k = 20) closest peers to the key using the FIND_NODE RPC (see peer routing section), and then sends an ADD_PROVIDER RPC with its own PeerInfo to each of these peers. The study in provider-record-measurements proved that the replication factor of k = 20 is a good setting, although continuous monitoring and investigation may change this recommendation in the future.

Each peer that receives the ADD_PROVIDER RPC should validate that the received PeerInfo matches the sender's peerID, and if it does, that peer should store the PeerInfo in its datastore. Implementations may choose to not store the addresses of the providing peer e.g. to reduce the amount of required storage or to prevent storing potentially outdated address information. Implementations that choose to keep the network address (i.e., the multiaddress) of the providing peer should do it for a period of time that they are confident the network addresses of peers do not change after the provider record has been (re-)published. As with previous constant values, this is dependent on the network's characteristics. A safe value here is the Routing Table Refresh Interval. In the kubo IPFS implementation, this is set to 30 mins. After that period, peers provide the provider's peerID only, in order to avoid pointing to stale network addresses (i.e., the case where the peer has moved to a new network address).

Content provider discovery

Getting the providers for a given key is done in the same way as getting a value for a given key (see getting values section) except that instead of using the GET_VALUE RPC message the GET_PROVIDERS RPC message is used.

When a node receives a GET_PROVIDERS RPC, it must look up the requested key in its datastore, and respond with any corresponding records in its datastore, plus a list of closer peers in its routing table.

Bootstrap process

The bootstrap process is responsible for keeping the routing table filled and healthy throughout time. The below is one possible algorithm to bootstrap. Implementations may diverge from this base algorithm as long as they adhere to the wire format and keep their routing table up-to-date, especially with peers closest to themselves.

The process runs once on startup, then periodically with a configurable frequency (default: 5 minutes). On every run, we generate a random peer ID and we look it up via the process defined in peer routing. Peers encountered throughout the search are inserted in the routing table, as per usual business.

This is repeated as many times per run as configuration parameter QueryCount (default: 1). In addition, to improve awareness of nodes close to oneself, implementations should include a lookup for their own peer ID.

Every repetition is subject to a QueryTimeout (default: 10 seconds), which upon firing, aborts the run.

RPC messages

Remote procedure calls are performed by:

  1. Opening a new stream.
  2. Sending the RPC request message.
  3. Listening for the RPC response message.
  4. Closing the stream.

On any error, the stream is reset.

Implementations may choose to re-use streams by sending one or more RPC request messages on a single outgoing stream before closing it. Implementations must handle additional RPC request messages on an incoming stream.

All RPC messages sent over a stream are prefixed with the message length in bytes, encoded as an unsigned variable length integer as defined by the multiformats unsigned-varint spec.

All RPC messages conform to the following protobuf:

// Record represents a dht record that contains a value
// for a key value pair
message Record {
    // The key that references this record
    bytes key = 1;

    // The actual value this record is storing
    bytes value = 2;

    // Note: These fields were removed from the Record message
    // Hash of the authors public key
    // optional string author = 3;
    // A PKI signature for the key+value+author
    // optional bytes signature = 4;

    // Time the record was received, set by receiver
    // Formatted according to
    string timeReceived = 5;

message Message {
    enum MessageType {
        PUT_VALUE = 0;
        GET_VALUE = 1;
        ADD_PROVIDER = 2;
        GET_PROVIDERS = 3;
        FIND_NODE = 4;
        PING = 5;

    enum ConnectionType {
        // sender does not have a connection to peer, and no extra information (default)
        NOT_CONNECTED = 0;

        // sender has a live connection to peer
        CONNECTED = 1;

        // sender recently connected to peer
        CAN_CONNECT = 2;

        // sender recently tried to connect to peer repeatedly but failed to connect
        // ("try" here is loose, but this should signal "made strong effort, failed")
        CANNOT_CONNECT = 3;

    message Peer {
        // ID of a given peer.
        bytes id = 1;

        // multiaddrs for a given peer
        repeated bytes addrs = 2;

        // used to signal the sender's connection capabilities to the peer
        ConnectionType connection = 3;

    // defines what type of message it is.
    MessageType type = 1;

    // defines what coral cluster level this query/response belongs to.
    // in case we want to implement coral's cluster rings in the future.
    int32 clusterLevelRaw = 10; // NOT USED

    // Used to specify the key associated with this message.
    bytes key = 2;

    // Used to return a value
    Record record = 3;

    // Used to return peers closer to a key in a query
    repeated Peer closerPeers = 8;

    // Used to return Providers
    repeated Peer providerPeers = 9;

These are the requirements for each MessageType:

  • FIND_NODE: In the request key must be set to the binary PeerId of the node to be found. In the response closerPeers is set to the k closest Peers.

  • GET_VALUE: In the request key is an unstructured array of bytes. record is set to the value for the given key (if found in the datastore) and closerPeers is set to the k closest peers.

  • PUT_VALUE: In the request record is set to the record to be stored and key on Message is set to equal key of the Record. The target node validates record, and if it is valid, it stores it in the datastore and as a response echoes the request.

  • GET_PROVIDERS: In the request key is set to a CID. The target node returns the closest known providerPeers (if any) and the k closest known closerPeers.

  • ADD_PROVIDER: In the request key is set to a CID. The target node verifies key is a valid CID, all providerPeers that match the RPC sender's PeerID are recorded as providers.

  • PING: Deprecated message type replaced by the dedicated ping protocol. Implementations may still handle incoming PING requests for backwards compatibility. Implementations must not actively send PING requests.

Note: Any time a relevant Peer record is encountered, the associated multiaddrs are stored in the node's peerbook.


[0]: Maymounkov, P., & Mazières, D. (2002). Kademlia: A Peer-to-Peer Information System Based on the XOR Metric. In P. Druschel, F. Kaashoek, & A. Rowstron (Eds.), Peer-to-Peer Systems (pp. 53–65). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

[1]: Baumgart, I., & Mies, S. (2014). S / Kademlia : A practicable approach towards secure key-based routing S / Kademlia : A Practicable Approach Towards Secure Key-Based Routing, (June).

[2]: Freedman, M. J., & Mazières, D. (2003). Sloppy Hashing and Self-Organizing Clusters. In IPTPS. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. Retrieved from