- Affiliate use promotion code that provide from Linkprice to advertise and when customer uses promotion code to buy production, sales data will be send to Linkprice.
- Multiple promotion code cannot be used in the same order.
- When promotion code is used by customer, sales data should be sent for promotion code sales data. (CPS sales should not be sent)
- The data below is required to track linkprice's sales data.
- event_code (string): Unique code that Linkprice provide
- promo_code(string) : Promotion code that user uses and please let Linkprice know list of promotion code.
- user_agent: USER_AGENT information
- ip: IP address of User
- device_type
- web-pc: All sales data through web but mobile
- web-mobile: Web sales data with mobile
- app-android: Sales data with Android app
- app-ios: Sales data with iOS app
- Modify "lpinfo" table that store linprice's sales data. If there is no "lpinfo" table, please ask linkprice.
alter table lpinfo add event_code varchar(20);
alter table lpinfo add promo_code varchar(50);
- After user finished payment, you should store only linkprice's data in "Lpinfo" table.
- In this table, you should store only linkpirce's data(When there is "lpinfo" cookie, linkprice's data should be stored)
After user finish payment, send Request data below in json type
- There should be one order information in json data.
- It cannot include multi orders.
- If there are multi products in one order, it should be in same json data.
- Request URL- ://service.linkprice.com/lppurchase_cps_v4.php
- order_id(string): Order ID.
- final_paid_price(float): Amount that user pay
- If user pay delivery fee, final_paid_price should not include delivery fee.
- If delivery fee in free for user, final_paid_price is the same with How much user paid.
- user_name(string): User name.
- currency(string): Currency
- ISO 4217
product_id(string): Product ID
product_name(string): Product Name
category_code(string): Category Code
category_name(string): Category Name
- Put all category names
- EX
"category_name": ["Clothe", "Men", "Jacket", "Rider Jacket"]
quantity(unsigned int): Quantity
product_final_price(float): Amount that user should pay for this product
paid_at(string): payment time
- Date Format : ISO-8601 EX) 2018-07-27T10:13:44+00:00
confirmed_at(string): confirmed time for order
Confirmed order means order cannot be refunded or canceled anymore. 2. If order is not confirmed yet, please fill in empty string 3. Date Format : ISO-8601 EX) 2018-07-27T10:13:44+00:00
caceled_at(string): canceled time for order
canceled order means order is completely canceled by customer.
2. If order is not canceled, please fill in empty string. -
Date Format : ISO-8601 EX) 2018-07-27T10:13:44+00:00
- merchant_id(string): Merchant ID that Linkprice provides
event_code (string): Unique code that Linkprice provide.
- promo_code(string) : Promotion code that user uses and please let Linkprice know list of promotion code.
user_agent(string): USER_AGENT information 5. remote_addr(string): User IP. It is client IP not server IP. 6. device_type(string):
- web-pc: All sales data through web but mobile
- web-mobile: Web sales data with mobile
- app-android: Sales data with Android app
- app-ios: Sales data with iOS app
Request Sample
- When customer buy two HDMI cables which is 7000won and three instant noodles which is 6000won with free shipping
- sum of each product_final_price is the same with final_paid_price: 14000 + 18000 = 32000
- When customer buy two HDMI cables which is 7000won and three instant noodles which is 6000won with free shipping
"order": {
"order_id": "o190203-h78X3",
"final_paid_price": 30200,
"currency": "KRW",
"user_name": "customer name"
"products": [
"product_id": "P87-234-anx87",
"product_name": "UHD 4K cable",
"category_code": "132782",
"category_name": ["computer", "cable", "HDMI cable"],
"quantity": 2,
"product_final_price": 14000,
"paid_at": "2019-02-12T11:13:44+00:00",
"confirmed_at": "",
"canceled_at": ""
"product_id": "P23-983-Z3272",
"product_name": "instant noodle(5ea)",
"category_code": "237018",
"category_name": ["food", "noodle", "instant noodle"],
"quantity": 3,
"product_final_price": 16200,
"paid_at": "2019-02-12T11:13:44+00:00",
"confirmed_at": "",
"canceled_at": ""
"linkprice": {
"merchant_id": "sample",
"event_code" : "LINKPRICE_EVENT_CODE",
"promo_code" : "PROMO_CODE01",
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0...",
"remote_addr": "",
"device_type": "web-pc"
Response body is JSON.
KEY VALUE is_success true / false error_message Error message order_code Order code product_code Product code -
Respons Sample
- Success to transfer data
[ { "is_success": true, "error_message": "", "order_code": "order_115", "product_code": "product1" }, { "is_success": true, "error_message": "", "order_code": "order_115", "product_code": "product2" } ]
- Fail to transfer data
[ { "is_success": false, "error_message": "lpinfo parameter is empty.", "order_code": "order_115", "product_code": "product1" }, { "is_success": false, "error_message": "lpinfo parameter is empty.", "order_code": "order_115", "product_code": "product2" } ]
- Promotion code CPS error message
error_message Error message This is not a valid JSON string. Data type is not Json order.order_id parameter is empty. order.order_id is empty order.final_paid_price parameter is empty. order.final_paid_price is empty order.final_paid_price is not integer. order.final_paid_price integer is not integer order.currency parameter is empty. order.currency is empty order.user_name parameter is empty. order.user_name is empty products parameter is empty. products is empty linkprice.promo_code parameter is empty. linkprice.promo_code is empty linkprice.event_code parameter is empty. linkprice.event_code is empty event is nothing. There is no event linkprice.user_agent parameter is empty. linkprice.user_agent is empty linkprice.remote_addr parameter is empty. linkprice.remote_addr is empty linkprice.device_type parameter is empty. linkprice.device_type is empty products[i].product_id parameter is empty. product_id[i] is empty products[i].product_name parameter is empty. product_name[i] is empty products[i].category_code parameter is empty. category_code[i] is empty products[i].product_final_price parameter is empty. product_final_price[i] is empty The amount of order.final_paid_price does not match the total amount of products.product_final_price. Sum of products and order.final_paid_price are not equal There was a problem sending your performance. Transferring error
Sales Data List?
- API to display sales data list of Linkprice.
- Compare to merchant sales data and linkprice data that merchant send to recover lost data in transfer process.
- If you have sales data list for CPS, CPS promo sales data is also displayed.
Display Sales Data List
- Merchant should make API and Linkprice will call Sales Data List API.
- Sending sales data to Linkprice and displaying sales data should be the same.
- Linkprice call API like below and three parameters, paid_ymd, confirmed_ymd and canceled_ymd can be used.
curl https://api.yourdomain.com/linkprice/order_list_v1?paid_ymd=20181220
- Parameter
Parameter Value paid_ymd Payment day. EX) 20181220
Display all Linkprice sales data on this payment day.confirmed_ymd The day that order is confirmed 예) 20181220
Display all confirmed sales data on this daycanceled_ymd The day that order is canceled 예) 20181220
Display all canceled sales data on this day-
Data format is json
[ {"order":{"order_id":"ord-123-01",....},"products":[...],"linkprice":{...}}, {"order":{"order_id":"ord-123-02",....},"products":[...],"linkprice":{...}}, {"order":{"order_id":"ord-123-03",....},"products":[...],"linkprice":{...}}, {"order":{"order_id":"ord-123-04",....},"products":[...],"linkprice":{...}} ]