All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- OIDC_USERINFO setting.
- Field date_given in UserConsent model.
- Verbose names to all model fields.
- Customize scopes names and descriptions on authorize template.
- Make SITE_URL setting optional.
- Missing migration.
- Important bug with PKCE and form submit in Auth Request.
- Choose type of client on creation.
- Implement Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients.
- Support for prompt parameter.
- Support for different client JWT tokens algorithm.
- Not auto-approve requests for non-confidential clients (publics).
- response_type was not being validated (OpenID request).
- Support OAuth2 requests.
- Decorator for protecting views with OAuth2.
- Removing OIDC_RSA_KEY_FOLDER setting. Moving RSA Keys to the database.
- Update pyjwkest to version 1.1.0.
- Nonce parameter missing on the decide form.
- Set Allow-Origin header to jwks endpoint.
- Auto-generation of client ID and SECRET using the admin.
- Validate nonce parameter when using Implicit Flow.
- Fixed generating RSA key by ignoring value of OIDC_RSA_KEY_FOLDER.
- Make OIDC_AFTER_USERLOGIN_HOOK and OIDC_IDTOKEN_SUB_GENERATOR to be lazy imported by the location of the function.
- Problem with a function that generate urls for the /.well-known/openid-configuration/ endpoint.
- Make user and client unique on UserConsent model.
- Support for URL's without end slash.
- Upgrade pyjwkest to version 1.0.8.
- String format error in models.
- Redirect to non http urls fail (for Mobile Apps).
- Refresh token flow.
- Upgrade pyjwkest to version >= 1.0.6.
- Unicode error in Client model.
- Bug in creatersakey command (when using Python 3).
- Bug when updating pyjwkest version.
- UserInfo model was removed. Now you can add your own model using OIDC_USERINFO setting.
- ID token does NOT contain kid.
- Add token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported to discovery.
- Missing commands folder in setup file.
- Sending access_token as query string parameter in UserInfo Endpoint.
- Support HTTP Basic client authentication.
- Use models setting instead of User.
- In python 2: "aud" and "nonce" parameters didn't appear in id_token.
- Now id tokens are signed/encrypted with RS256.
- Command for easily generate random RSA key.
- Jwks uri to discovery endpoint.
- id_token_signing_alg_values_supported to discovery endpoint.
- Nonce support for both Code and Implicit flow.
- Support for Python 3.
- Way of remember user consent and skipt it (OIDC_SKIP_CONSENT_ENABLE).
- Now OIDC_EXTRA_SCOPE_CLAIMS must be a string, to be lazy imported.
- Better naming for models in the admin.
- Now tests run without the need of a project configured.
- Error when returning address_formatted claim.
- Support for Django 1.8.
- Validation of scope in UserInfo endpoint.
- Initial migrations.
- Important bug with id_token when using implicit flow.
- Validate Code expiration in Auth Code Flow.
- Validate Access Token expiration in UserInfo endpoint.
- Normalize gender field in UserInfo.
- Make address_formatted a property inside UserInfo.
- Important bug in claims response.
- Tests failing because an incorrect tag in one template.
- Provider Configuration Information endpoint.
- Now use setup in OIDC_EXTRA_SCOPE_CLAIMS setting.