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QGIS plugin Repository

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A Repository for storing, managing and serving QGIS plugins.

  • The repository is built around a web API for managing and serving QGIS plugins.
  • LINZ uses the repository to make QGIS plugins available to staff during development but also host plugins that are not of use to any other communities due to them being so tailored to LINZ's workflows and environment.

Consuming the QGIS Plugins

Once deployed, QGIS needs to be configured to read the plugin repository. To do this, see the QGIS documentation for connecting QGIS with plugin repositories.

For the repository's URL please see the repository administrator. The URL path for connecting QGIS to the repository is:

  • https://<API URL>/v1/plugins.xml for production released plugins
  • https://<API URL>/v1/dev/plugins.xmlfor development version of plugins.



Although only plugin admins with a plugin's secret key can modify a plugin as stored in the repository, anyone with the repositories url can access the plugins. For this reason, only plugins that meet the criteria for open sourcing should be uploaded to the repository.

To be sure if a plugin can be published, review the directives of NZGOAL. Start with the exemptions section.

In short, do not publish if the plugin contains sensitive information.

Repository API

Plugin Management API - Dev/Prd Separation

The plugin repository API can be used to store and serve both a production and a development version of each plugin. This is to support the workflow where developers release a production version of the plugin to general users but also want to make a development version of the same plugin available to users for testing and feedback.

The separation of the plugin versions is via the ?stage query parameter. When making a requests to the API without the ?stage query parameter, the request defaults to production plugins. To post or get development plugins use query parameter ?stage=dev

QGIS XML Document Dev/Prd Separation

Unfortunately the QGIS plugin manager configuration does not allow extra query parameters to be configured (only `?qgis=<qgis_verison> is configured). The result of this is development/production plugin version separation is via separate URLs

  • Production plugins can be found at: https://<API URL>/v1/plugins.xml
  • Development plugins can be found at: https://<API URL>/v1/dev/plugins.xml
Separate Dev/Prd QGIS Environments

It is recommended that QGIS users use the QGIS user profiles functionality to separate QGIS production and development environments. This means configuring the default user profile to consume plugins from the production API (https://<API URL>/v1/plugins.xml) and create a QGIS user profile for development plugins that points at the dev URL (https://<API URL>/v1/dev/plugins.xml). This will ensure there is not the confusion as to which version of the plugin is installed in the QGIS environment.

Plugin Management Endpoints

* For specifics on API schema see the swagger docs at <API_URL>/docs

Plugin Repository endpoints, verbs and query params are as below:

  • GET /plugin Lists the most current version of all plugins

    • Usage - Production Plugins: curl -X GET "https://<API URL>/v1/plugin"
    • Usage - Development Plugins: curl -X GET "https://<API URL>/v1/plugin?stage=dev"
  • POST /plugin/<PLUGIN ID> Upload a new version of a plugin

    • Usage - Production Plugins: curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' -H "authorization: bearer <SECRET>" --data-binary @<PATH TO PLUGIN ZIPFILE> https://<API URL>/v1/plugin/<PLUGIN ID>
    • Usage - Development Plugins: curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' -H "authorization: bearer <SECRET>" --data-binary @<PATH TO PLUGIN ZIPFILE> https://<API URL>/v1/plugin/<PLUGIN ID?stage=dev>
  • DELETE /plugin/<PLUGIN ID> Archive a plugin so that it is not accessible to QGIS users * A plugin can be unarchived by POSTing a new version

    • Usage - Production Plugins: curl -X DELETE -H "authorization: bearer <SECRET>" "https://<API URL>/v1/plugin/<PLUGIN ID"
    • Usage - Development Plugins: curl -X DELETE -H "authorization: bearer <SECRET>" "https://<API URL>/v1/plugin/<PLUGIN ID>?stage=dev"
  • GET /plugin/<PLUGIN ID> List the current version of a specific plugin

    • Usage - Production Plugins : curl -X GET "https://<API URL>/v1/plugin/<PLUGIN ID>"
    • Usage - Development Plugins : curl -X GET "https://<API URL>/v1/plugin/<PLUGIN ID>?stage=dev"
  • GET /plugin/<PLUGIN ID>/revision List all revisions of a specific plugin

    • Usage - Production Plugins : curl -X GET "https://<API URL>/v1/plugin/<PLUGIN ID>/revision>"
    • Usage - Development Plugins : curl -X GET "https://<API URL>/v1/plugin/<PLUGIN ID>/revision>?stage=dev"
  • GET /plugins.xml Retrieve the XML document describing all current plugins Most commonly added to QGIS configuration as per the above details

    • Usage - Production Plugins: configure QGIS to use the URL https://<API URL>/v1/plugins.xml
    • Usage - Development Plugins: configure QGIS to use the URL https://<API URL>/v1/dev/plugins.xml
    • Usage - QGIS Version Query Parameter: The qgis query parameter can be supplied to filter out plugins not compatible with the users version of QGIS. The QGIS plugin manager automatically appends this query parameter to the URL as per the version of QGIS being used.

Development endpoints

Standard Health, Ping and Version endpoints are available.

  • curl -X GET "https://<API URL>/v1/health"
  • curl -X GET "https://<API URL>/v1/ping"
  • curl -X GET "https://<API URL>/v1/version"

Upload a Plugin

To upload a plugin, the repository's plugin metadata database must already have reference to the plugin. This reference contains the 'secret' that allows users to modify plugins. This is used to ensure that only users that have the 'secret' can alter the plugins state in the plugin repository.

The adding of this initial plugin record should be via the script. Details on using this script can be found in the utils sub-directory

Once this initial metadata record has been added to the database, the initial plugin file and all subsequent plugin versions can be added to the repository via the API.

Example of adding a plugin via the API:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' -H "authorization:
bearer <SECRET>" --data-binary @<PLUGIN FILE PATH> https://v1/<API URL>/plugin

where <SECRET> is the secret as stored in the plugin metadata database and <PLUGIN FILE PATH> is the path to the plugin file being added to the plugin repository.


Create a development environment

Create and activate a virtual env:

python -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate

Install the required dependencies

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install poetry
poetry install --no-root --sync

Lint and format

poetry run pre-commit run --all-files



Serverless employed to managed deployment of the application.

Deployment - Development Environment

Install plugins
sls plugin install --name serverless-python-requirements
sls plugin install --name serverless-wsgi
sls plugin install --name serverless-apigw-binary
sls plugin install --name serverless-plugin-git-variables
Deploy App

The QGIS plugin repository is fully deployable with the use of serverless

serverless deploy --aws-profile <aws_profile> --stage <stage>  --param="resource-suffix=<resource_suffix>"


  • aws_profile is the user aws profile. Most commonly a reference to an entry in ~/.aws/credentials.
  • stage the stage being deployed (e.g. dev/prd). If not supplied defaults to dev.
  • resource_suffix Suffixed to the S3 bucket and DynamoDB resources for the purpose of creating unique names but more importantly obscuring these resource names from others.
  • dns (Not shown in the example as this option is used for development. Do not supply for prd deployments) Ensures correct paths for Swagger documents when not mapping the apigateway url to a domain name. When using raw apigateway urls use --dns false to ensure correct SwaggerUI paths

Deployment - Production Environment

Deployment to the production environment must be via the GitHub Action. The Github Action's deployment step is triggered when a tag is pushed. Therefore to deploy to the production environment all that is required is to push a relevant tag via git.


As well as the GitHub action deploying the applicaiton to production on the push of a tag, it also generates a GitHuB release. The release notes are as per the changelog. Therefore, please ensure the changelog is updated as part of each release.


Please see the /documentation/ document.source_suffix>