- Yale Emergency Dept dataset
- US medicare # external
- EHR temporal variability # external
- subset of SEER
- 4024 samples, 16 vars in total
- Time2event:
Survival Months
- [HiRID 2020]
- [WIDS2020 (on Kaggle)]
- ICU: septic shock alert (Liu et al., Scientific Reports 2019) # external
- COVID2019
- time2event, event = {discharge, death}
- HRV data (JAHA2019)
- Subject999
- Fitbit data from 18 subjects
- WISDM dataset
- eDREAM, 2016
- Wireless electroencephalogram (EEG) headband - Electrocardiography (ECG), Galvanic Skin Responses (GSR) sensors and a respiration band - Remote eye-tracker - Participant-facing video-racordings - Participant-facing color cameras (the non-identifiable portion of the dataset can be available for research purposes.)
- Contactless cardiac arrest detection using smart devices, 2020:
All data necessary for interpreting the manuscript have been included. The datasets used in the current study are not publicly available due to the sensitivity of 9-1-1 calls but are available from the corresponding authors on reasonable request and with the permission of Public Health-Seattle & King County, Division of Emergency Medical Services.
- Sample wave file (1.21GB) in their published code
- Right heart catheterization dataset
- Diabetes
- National longitudinal mortality survey # turnaround time maybe within 24 hours