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ATen "native" functions are the modern mechanism for adding operators and functions to ATen (they are "native" in contrast to legacy functions, which are bound via TH/THC cwrap metadata). Native functions are declared in native_functions.yaml and have implementations defined in one of the cpp files in this directory.

Like all ATen methods/functions, native functions are made available from both ATen's C++ and Python APIs. In C++, they are made available either as methods on Tensor (t.mymeth()) and functions in the ATen namespace (at::myfunc()). In PyTorch, they are made available as methods on Variable or as functions on torch._C._FunctionBase (it is the user's responsibility to re-exporting these functions in a more user-facing module.) At the moment, only functions which ingest Variable are made available; to use a function with non-differentiable tensors, wrap your tensors with Variable before passing them in.

The rest of this document describes how to implement an ATen function.

Registering a function in native_functions.yaml

Every native function must have an entry in native_functions.yaml. The format can be summarized as:

- func: func_name(ArgType arg0[=default], ArgType arg1[=default], ...) -> Return
  variants: function, method
    CPU: func_cpu
    CUDA: func_cuda

Each component is described in more detail below:


- func: func_name(ArgType arg0[=default], ArgType arg1[=default], ...) -> Return

The func entry is a string describing the name of the function and its type signature.

Argument types. These types are permissible as ArgType:

  • Tensor. A Tensor argument translates into a C++ argument of type const Tensor& (except when the argument is "inplace"; in this case, it is simply Tensor&). A trailing ?, as in Tensor?, indicates that the tensor argument is optional and may be omitted by passing an undefined tensor. When a function takes multiple Tensor arguments, these tensors are assumed to be the same type (e.g., if one argument is a FloatTensor, all other arguments are checked to be FloatTensors.)
  • Tensors of specific types. At the moment, valid type names are:
    • IntegerTensor (a.k.a. LongTensor)
    • BoolTensor (a.k.a. ByteTensor)
    • IndexTensor (a.k.a. IntTensor) These type names were inherited from TH, and may be renamed soon, so don't commit them to memory.
  • TensorList. A TensorList argument translates into a C++ argument of type ArrayRef<Tensor> (a.k.a. TensorList)
  • IntList. IntList accepts an optional length specifier, e.g., IntList[2], which has no effect in C++ but extends our Python bindings to accept a bare number, which will be expanded into an appropriately sized list by repeating the number.
  • int64_t. There is no int; ATen policy is to use int64_t in the API anywhere you would have ordinarily passed an int or size_t.
  • double. There is no float; ATen policy is to use double anywhere you would have used float.
  • bool
  • Scalar. Scalar supports binding to any numerical types from Python, including integral types, floating point types, and zero dimensional tensors. int64_t and double can only bind to the corresponding Python numerical types. However, you probably don't want to use Scalar. It's really used for binding to TH/THC code "real" types where the Python APIs you are binding to are actually different types. double and int64_t argument types should suffice for most algorithms.
  • Generator*, the state for a random number generator,
  • std::array<bool,N> (where N is 1-4). NB: you MUST NOT put a space after the comma, otherwise this argument will not parse correctly. (If you decide to fix this, make sure you fix the argument parser both in ATen and in PyTorch.)
  • TensorOptions. Tensor options provide information about how a tensor should be constructed; it is most useful when you are writing a factory function, where you have no Tensor inputs and thus cannot otherwise determine how to construct a Tensor.
  • * is a special sentinel argument, which doesn't translate into an actual argument, but indicates that in the Python bindings, any subsequent arguments must be specified as keyword arguments (and cannot be provided positionally).
  • ? is trailing question mark that annotate an argument to be an optional type, grep for optional to find some example usages. In general, most functions will not need to use this, but there are some cases that we want to use optional for the different types:
    • You want to pass in a None to a ATen function/method from Python, and handles the None type in the C++ side. For example, clamp(Tensor self, Scalar? min=None, Scalar? max=None) can take None for its min and max parameter, and do dispatch to different backend if one of the parameters is None. Optional type can accept a None type (nullopt in C++) from Python and use the C++ Optional class to interact with the parameters.
    • You want a default value which is fine in Python but would cause ambiguity in C++. For example, norm(Tensor self, Scalar p=2, int64_t dim, bool keepdim=false) would cause ambiguity in C++ since it default args must be adjacent and p could not have a default value when dim does not. Therefore, we need to make p as a optional Scalar, and make p=2 when p is not passed in (nullopt).
    • You want a value to default to the same value as another argument (this cannot be expressed in C++ default arguments).

Functions with no tensor inputs are called factory functions, and are handled specially by code generation. If your function is behaving differently than another example, check first and see if one is a factory while another is not.

Argument names. Argument names are meaningful; downstream binding code may make use of the specific argument name you provide, and a rename of an argument name is considered a BC-breaking change (e.g., you will probably need to update tools/autograd/derivatives.yaml at least). In native_functions.yaml, if your function (usually functions named with 'out' affix) args include the result Tensor, you need to call the argument Tensor result. And if there are more than one result Tensors, you need to name the args Tensor result0, Tensor result1, ....

TODO: Do argument names affect Python keyword arguments?

Defaults. Any suffix of arguments can have a default value defined; these default values translate into C++/Python default values which are applied when those positional arguments are not specified.

Here are the supported default values:

  • Numbers (e.g., 0 or 5.0 for int64_t, double and IntList with an explicit length (e.g., IntList[2])--in the case of IntList, a number is replicated to fill the length (e.g., IntList[2] x=2 is equivalent to IntList[2] x={2,2}.
  • Lists of numbers (e.g., {0, 0}) for IntList.
  • Booleans (e.g., true) for bool.
  • Empty initializer lists (e.g., {}) for Tensor (this implicitly changes a Tensor argument to accept undefined tensors).
  • nullptr for pointer types (e.g., Generator*)

Returns. The following are permissible on Return:

Non-tuple return:

ReturnType [retarg0]

Tuple return:

(ReturnType [retarg0], ReturnType [retarg1], ...)

The following are permissible on ReturnType:

  • Tensor and TensorList, which translate into the C++ types Tensor and std::vector<Tensor>, respectively (unless the operation is in-place, in which case the return type is Tensor&.
  • A tuple of any number of Tensor, e.g., (Tensor, Tensor), translating into the C++ std::tuple<Tensor, Tensor>.

If you need a type that is not listed in this list, it may be possible to extend ATen's code generation to support it. ATen's philosophy on types to support is that it supports only simple, universal types, as well as a handful of fundamental Tensor structures (e.g., Tensor and Generator*), because these types can be easily ported to any language bound to ATen (in practice, C++ and Python.)

Return also supports specifying (optional) return argument names; these are useful for writing derivatives in terms of return arguments in tools/autograd/derivatives.yaml.

Note that argument type modifiers such as defaults and optional are not currently supported on Return.

The declarations also support the following attributes:


variants: function, method

Controls whether Tensor method ( or namespace Function (at::foo()) is generated as a result of this declaration. If the declaration is a method, you must have an argument Tensor self at some position in the method; in the method variant this argument will be elided from the argument list. For example, given the declaration where(BoolTensor cond, Tensor self, Tensor other), this generates the function at::where(cond, self, other) and the method self.where(cond, other).

By default, ATen generates only the function variant for a native function. When should you also generate a method variant? Tensor operations as methods are appropriate for "core" Tensor operations (e.g., add, sub, etc.), but not for more complicated neural network layers (e.g., conv2d) and internal functions designed specifically for binding (e.g., cudnn_convolution).


    CPU: func_cpu
    CUDA: func_cuda

This specifies the actual name of the function you want to dispatch to, so you can dispatch to different functions depending on whether or not you have CPU or CUDA tensors. Technically, it is also possible to write dispatch: func_name to unconditionally dispatch to a native function whose name is different than the name in the public ATen API, but this is generally frowned upon (just name them the same thing!)


device_guard: false

By default, ATen code generation will generate a DeviceGuard invocation, which will ensure that kernel code will run with the current device set to match the device of the first Tensor argument (or first tensor of the first TensorList argument, if the function takes a list of tensors). For the most part, this means kernel authors do not have to worry about setting devices.

However, in some cases, setting the device is unnecessary, because, e.g., you call a function already manages device guard setting, or you're a function that simply does not interact with any devices. In that case, code generation of the device guard can be disabled by adding device_guard: false to your function definition.

Note. We are considering eliminating automatic generation of DeviceGuard, in which case this field would go away. If you have an opinion on the matter, please write in at pytorch#14234

Writing an implementation in C++

Implementations of native functions go in an appropriate C++ file in the native/ directory (they are organized roughly by topic, but there is no semantic meaning to their organization aside for the cuda directory, which is the only place the build system knows how to build cu files.) To write a native function, you only need to write a C++ implementation (no header necessary) with a matching signature to the generated header from the ATen metadata. There are many simple native functions; take a look at some of them to see what to do.

Although, for the most part, writing an ATen function is mostly writing the algorithm you want to implement, there are some less obvious details you should also consider.

Will your function be automatically differentiable?

If you are writing a pair of functions foo and foo_backward, with the intent that foo_backward implements the derivative of foo, then your implementation of foo is probably not automatically differentiable: it might make use of functions like data_ptr() or it dispatches differently depending on if it's operating on CPU or CUDA tensors. Once you write these two functions, you will have to write an entry correlating them together in tools/autograd/derivatives.yaml.

However, in some situations, you can write a function in ATen and it will be automatically differentiated! This can be the case if the function implementation only calls other operations which are themselves differentiable. In this case, you don't have to write an entry in tools/autograd/derivatives.yaml.

Can it handle being passed Variables?

The biggest subtlety of writing an ATen implementation is the fact that Tensor is not a "final" class: your implementation may be passed objects which inherit from Tensor (in particular, the Variable subclass implements automatic differentiation in PyTorch.) This has some direct consequences on valid implementations:

  • Never create a Tensor directly (e.g., at::CPU or at::CUDA), as a caller will be expecting to get Variables out if it passes Variable. Instead, create tensors using the options() of one of the input tensors. E.g., at::empty(sizes, input.options()) or at::ones(input.options().dtype(kByte)), if you need a different scalar type.

  • If you need to call other ATen functions, be sure to qualify the call with at::; don't call them unqualified (in the at::native namespace). Using the qualified name ensures that your invocation gets dispatched to the Variable (which may be overridden to behave differently than simply dispatch to at::native).

These are not hard and fast rules: in particular, if you explicitly define a derivative for a function, it will only ever be called with Tensor arguments. However, it is considered good style to abide by these rules, since code written in this style is more robust.

NB: There is one downside to following the at:: qualification rule, which is that if you know that you will only ever be called with Tensor, a direct at::native call will be more efficient (as it avoids a dynamic dispatch).

How to handle broadcasting?

Unlike our legacy TH bindings, ATen native functions do not automatically handle broadcasting; you will have to insert the necessary broadcasting calls yourself.

When writing broadcasting code, we obey the convention that op is broadcasting, while s_op (with the s_ prefix) is not broadcasting. The relationship is best seen by an example of how you would implement broadcasting addition out of non-broadcasting addition:

#include <ATen/ExpandUtils.h>

Tensor add(const Tensor& self, const Tensor& other) {
  Tensor b_self, b_other;
  std::tie(b_self, b_other) = expand_outplace(self, other, "add");
  return s_add(b_self, b_other);

Tensor s_add(const Tensor& self, const Tensor& other) {
  // non-broadcasting implementation of addition

For inplace operations, the convention looks like this:

Tensor& add_(Tensor& self, const Tensor& other) {
  Tensor b_other = expand_inplace(self, other, "add_");
  return s_add_(self, b_other);

Tensor& s_add_(Tensor& self, const Tensor& other) {
  // non-broadcasting implementation of inplace addition

Undefined tensor conventions

By default, Tensor arguments to ATen functions are always defined, unless you explicitly specified that an undefined tensor was permissible by writing Tensor? or Tensor? x={}, the latter one is needed when you have to assign a default value in C++ (e.g. in the middle of other parameters with default values).

The rules for returning undefined Tensors are a bit more subtle, but there is only one case you have to remember:

  • If the function in question is a backward function which accepts a std::array<bool,N> output_mask argument, you MUST return an undefined Tensor at every tuple position i for which output_mask[i] is false, otherwise

  • You MUST NOT return an undefined tensor.

The most common situations where you might be tempted to return undefined tensors are when:

  • You have a forward function that may return a buffer if training is enabled, but does not return the buffer in inference mode. In this case, just return an appropriately typed zero-size tensor.

  • You have a backward function where the gradient for an input is zero. In this case, you are expected to create a zero-filled tensor of appropriate size to return for this input. To get the shape, it may be helpful to take a TensorGeometry of the input to use.

Debugging tips

If you build ATen and get a linker error, that probably means you copy-pasted the C++ definition of your function incorrectly. Double check your Tensor arguments, and make sure you wrote const Tensor& in your signature.