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The most convenient way of installing TF Encrypted is via the official pip package:

pip3 install tf-encrypted

However, for development or on certain platforms this is not sufficient. In these cases a source code installation is more fitting as described in this document. If you encounter any problems during installation we suggest taking a look at the complete instructions given towards the end of this document.

Important: For the rest of this document we assume that pip refers to version 3, which will be the case if you are using a virtual environment such as conda or virtualenv. The steps for a basic installation can be completed without this assumptions by simply using pip3 instead, however the Makefile used for building custom ops is written with a virtual environment in mind and will hence require a bit of adaptation.


All you need to get started is to have Python 3.5 or 3.6 installed along with pip. The first step is then to clone the source code available on GitHub:

./ $ git clone
./ $ cd tf-encrypted

and install it as a pip package. The simplest way of doing this is by running:

(venv) ./tf-encrypted/ $ pip install -e .

which will automatically install all needed dependencies, most notably TensorFlow version 1.12 or above; if for some reason this is not desired then use:

(venv) ./tf-encrypted/ $ pip install -e . --no-deps

instead and check that you have all dependencies installed if you encounter any problems later.

That's it - you should now have a working copy ready for development!

Running code at this point may however generate warnings related to sub-optimal performance and security. The reason for this is twofold:

  • some features rely on custom ops that first needs to be compiled;
  • some features have not yet shipped as part of the official TensorFlow distribution.

We address both below but stress that they can be skipped for initial experiments.

Custom Ops

Certains operations, such as secure randomness generation, rely on C++ extensions of TensorFlow known as custom ops. These come precompiled with the pip package but need to be manually compiled when installing from source code as done above.

On macOS this is straight forward once libtool and automake are installed (see the detailed instructions):

(venv) ./tf-encrypted/ $ make build

however on Debian and Ubuntu this can cause some issues as described next.

Debian and Ubuntu

For these platforms we recommend building custom ops in the official docker container to avoid ABI compatibility issues. First, pull down the docker image:

./tf-encrypted/ $ sudo docker pull tensorflow/tensorflow:custom-op

Once finished, run a shell in the container:

./tf-encrypted/ $ sudo docker run -it -v `pwd`:/opt/tf_encrypted \
                  -w /opt/tf_encrypted \
                  tensorflow/tensorflow:custom-op /bin/bash

install TensorFlow inside it:

(docker) /opt/tf_encrypted $ pip install tensorflow

and finally build the actual custom op:

(docker) /opt/tf_encrypted $ make build

You then can exit docker at this point.


To run unit tests as part of development you need to run:

(venv) ./tf-encrypted/ $ make test

after making sure flake8 is installed:

(venv) ./tf-encrypted/ $ pip install flake8

Custom TensorFlow

TF Encrypted officially supports TensorFlow 1.13.1 but if you have a need to run on 1.12.0 and want to take advantage of the int64 tensor speed improvements you'll have to make use of a custom build.

We provide such builds as a temporary solution and no guarantees are made about them and they should be treated as experimental:

  • macOS (sha256: 734b7c1efd0afa09da1ac22c45be04c89ced3edf203b42dead8fa842b38c278e)
  • Linux (sha256: 5cd9d36f7fdee0b8d8367aa4aa95a1244c09c8dba87ebb4ccff9631058f57c1f)

Alternatively you can build TensorFlow on your own by e.g. following the official instructions.

In both cases should you end up with a wheel file that you can install using pip:

(venv) ./ $ pip install tensorflow-1.13.0-XXX.whl

TF Encrypted auto-detects which features are available so no further actions are needed.

Complete Instructions


These steps have been tested on macOS Mojave (10.14).

Assuming conda is already installed we first create a new virtual environment:

./ $ conda create --name venv python=3.6 -y

Note that TensorFlow currently requires Python version 3.5 or 3.6, and cannot run on the 3.7 which may the default version of Python 3 installed on macOS. virtualenv can of course be used as well, but because of this Python version requirement we generally prefer conda.

We can then activate it:

./ $ source activate venv

and follow the basic instructions.

To also be able to compile custom ops we need to make sure a few system pakcages are available; these can be installed using Homebrew as follows:

./ $ brew install libtool automake git curl

Once complete follow these instructions.

Debian and Ubuntu

These steps have been tested on Debian 9, Ubuntu 16.04, and Ubuntu 18.04. See below for comment on Raspberry Pi.

First install the system tools needed for basic installations:

./ $ sudo apt update
./ $ sudo apt upgrade -y
./ $ sudo apt install -y python3-pip virtualenv git

then create a virtual environment (on Ubuntu 16.04 we needed to export LC_ALL=C first):

./ $ virtualenv -p python3 venv
./ $ source venv/bin/activate

and follow the basic instructions.

To compile custom ops first install docker

./ $ sudo apt install -y

and follow these instructions.

Raspberry Pi

The instructions essentially follow those of Debian but mitigates issues that may arise:

  • numpy may not work if installed via pip
  • numpy installed via apt may not work in virtual environments
  • TensorFlow is only currently available in version 1.11 for Raspberry Pi

The latter of these means that we have only tested using Raspberry Pi as servers.

First install Python 3:

./ $ sudo apt update
./ $ sudo apt upgrade -y
./ $ sudo apt install -y python3-pip git

followed by TensorFlow and its dependencies:

./ $ pip3 install tensorflow

However, the version of numpy installed this way may cause issues related to missing files. To get around these we can replace it with a version installed through apt:

./ $ pip3 uninstall -y numpy
./ $ sudo apt install -y python3-numpy

We finally close the repository:

./ $ git clone
./ $ cd tf-encrypted

install TF Encrypted outside a virtual environment and without dependencies:

./tf-encrypted/ $ pip3 install -e . --no-deps