Steps to create
- Clone PMT-Portable repo
- This will create the basic framework for the app
- Setup Database
- Backup the production database (execute command from the production database server and download file)
pg_dump -U postgres -Fp eth10 > eth_backup.sql
- You should have an empty database named 'eth10' with the Postgis extension enabled from step 1 but if not:
- Double click PMT-Portable/data/PostgreSQLPortable.exe to get portable postgres instance up and running.
- Inside of the command window that opens from previous step, enter the following command to create database.
- Restore production database to the portable database
- Copy eth_backup.sql to the PMT-Portable/data/App/PgSQL/bin.
- Double click PMT-Portable/data/PostgreSQLPortable.exe to get portable postgres instance up and running.
- Enter following command to restore database
psql eth10 -f eth_backup.sql
- If having trouble with restore, make sure backup was performed using PostgreSQL version 9.4 pg_dump.
- Backup the production database (execute command from the production database server and download file)
- Setup API
- Clone PMT-API repo, follow readme instructions to install dependencies, (branch: feature/offline) and copy into PMT-Portable/server/root
- Setup Server
- Clone PMT-Viewer (branch: feature/offline), follow read me instructions on installing dependencies and build
grunt build-offline -theme=ethaim -env=usb -offline=true
- Copy PMT-Viewer/build to PMT-Portable/server/root
- Clone PMT-Viewer (branch: feature/offline), follow read me instructions on installing dependencies and build
- Copy PMT-Portable folder onto USB drive