JTS consists of several Java modules, each one corresponds to a separate JAR file.
The core modules are:
- geometry model, operations, algorithms, and spatial data structuresjts-io-common
- I/O classes for open spatial formats
The following modules depend on proprietary libraries, and are not built by default:
- Oracle reader and writerjts-io-sde
- SDE reader and writer
The following modules are applications and data for testing and working with JTS
- The JTS XML test suite and the Test Runner applicationjts-app
-The TestBuilder GUI, for working with JTS geometry interactively
To include JTS in a Maven project, add a dependency block like the following:
JTS artifacts are available on maven central.
Our build server publishes to the LocationTech Maven repository. To include JTS in a project, add the following repositories to the pom:
The latest snapshot builds are now avaialble:
Older versions are available on Maven Central:
JTS 1.14.0:
JTS 1.13:
Prior releases can also be downloaded from Source Forge.
JTS uses #ModuleNameInManifest to export a module name for each of the JARs published for use as a library. In this way, you can depend on the various JTS modules in your module-info.java
in the following way:
// module-info.java for project org.foo.baz
module org.foo.baz {
requires org.locationtech.jts; // jts-core
requires org.locationtech.jts.io; // jts-io-common
requires org.locationtech.jts.io.oracle; // jts-io-ora
requires org.locationtech.jts.io.sde; // jts-io-sde
JTS includes various application tools, which are documented here.