Simple proxy scirpt for setting up the personnel proxy server on the Google App Engine.(Adjusted with the new google app engine changes)
* POST requests are not be handling properly
* URI handling is not being working properly
- Create project in google app engine dashboard
- Setup the git reponsitories and sync the source code
- In the console, Run the following :
$ gcloud config set project logixtree-proxy \
&& gcloud source repos clone default \
~/src/logixtree-proxy/python_gae_quickstart \
&& cd ~/src/logixtree-proxy/python_gae_quickstart \
&& git checkout gcloud
- Change the above 'logixtree-proxy' with your application Unique ID
- Run the app with preview window. Here you can test your application before deploying
$ $PWD
- After setting all deploy it to the cloud
$ gcloud app deploy app.yaml
- POST requests are not being handling properly
- URI handling is not being working properly
After deployment, If there is no error in console. you can happily access the changes in
If you have concerns or issues, please email us [email protected] or can use the issue tracker.