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Giovanny Andres Gongora Granada edited this page Jan 7, 2014 · 7 revisions

There are many ways to contribute, sending a Pull Request, testing the latest changes in the repository, filling a new issue or just confirming an issue reported by other user. If you have a problem and you are going to create a new issue, first check if another user have not been reported yet an issue similar to the yours, if not create a new issue.


  1. Fork this project
  2. Create a different branch to work on the fix or feature that you will push. (ex: Fix-for-issue-#XXX)
  3. Make your changes on the branch that you created before.
  4. Commit the changes (Try to be descriptive with descriptions on your commits).
  5. Create a Pull Request.
  6. The changes in the Pull Request must be for dev branch, not for master.
  7. Explain as best as you can why and what are the changes in the Pull Request.
  8. Wait for an owners to know if it is good to be landed in Loqui or needs changes.


  1. Fork this project
  2. We need confirmation process here. :)

Report and issue

  1. info...

Spread your love

If you have been submitted a Pull Request that needs attention and no owners have been commented it, ping us (@aesedepece or @Gioyik) and we will take a look the Pull Request as soon as possible.

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