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The word “architecture” conjures visions of power and mystery. It makes us think of weighty decisions and deep technical prowess. Software architecture is at the pinnacle of technical achievement. When we think of a software architect, we think of someone who has power, and who commands respect. What young aspiring software developer has not dreamed of one day becoming a software architect?


But what is software architecture? What does a software architect do, and when does he or she do it?


First of all, a software architect is a programmer; and continues to be a programmer. Never fall for the lie that suggests that software architects pull back from code to focus on higher-level issues. They do not! Software architects are the best programmers, and they continue to take programming tasks, while they also guide the rest of the team toward a design that maximizes productivity. Software architects may not write as much code as other programmers do, but they continue to engage in programming tasks. They do this because they cannot do their jobs properly if they are not experiencing the problems that they are creating for the rest of the programmers.


The architecture of a software system is the shape given to that system by those who build it. The form of that shape is in the division of that system into components, the arrangement of those components, and the ways in which those components communicate with each other.


The purpose of that shape is to facilitate the development, deployment, operation, and maintenance of the software system contained within it.


The strategy behind that facilitation is to leave as many options open as possible, for as long as possible.


Perhaps this statement has surprised you. Perhaps you thought that the goal of software architecture was to make the system work properly. Certainly we want the system to work properly, and certainly the architecture of the system must support that as one of its highest priorities.


However, the architecture of a system has very little bearing on whether that system works. There are many systems out there, with terrible architectures, that work just fine. Their troubles do not lie in their operation; rather, they occur in their deployment, maintenance, and ongoing development.


This is not to say that architecture plays no role in supporting the proper behavior of the system. It certainly does, and that role is critical. But the role is passive and cosmetic, not active or essential. There are few, if any, behavioral options that the architecture of a system can leave open.


The primary purpose of architecture is to support the life cycle of the system. Good architecture makes the system easy to understand, easy to develop, easy to maintain, and easy to deploy. The ultimate goal is to minimize the lifetime cost of the system and to maximize programmer productivity.


DEVELOPMENT 开发(Development)

A software system that is hard to develop is not likely to have a long and healthy lifetime. So the architecture of a system should make that system easy to develop, for the team(s) who develop it.


Different team structures imply different architectural decisions. On the one hand, a small team of five developers can quite effectively work together to develop a monolithic system without well-defined components or interfaces. In fact, such a team would likely find the strictures of an architecture something of an impediment during the early days of development. This is likely the reason why so many systems lack good architecture: They were begun with none, because the team was small and did not want the impediment of a superstructure.

这意味着,不同的团队结构应该采用不同的架构设计。一方面,对于一个只有五个开发人员的小团队来说,他们完全可以非常高效地共同开发一个没有明确定义组件和接口的单体系统(monolithic system)。事实上,这样的团队可能会发现软件架构在早期开发中反而是一种障碍。这可能就是为什么许多系统都没有设计一个良好架构的原因,因为它们的开发团队起初都很小,不需要设计一些上层建筑来限制某些事情。

On the other hand, a system being developed by five different teams, each of which includes seven developers, cannot make progress unless the system is divided into well-defined components with reliably stable interfaces. If no other factors are considered, the architecture of that system will likely evolve into five components—one for each team.


Such a component-per-team architecture is not likely to be the best architecture for deployment, operation, and maintenance of the system. Nevertheless, it is the architecture that a group of teams will gravitate toward if they are driven solely by development schedule.


DEPLOYMENT 部署(Deployment)

To be effective, a software system must be deployable. The higher the cost of deployment, the less useful the system is. A goal of a software architecture, then, should be to make a system that can be easily deployed with a single action.


Unfortunately, deployment strategy is seldom considered during initial development. This leads to architectures that may make the system easy to develop, but leave it very difficult to deploy.


For example, in the early development of a system, the developers may decide to use a “microservice architecture.” They may find that this approach makes the system very easy to develop since the component boundaries are very firm and the interfaces relatively stable. However, when it comes time to deploy the system, they may discover that the number of microservice has become daunting; configuring the connections between them, and the timing of their initiation, may also turn out to be a huge source of errors.


Had the architects considered deployment issues early on, they might have decided on fewer services, a hybrid of services and in-process components, and a more integrated means of managing the interconnections.


OPERATION 运行(Operation)

The impact of architecture on system operation tends to be less dramatic than the impact of architecture on development, deployment, and maintenance. Almost any operational difficulty can be resolved by throwing more hardware at the system without drastically impacting the software architecture.


Indeed, we have seen this happen over and over again. Software systems that have inefficient architectures can often be made to work effectively simply by adding more storage and more servers. The fact that hardware is cheap and people are expensive means that architectures that impede operation are not as costly as architectures that impede development, deployment, and maintenance.


This is not to say that an architecture that is well tuned to the operation of the system is not desirable. It is! It’s just that the cost equation leans more toward development, deployment, and maintenance.


Having said that, there is another role that architecture plays in the operation of the system: A good software architecture communicates the operational needs of the system.


Perhaps a better way to say this is that the architecture of a system makes the operation of the system readily apparent to the developers. Architecture should reveal operation. The architecture of the system should elevate the use cases, the features, and the required behaviors of the system to first-class entities that are visible landmarks for the developers. This simplifies the understanding of the system and, therefore, greatly aids in development and maintenance.


MAINTENANCE 维护(Maintenance)

Of all the aspects of a software system, maintenance is the most costly. The never-ending parade of new features and the inevitable trail of defects and corrections consume vast amounts of human resources.


The primary cost of maintenance is in spelunking and risk. Spelunking is the cost of digging through the existing software, trying to determine the best place and the best strategy to add a new feature or to repair a defect. While making such changes, the likelihood of creating inadvertent defects is always there, adding to the cost of risk.


A carefully thought-through architecture vastly mitigates these costs. By separating the system into components, and isolating those components through stable interfaces, it is possible to illuminate the pathways for future features and greatly reduce the risk of inadvertent breakage.



As we described in an earlier chapter, software has two types of value: the value of its behavior and the value of its structure. The second of these is the greater of the two because it is this value that makes software soft.


Software was invented because we needed a way to quickly and easily change the behavior of machines. But that flexibility depends critically on the shape of the system, the arrangement of its components, and the way those components are interconnected.


The way you keep software soft is to leave as many options open as possible, for as long as possible. What are the options that we need to leave open? They are the details that don’t matter.


All software systems can be decomposed into two major elements: policy and details. The policy element embodies all the business rules and procedures. The policy is where the true value of the system lives.


The details are those things that are necessary to enable humans, other systems, and programmers to communicate with the policy, but that do not impact the behavior of the policy at all. They include IO devices, databases, web systems, servers, frameworks, communication protocols, and so forth.

而细节则是指那些让操作该系统的人、其他系统以及程序员们与策略进行交互,但是又不会影响到策略本身的行为。它们包括 I/O 设备、数据库、Web 系统、服务器、框架、交互协议等。

The goal of the architect is to create a shape for the system that recognizes policy as the most essential element of the system while making the details irrelevant to that policy. This allows decisions about those details to be delayed and deferred.


For example:


  • It is not necessary to choose a database system in the early days of development, because the high-level policy should not care which kind of database will be used. Indeed, if the architect is careful, the high-level policy will not care if the database is relational, distributed, hierarchical, or just plain flat files.
  • It is not necessary to choose a web server early in development, because the high-level policy should not know that it is being delivered over the web. If the high-level policy is unaware of HTML, AJAX, JSP, JSF, or any of the rest of the alphabet soup of web development, then you don’t need to decide which web system to use until much later in the project. Indeed, you don’t even have to decide if the system will be delivered over the web.
  • It is not necessary to adopt REST early in development, because the high-level policy should be agnostic about the interface to the outside world. Nor is it necessary to adopt a micro-services framework, or a SOA framework. Again, the high-level policy should not care about these things.
  • It is not necessary to adopt a dependency injection framework early in development, because the high-level policy should not care how dependencies are resolved.

  • 在开发的早期阶段应该无须选择数据库系统,因为软件的高层策略不应该关心其底层到底使用哪一种数据库。事实上,如果软件架构师足够小心,软件的高层策略甚至可以不用关心该数据库是关系型数据库,还是分布式数据库,是多级数据库,还只是一些文本文件而已。
  • 在开发的早期阶段也不应该选定使用的 Web 服务,因为高层策略并不应该知道自己未来要以网页形式发布。如果高层策略能够与 HTML、AJAX、JSP、JSF 或任何 Web 开发技术脱钩,那么我们就可以将对 Web 系统的选择推迟到项目的最后阶段。事实上,很有可能我们压根不需要考虑这个系统到底是不是以网页形式发布的。
  • 在开发的早期阶段不应该过早地采用 REST 模式,因为软件的高层策略应该与外部接口无关。同样的,我们也不应该过早地考虑采用微服务框架、SOA 框架等。再说一遍,软件的高层策略压根不应该跟这些有关。
  • 在开发的早期阶段不应过早地采用依赖注入框架(dependency injection framework),因为高层策略不应该操心如何解析系统的依赖关系。

I think you get the point. If you can develop the high-level policy without committing to the details that surround it, you can delay and defer decisions about those details for a long time. And the longer you wait to make those decisions, the more information you have with which to make them properly.


This also leaves you the option to try different experiments. If you have a portion of the high-level policy working, and it is agnostic about the database, you could try connecting it to several different databases to check applicability and performance. The same is true with web systems, web frameworks, or even the web itself.

同时,这样做还可以让我们有机会做不同的尝试。例如。如果我们现在手里有一部分与数据库无关的高层策略,那么我们就可以用不同的数据库来做实验,以检验该系统与不同数据库之间的适应性件和性能。类似的情况也适用于各种 Web 框架,甚至 Web 这种发布形式本身。

The longer you leave options open, the more experiments you can run, the more things you can try, and the more information you will have when you reach the point at which those decisions can no longer be deferred.


What if the decisions have already been made by someone else? What if your company has made a commitment to a certain database, or a certain web server, or a certain framework? A good architect pretends that the decision has not been made, and shapes the system such that those decisions can still be deferred or changed for as long as possible.

那么如果其他人已经替我们做出了决策呢?譬如说,我们的公司已经指定了某个数据库,或某种 Web 服务,或某个框架,这时应该怎么办?通常一个优秀的软件架构师会假装这些决策还没有确定,并尽可能长时间地让系统有推迟或修改这些决策的能力。

A good architect maximizes the number of decisions not made.



As an example of this kind of thinking, let’s take a trip back to the 1960s, when computers were teenagers and most programmers were mathematicians or engineers from other disciplines (and-one third or more were women).

如果想要找反映这方面思想的例子,我们还得先回到 20 世纪 60 年代。由于当时的计算机行业还处于萌芽阶段,大部分程序员都来自数学专业,或者是其他工程类专业(当时超过三分之一的程序员是女性)。

In those days we made a lot of mistakes. We didn’t know they were mistakes at the time, of course. How could we?


One of those mistakes was to bind our code directly to the IO devices. If we needed to print something on a printer, we wrote code that used the IO instructions that would control the printer. Our code was device dependent.

其中一个错误就是将代码与 I/O 设备直接紧密地绑定在一起。当时,如果我们需要用打印机打印东西,就得专门写一段 I/O 指令来操作打印机,因此我们的代码是依赖于设备的。

For example, when I wrote PDP-8 programs that printed on the teleprinter, I used a set of machine instructions that looked like this:

例如,当我们要写一段要在电传打印机上输出的 PDP-8 程序时,需要用到像下面这样一组机器指令:

        JMP .-1
        JMP I PRTCHR

PRTCHR is a subroutine that prints one character on the teleprinter. The beginning zero was used as the storage for the return address. (Don’t ask.) The TSF instruction skipped the next instruction if the teleprinter was ready to print a character. If the teleprinter was busy, then TSF just fell through to the JMP .-1 instruction, which just jumped back to the TSF instruction. If the teleprinter was ready, then TSF would skip to the TLS instruction, which sent the character in the A register to the teleprinter. Then the JMP I PRTCHR instruction returned to the caller.

这里的 PRTCHR 是电传打印机上一段用来打印字符的子程序。首语句中的 0 是存储其返回地址用的(这里就不要细究这些了)。下来是 TSF 指令,它的作用是告诉电传三印机如果准备就绪,就跳过下一个指令。如果电传打印机处于繁忙状态,就继续执行 JMP.-1 指令,也就是再跳转回 TSF 指令。一旦电传打印机处于就绪状态,TSF 就会跳转到 TLS 指令,该指令会将 A 寄存器中保存的要打印的字符发送给电传打印机。随后,JMP I PRTCHR 指令会将程序返回给调用方。

At first this strategy worked fine. If we needed to read cards from the card reader, we used code that talked directly to the card reader. If we needed to punch cards, we wrote code that directly manipulated the punch. The programs worked perfectly. How could we know this was a mistake?


But big batches of punched cards are difficult to manage. They can be lost, mutilated, spindled, shuffled, or dropped. Individual cards can be lost and extra cards can be inserted. So data integrity became a significant problem.


Magnetic tape was the solution. We could move the card images to tape. If you drop a magnetic tape, the records don’t get shuffled. You can’t accidentally lose a record, or insert a blank record simply by handing the tape. The tape is much more secure. It’s also faster to read and write, and it is very easy to make backup copies.


Unfortunately, all our software was written to manipulate card readers and card punches. Those programs had to be rewritten to use magnetic tape. That was a big job.


By the late 1960s, we had learned our lesson—and we invented device independence. The operating systems of the day abstracted the IO devices into software functions that handled unit records that looked like cards. The programs would invoke operating system services that dealt with abstract unit-record devices. Operators could tell the operating system whether those abstract services should be connected to card readers, magnetic tape, or any other unit-record device.

到了 20 世纪 60 年代末期,我们己经吸取了这个教训,并为此提出了设备无关性这个概念。当时的操作系统会将 I/O 设备抽象成打孔卡那样的,处理一条条记录的标准软件函数。我们写的程序会通过调用操作系统提供的服务来与抽象的记录处理函数进行交互。而系统运行人员可以将操作系统的抽象设备与具体的读卡器、磁带读取器以及其他类似的设备进行对接。

Now the same program could read and write cards, or read and write tape, without any change. The Open–Closed Principle was born (but not yet named).



In the late 1960s, I worked for a company that printed junk mail for clients. The clients would send us magnetic tapes with unit records containing the names and addresses of their customers, and we would write programs that printed nice personalized advertisements.

20 世纪 60 年底末期,我曾经在一家为客户打印群发垃圾邮件的公司工作。当时,客户会将一条条与消费者名字和地址相关的记录存储在磁带中并寄给我们,我们则负责编写程序为他们打印个人化的广告。

You know the kind:

Hello Mr. Martin,


We chose YOU from everyone else who lives on Witchwood Lane to participate in our new fantastic one-time-only offering…




您是 Witchwood Lane 上唯一被选中参加我们仅有一次的特惠活动...

The clients would send us huge rolls of form letters with all the words except the name and address, and any other element they wanted us to print. We wrote programs that extracted the names, addresses, and other elements from the magnetic tape, and printed those elements exactly where they needed to appear on the forms.


These rolls of form letters weighed 500 pounds and contained thousands of letters. Clients would send us hundreds of these rolls. We would print each one individually.

这样的每一卷信纸里面有几千封信,重量近 500 磅,而且通常有数百卷之多,我们必须一封一封地打印。

At first, we had an IBM 360 doing the printing on its sole line printer. We could print a few thousand letters per shift. Unfortunately, this tied up a very expensive machine for a very long time. In those days, IBM 360s rented for tens of thousands of dollars per month.

起初,我们使用的是 IBM 360 自带的单行打印机,它每个工作日可以打印几千张。但是,当时 IBM 360 每个月的租金要几万美金,成本太高了。

So we told the operating system to use magnetic tape instead of the line printer. Our programs didn’t care, because they had been written to use the IO abstractions of the operating system.

这时候,我们只需要让操作系统放弃单行打印机,改用磁带即可,我们的程序不需要做任何的改动,因为它们使用的是操作系统提供的抽象 I/O 设备接口。

The 360 could pump out a full tape in 10 minutes or so—enough to print several rolls of form letters. The tapes were taken outside of the computer room and mounted on tape drives connected to offline printers. We had five of them, and we ran those five printers 24 hours per day, seven days per week, printing hundreds of thousands of pieces of junk mail every week.

而且 IBM 360 机器每 10 分钟就可以写满一卷磁带——这一时间足够单行打印机打印几卷信纸了。然后这些磁带可以从计算机上取下,装载到离线打印机上进行离线打印。当时我们有五台这样的打印机,它们可以 7x24 小时不停地工作,每周可以打印几十万封信。

The value of device independence was enormous! We could write our programs without knowing or caring which device would be used. We could test those programs using the local line printer connected to the computer. Then we could tell the operating system to “print” to magnetic tape and run off hundreds of thousands of forms.

设备无关性的价值真是太巨大了!它使我们的程序不再需要关心具体使用的 I/O 设备。这样一来,我们可以用本地连接的打印机来调试程序,随后将它“打印”到磁带卷上,并放到离线打印机上进行批量打印。

Our programs had a shape. That shape disconnected policy from detail. The policy was the formatting of the name and address records. The detail was the device. We deferred the decision about which device we would use.

这段程序是有架构设计的,并且在设计中实现了高层策略与底层实现细节的分离。其策略部分负责格式化姓名和地址,细节部分负责操作具体的 I/O 设备。而我们具体采用哪个设备的决策是最后才做出的。


In the early 1970s, I worked on a large accounting system for a local truckers union. We had a 25MB disk drive on which we stored records for Agents, Employers, and Members. The different records had different sizes, so we formatted the first few cylinders of the disk so that each sector was just the size of an Agent record. The next few cylinders were formatted to have sectors that fit the Employer records. The last few cylinders were formatted to fit the Member records.

20 世纪 70 年代早期,我曾为本地卡车工会编写过一套大型的账务系统。当时,Agent、Employer、Member 这些记录都被存储在一块 25MB 大小的磁盘上。由于不同的记录尺寸不同,所以我们将磁盘的前几个柱面(cylinder)按 Agent 记录的大小格式化每个扇区,中间的按 Employer 记录的大小格式化,最后几个柱面按照 Member 记录的大小格式化。

We wrote our software to know the detailed structure of the disk. It knew that the disk had 200 cylinders and 10 heads, and that each cylinder had several dozen sectors per head. It knew which cylinders held the Agents, Employers, and Members. All this was hard-wired into the code.

当时我们编写的软件需要知道硬盘的具体结构。它知道每个硬盘包含 200 个柱面,10 个磁头,每个柱面每个磁头有几十个扇区。它也知道哪些柱面上包含的是 Agent 记录,哪些柱面上包含的是 Employer 和 Member 记录,我们对所有的这些都进行了硬编码。

We kept an index on the disk that allowed us to look up each of the Agents, Employers, and Members. This index was in yet another specially formatted set of cylinders on the disk. The Agent index was composed of records that contained the ID of an agent, and the cylinder number, head number, and sector number of that Agent record. Employers and Members had similar indices. Members were also kept in a doubly linked list on the disk. Each Member record held the cylinder, head, and sector number of the next Member record, and of the previous Member record.

另外,我们还在磁盘上保留了一个索引,以方便后续的记录查询。该索引也是通过一个特别的格式被存储到磁盘上的。譬如说,Agent 记录的索引中每条记录包括 Agent 的 ID,以及对应的柱面号码、磁头号码、扇区号码。Employer 和 Member 的索引也有类似的结构。其中,Member 记录用一种双向链表结构存储在磁盘上。每条 Member 记录都会包含前一个和后一个 Member 记录所在的柱面号码、磁头号码、扇区号码。

What would happen if we needed to upgrade to a new disk drive—one with more heads, or one with more cylinders, or one with more sectors per cylinder? We had to write a special program to read in the old data from the old disk, and then write it out to the new disk, translating all of the cylinder/head/sector numbers. We also had to change all the hard-wiring in our code—and that hard-wiring was everywhere! All the business rules knew the cylinder/head/sector scheme in detail.

在这种情况下,如果我们升级新硬盘会发生什么呢?新硬盘可能会有更多的磁头,更多的柱面,或是每个柱面有更多的扇区。这时候,我们就必须编写一个特殊的程序从旧磁盘读取数据,并将其写入新磁盘,同时换掉柱面、磁头、扇区的值。另外,我们还要修改代码中所有硬编码的部分——这样的代码到处都是! 毕竟我们所有的业务逻辑都和柱面、磁头、扇区的分配方案紧密地耦合在了一起。

One day a more experienced programmer joined our ranks. When he saw what we had done, the blood drained from his face, and he stared aghast at us, as if we were aliens of some kind. Then he gently advised us to change our addressing scheme to use relative addresses.


Our wiser colleague suggested that we consider the disk to be one huge linear array of sectors, each addressable by a sequential integer. Then we could write a little conversion routine that knew the physical structure of the disk, and could translate the relative address to a cylinder/head/sector number on the fly.


Fortunately for us, we took his advice. We changed the high-level policy of the system to be agnostic about the physical structure of the disk. That allowed us to decouple the decision about disk drive structure from the application.



The two stories in this chapter are examples, in the small, of a principle that architects employ in the large. Good architects carefully separate details from policy, and then decouple the policy from the details so thoroughly that the policy has no knowledge of the details and does not depend on the details in any way. Good architects design the policy so that decisions about the details can be delayed and deferred for as long as possible.
