All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Issue 639: Added
attribute to Deployment Policies.
- Issue 662: Slick's schema.createIfNotExists function is not creating foreign keys. Reverting back to the simple create function.
- Issue 662:
- Removed database schema change that was added in error.
- Reworked the schema upgrade function to fully roll back to the schema version at boot when encountering an error.
- Issue 657: Added additional ddl clauses to the Exchange's schema upgrade path.
- Issue 657: Removed erroneous quotes around column name to be added to database.
- Issue 657: Restricted Users from adding Nodes generally to any available Node Group. To add a Node to a Node Group that Node Group must be empty, or only have the User's Nodes in the Group. Added a flag for Node Groups that were created by Organization Admins. Users may only remove their owned nodes from these groups, no other desructive operations are allowed.
- I18n Updates
- com.github.sbt.sbt-native-packager 1.9.11 -> 1.9.13
- org.postgresql.postgresql 42.5.1 -> 42.5.3
- sbt 1.8.0 -> 1.8.2
- swagger-ui 4.15.0 -> 4.15.5
- I18n Updates
- Issue 644: Added POST and DELETE routes for adding and removing a single node assignment to a High Available Node Group.
- Refactored initial HA Group routes.
- Alphabetized messages.txt and associated i18n files.
- Cleaned up some of the swagger file headers.
- Issue 645: Fixed Node change records create from HA Routes using combination Node IDs (org/node) instead of separate IDs.
- Dependency Updates.
- sbt 1.6.1 -> 1.7.1
- akka 2.6.14 -> 2.6.16
- config 1.4.0 -> 1.4.2
- 2.1.1 -> 3.1.0
- json4s-native 4.0.5 -> 4.0.6
- json4s-jackson 4.0.5 -> 4.0.6
- junit 4.13.1 -> 4.13.2
- jwt-core 4.3.0 -> 5.0.0
- postgresql 42.3.4 -> 42.5.0
- scalacheck 1.15.0-M1 -> 1.17.0
- slick-pg_json4s 0.20.3 -> 0.20.4
- swagger-akka-http 2.5.2 -> 2.6.0
- swagger-core-jakarta 2.1.5 -> 2.1.12
- swagger-jaxrs2-jakarta 2.1.5 -> 2.1.12
- swagger-scala-module 1.0.6 -> 2.5.0
- swagger-ui 4.10.3 -> 4.15.0
- sbt-scoverage 1.6.1 -> 2.0.6
- sbt-native-packager 1.8.1 -> 1.9.11
- support removed.
- support added.
- Issue 625: Added ability to create hub admins on start-up in config.json
- Issue 625: Added ability to define an account id for the root org on start-up
- Fixes org.scoverage dependency issues
- Issue 590: Added Node Group APIs and Test Suites
- Issue 618: updated Swagger docs for
routes - Issue 619: fixed date parsing bug in
POST /orgs/{orgid}/changes
- Issue 620: fixed heartbeat bug in
POST /orgs/{orgid}/changes
- Issue 621: fixed authorization bug in
POST /orgs/{orgid}/agreements/confirm
- Update the Exchange to OpenJDK17 from 11
- Update the Exchange to UBI 9 minimal from 8
- Add TLS 3.0 algorithm
to the approved algorithms list for TLS connections. - Updated Sbt to version 1.6.2 from 1.6.1
- Changed GitHub action to use OpenJDK 17 instead of AdoptJDK 11
- Internationalization updates.
- Internationalization updates.
- Internationalization updates.
- Dependency updates.
- akka-http 10.2.4 -> 10.2.7
- akka-http-jackson 1.37.0 -> 1.39.2
- akka-http-xml 10.2.4 -> 10.2.7
- akka-http-testkit 10.2.4 -> 10.2.7
- akka-stream-testkit 2.6.14 -> 2.6.16
- akka-testkit 2.6.14 -> 2.6.16
- json4s-native 3.6.6 -> 4.0.5
- json4s-jackson 3.6.6 -> 4.0.5
- postgresql 42.2.19 -> 42.3.4
- scala 2.13.5 -> 2.13.8
- slf4j-simple 1.7.30 -> 1.7.36
- slick-pg 0.19.3 -> 0.20.3
- slick-pg_json4s 0.19.3 -> 0.20.3
- swagger-akka-http 2.4.2 -> 2.5.2
- swagger-ui 3.47.1 -> 4.10.3
- New configuration file attributes have been added.
- akka.http.server.backlog
- akka.http.server.bind-timeout
- akka.http.server.idle-timeout
- akka.http.server.linger-timeout
- akka.http.server.max-connections
- akka.http.server.pipelining-limit
- Issue 581: Array order for versions maintained in the Exchange's DB and returned correctly when retrieved using a GET.
- Issue 582: Nodes, Agbots, Users, and Admin can now read resource changes for AgentFileVersions.
- Issue 572: All request body values are optional except for
. - Updated internationalization.
- Issue 574: Any Agbot can perform destructive requests. All role types can read.
- Issue 541: Renamed the directory
. - Issue 576: Removed duplicated message key.
- Issue 571: Response Body Changes For NMP Status GET routes
- Issue 558: Added AgentFileVersion APIs
- Issue 566: Fixes GET route schema for NMP Status
- Issue 557: Added Node Management Policy Status APIs
- Issue 556: Updated the DB/Http schemas for Node Management Policies and routes.
- Simplified Table Query syntax in the application's source.
- Issue 560: Organization Administrators can now read all nodes organization wide from
- Issue 555: Nodes are now able to read change transactions for Node Management Policies.
- Updated Sbt to version
- Issue 553: Users cannot create/modify/delete node management policies.
- Locked
to version1.37.0
- Issue 549: Updated Sbt to version
. - Locked Slick to version
. - Locked Slick-PG to version
- Issue 549: Updated Sbt to version
- Issue 547: Updated Sbt to version
- Issue 544: error for node policy API when deployment or management attribute is empty
- Issue 538: New format for node policy APIs
- Issue 537: Add node management policy
- No changes, version bump for release.
- Translation updates
- Lock the dependency
to version2.4.2
to prevent pulling in Akka HTTP version10.2.6
- Translation updates
- Removed translations in log statements
- Token validation requirements removed, pending redesign
- Translation updates
- Token validation requirements added
- Issue 518 Fix: Updated functionality of
POST /services_configstate
no longer updates version, only filters by it - New translation files
- Issue 494: Lower rounds for password hash for node tokens
- Issue 518: Add version to the node registeredServices
- Issue 517: Fix cases where message intervals are not pulled from the configuration file until after timers are set.
- Issue 515: Database record trimming is now working again.
- Removed line comments from Swagger request/response body examples. Preventing proper rendering of the JSON examples.
- Disabled response header Content-Type.
- Added test cases in PatternSuite and BusinessSuite to ensure secrets are added as expected.
- Enabled support for TLSv1.2. TLSv1.2 is in support of OpenShift 4.6. The 4.6 HAPoxy router is built on top of RHEL7 which does not support TLSv1.3.
- Readme Update: Added section on using TLS with the Exchange.
- Issue 491: Updated the service definition, deployment policy and pattern definitions to support vault based secrets to be used with Open Horizon.
- Issue 259: Added TLS support to the Exchange.
- Updated Akka: 2.6.10 -> 2.6.14.
- Updated Akka-Http: 10.2.2 -> 10.2.4.
- Updated Swagger UI to version 3.47.1.
- Updated Exchange's Swagger. APIs now sort by Tag -> API -> Method.
- Remade Makefile.
- Issue 493: Added route GET/orgs/{orgid}/status to fetch org specific information.
- Fixed issue 423: Upgrade Exchange To Use Akka v2.6.x.
- Also updated sbt, scala, and project dependencies.
- Added mulitple response headers to all Http responses.
Cache-Control: max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-cache, no-store
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
- Removed
response header from all Http responses. - Added
mediatype to all http 200 and 201 responses in the OpenAPI 3.0 Swagger documentation.
- No changes, version bump.
string methods are wrapped withfixFormatting()
to remove the issue where seconds or milliseconds get removed
- HubAdmins now have permission to
to facilitate org creation through hzn cli - Users can no longer be a HubAdmin and an OrgAdmin at the same time
- New translation files
- travis.yml updates
- Updating
field of node onPOST /services_configstate
route - New translation files, and file name fixes
- travis.yml updates
- Patch added to fix for issue 448. Missed one log message.
- Fixed issue 418: POST /v1/orgs/{orgid}/agbots/{id}/agreements/confirm wrong in swagger
- Added new translation files
- Fixed issue 448: Remove node token from log messages
- Fixed error message id
not found - Fixed issue 462: Altering SQL to avoid inequalities for checking NF for /changes route for nodes reduces ExchangeDB CPU utilization
- Some progress on issue 451 (the policy /search api)
- Analyzed the DB query code, adding many comments along the way. Did not find any problems
- Fixed issue 464: NPE in Exchange on PATCH business policies with incorrect payload returns incorrect HTTP status code - doesn't tell user what is wrong
- Fixed issue 176: When user or org is deleted, delete all corresponding auth cache entries
- Fixed issue 440: Add max parameter on GET /msgs calls
- Fixed issue 449: check for nodes in auth cache/table first
- Fixed issue 438: Exchange Auth Cache more granular TTL configuration
- Issue 454: Tested and confirmed current behavior is correct when a user and node have the same id
- Fixed issue 436: Hub Admin Bug Fixes/Improvements
- Issue 456: Change config value
- Issue 455: Avoid DB reads if
which is default and means unlimited - Issue 458: Lower default values of resourceChanges ttl and cleanupInterval
- Issue 429: add
option to APIsPUT /orgs/{orgid}/nodes/{nodeid}
andPUT /orgs/{orgid}/nodes/{nodeid}/agreements/<agreement-id>
- Issue 419: add
option toPUT /orgs/{orgid}/nodes/{nodeid}/policy
- Issue 445: Add the configState field to the node status API
- Remove
from the swagger info. (We've decommissioned that site.)
- Issue 435: Add label and description fields to node and service policy objects
- Issue 425 - Upgraded the Exchange to Scala 2.13.3
- Issue 267 - Upgraded the Exchange to Java 11 and SBT 1.4.0. Upgraded Dockerfile to OpenJDK 11. Upgraded Travis CI specification to OpenJDK 11 and Ubuntu 20.04.
- Issue 427 - Reverting some thread pool changes to version 2.51.0
- Issue 427 - Added the following connection/thread pool manager settings to the Exchange's configuration json:
- idleConnectionTestPeriod
- initialPoolSize
- maxConnectionAge
- maxIdleTime
- maxIdleTimeExcessConnections
- maxStatementsPerConnection
- numHelperThreads
- queueSize
- testConnectionOnCheckin
- Issue 421 - Added two OpenAPI 3.0 specification artifacts to
project directory. One is for general users and the other is for developers. - The Exchange's API version number is now properly specified in the default
file the Exchange generates. - Corrected two test case errors in the
test suite.
- Issue 387: Removed delay in cleanup of node and agbot msgs. Changed default interval to 30 minutes.
- Translation Update
- Issue 413: Table drop order has been reordered and all queries now cascade
- Issue 410: Changed org maxNodes limit warning message
- Issues 408: Removed duplicates from messages.txt
- Issue 406:
function in IbmCloudModule - Issues 379 and 369: Authentication pathway for Multitenancy with verifying the org based on the associated account ID
- Issue 395:
POST /myorgs
route added - Updated translations
- Issue 400: Exchange logs org deletions in
table. Includes dropping orgid foreign key inresourcechanges
table. - Issue 400: Exchange always reports org creations to agbots
- Issue 396: Added routes "GET .../agbots/{agboid}/msgs/{msgid}", and "GET .../nodes/{nodeid}/msgs/{msgid}".
- Issue 370: Updated messages.txt
- Added Hub Admin Role and Permissions
- Issue 395:
GET /v1/admin/orgstatus
route added for UI Hub Admin Dashboard - Limits field added to org resource
- Issue 388: Fixed permissions settings of
- Issue 392: Fixed issues with org PATCH route
- Issue 383: Extended route to return node policy details as well.
- Issue 310 - Post policy search now supports pagination of results. The route is more efficient about dividing work between multiple Agbots.
- Refactored post pattern search, no pagination added at this time.
- Refactored policy search test cases. Policy search now has its own test suite.
- A table for handling pagination offsets an Agbot sessions specific to policy search has been added to the database.
- Issue 383: Implemented "GET /v1/orgs/{orgid}/node-details" route.
- Fixed Issue 380: Delete of agbotmsgs and agent msgs by TTL can cause deadlocks with an akka actor running the deletions in a configurable interval
- Added the environmental variable
to the Dockerfile for controlling the behavior of the utilityenvsubst
. - Changed the default UBI metadata labels for
to be the same asversion
, andvendor
toOpen Horizon
. - Moved around and rewrote README documentation for
giving it its own subsection underBuilding and Running the Docker Container
- Issue 376: Avoid writing to resourcechanges when msgs are deleted
- Issue 373: Removed not null constraint on lastheartbeat column in nodes table
- Updated
versions specified to remove Jackson Databind incompatibility
- Issue 365: The PUT /orgs/{orgid}/nodes/{nodeId} route will no longer set/update a node's last heartbeat.
- Issue 313: Expanded unit testing structure to cover some of the Exchange.
- Added code coverage tool scoverage to the project.
- Added linter tool Scapegoat to the project.
- Open Horizon domain prefix added to system testing package.
- sbt will now pull-down a newer version of plugins if one is available. Defined versions are now the minimum accepted.
- Validated and updated as needed all request bodies and response bodies on the swagger page.
- Some additional minor swagger bugfixes.
back to versionlatest.release
- Removed "Try it out" buttons from Swagger UI.
- Replaced Swagger parsed examples with custom examples where provided.
- Updated Swagger UI to version 3.26.0.
- Corrected occurrences where Swagger UI parameter names differed from REST API parameter names.
- Added API groupings to Swagger.
- Alpha-numerically sorted API groups in swagger.
- Alpha-numerically sorted REST API in Swagger.
- Swagger groupings show collapsed by default.
- Updated translations
- Issue 342: Notification Framework Performance: Added agbot filters for nodemsgs, agbotmsgs, nodestatus, nodeagreements, and agbotagreements
- Issue 358: Limited user role on
POST /org/{orgid}/search/nodes/error
API to only retrieve nodes self owned.
- Issue 251: Added
GET /<orgid>/search/nodes/error/all
- Updated translation files
- Catching duplicate key error on
POST /orgs/{orgid}/users/{username}
- Issue 314: Added
GET /catalog/<orgid>/patterns
andGET /catalog/<orgid>/services
- Fixed Issue 330: Postgres error handling
- Issue 350: Removed
from default permissions foruser
role, and removedread my nodes
from default permissions fornode
role. - Issue 352: Removed test container. Testing is now done locally to the source code.
- Issue 346:
field in PUT/nodes/<id>/status
now optional - Issue 345: Node
field now updated on node policy and node agreement deletions - Issue 307: Changed policy property type from
list of string
tolist of strings
- Additional Docker labels have been added to the amd64_exchange-api image in compliance with Red Hat certification.
- An Apache version 2.0 license has been added to the amd64_exchange-api image in compliance with Red Hat certification.
- The ability to specify the Exchange API's configuration at container creation has been added.
- Exchange API now uses Red Hat's Universal Base Image (UBI) 8 Minimal instead of Debian.
- SBT Native Packager updated to version 1.7.0 from 1.5.1.
- Issue 321: Updates to NodeStatus resource to support edge clusters
- Issue 320: Expand test suite for Admin routes to include API calls made by non-administer roles.
- Added SBT plugin for Eclipse.
- Issue 333: AgbotMsgs should not be deleted when nodes are deleted, removed node foreign key in
- Issue 295: Notification Framework performance updates
- Issue 324: Notification Framework ChangeId now of type bigint
- Issue 269: Notification Framework now handles org resource
- Fixed issue 303: Notification Framework Agbot case wasn't automatically checking agbot's org
- Fixed issue 294: remove no longer used
- Fixed issue 301: listing all business policies in another org returns 404 instead of 403
- Added field
to node resource - Added fields
, andclusterDeploymentSignature
to service resource - Return
instead ofmsgEndPoint
in the pattern and business/search
- Issue 311: Notification Framework Agbot Case
- Fixes for Scalatest upgrade to 3.1
- Issue 312: Using only node table's lastUpdated field to filter on (updating lastUpdated in node, policy, and agreement changes)
- Fix for
truncating seconds and/or milliseconds when they are zero
- Fixed issue 296: invalid OCP API key was returning 502 instead of the correct 401
- Temporarily removed the trimming of the
- Notification Framework: added indices on columns, added sort and limit back to query, added hitMaxRecords boolean field to response
- Notification Framework: When the db returns an empty response give back the largest changeId from the table
- Added configurable trimming of the resourcechanges table
- Removed
filter for most common resourcechanges table query cases - Added custom akka exception handler to return 502 (instead of 500) for db access errors in the routes
- Added
GET /changes/maxchangeid
route to more efficiently get max changeid during agent initialization
- Fixed another case for issue 264
- Moved the sort of
data to exchange scala code (from the postgresql db), and simplified the query filters a little
- Issue 284: Notification Framework no longer throws an error for empty db responses
- Issue 278: Notification Framework V1.3 (bug fix of missing changes and increased efficiency)
- Issue 229: Pattern Search "service not in pattern" response fixed
- Changed the order of the akka route directives to match the path before the http method
- Fixed the logging of rejections
- Fixed listing all of a resource type from another org
- Added separate way to query icp/ocp exchange org
- Issue 277: Notification Framework Updates
- Fixed issue 262 - get icp cluster name once at the beginning
- Fixed issue 256 - trying to access a non-existent resource in another org incorrectly returned 403 instead of 404
- Fixed issue 264 - for auth exceptions, prefer returning retryable http codes
- Verified authentication using OCP
- Modified use of
env var so it can optionally havehttps://
- Made the IP and port the exchange listens on configurable in
- Added graceful shutdown, and made wait time for in-flight requests configurable
- Enabled passing args to the exchange svr JVM by setting JAVA_OPTS
- Switch the steps to use the akka execution context
- Enabled setting akka config in the exchange
- Added back in Makefile
target for travis - Updated local postgres config instructions in
- Fixed issue 270: Wrong error response when org not prepended
- Fixed corner-case bug in
POST /orgs/{orgid}/services/{service}/dockauths
- Issue 258: Notification Framework bugfixes
- Issue 265: POST /v1/orgs/{orgid}/search/nodes/error now filters on orgid
- Added
field to org and node resources - Fixed exception when route unrecognized
- Rebased exchange api server to akka-http
- Fixed bugs:
- In notification framework db steps, it didn't check the length of the returned vector before accessing the head
- Copy/paste bug with service url params
- Msg for access denied was showing access, instead of required access
- Removed old functionality:
- Authorization:Basic header value must now always be base64 encoded
- The Try it out button on the swagger display is not supported.
- Being front-ended by a component that does all of the auth (like DataPower) is not supported
- PUT /orgs/{orgid}/users/{username} to create a new user (use POST instead)
- Removed POST /admin/loglevel
- Removed POST /admin/upgradedb
- Removed POST /admin/downgradedb
- Removed POST /orgs/{orgid}/search/nodes
- Implement part 1 of issue 232: add exchange notification system : Resource Changes Route
- Fix issue 209: Change all occurrences of exchange checking db error msg content
- Fix issue 248: Pattern ID with trailing whitespace allowed
- Fix issue 213: hzn exchange node update (PATCH) wipes out registeredServices if input bad
- Implemented issue 239: Remove requirement of token in Node PUT for updates
- Implemented issue 202: Document using exchange root pw hash in config.json, and support disabling exchange root user
- Improved IAM API key and UI token error handling in IbmCloudModule:getUserInfo()
- Change /admin/hashpw so non-root users can run it
- Issue 231: Disable exchange org verification for ICP IAM authentication
- Issue 224: New route
POST /v1/orgs/{orgid}/search/nodes/service
as the previous service search route did not account for IBM services. - Changes to scale driver for higher scale testing
- More scale driver streamlining
- Catch a db timeout exception that was surfacing as generic invalid creds
- Issue 924: Patterns cannot be made with an empty or nonexistent services field.
- Removed redundant
file as the default file is in English.
- Added fast hash to cached token/pw
- Invalidate id cache entry when authentication fails
- Re-implemented scale drivers in go
- Changed scale node.go and agbot.go logic to have agbot create node msgs each time it finds it in the search
- In the scale drivers added some more retryable errors, and made retry max and sleep configurable
- Issue 214: Add optional
field to body of pattern search so the search filters only on the arch passed in
- New exchange search API to return how many nodes a particular service is currently running on
- Added pii translation files in
- Put the 2 cache mechanisms in the same branch/build, that can be chosen via the config file
- Implemented issue 187: Add API Route to search for nodes that have errors
- Fixed issue 171: Improve way exchange icp auth gets org to verify it (ICP 3.2.1 authentication of UI token (getting cluster name))
- Fixed auth exception being thrown for missing msg in msg file
- Implemented issue 187: Add API Route to search for nodes that have errors
- Implemented issue 204: made
more flexible so anax can add whatever fields they want
- Fixed issue 207: Change use of icp-management-ingress DNS name for ICP 3.2.1 (also works in 3.2.0)
- Fixed issue 183: Exchange node not found for POST /msgs should return 404, not 500 (also fixed it for agbot msgs)
- Fixed issue 185: serviceVersions should never be empty
- Fixed issue anax 783: Allow setting the pattern for a node in the exchange (error handling)
- Msg file fixes
- Upgradedb updates
- Have scale scripts calculate the number of agreements each node HB
- Moved exchange messages into separate non-code files to enable translation
- New exchange resource for node errors
- Optimize exchange pattern search for nodes to filter on node arch
- Incorporated Sadiyah's analysis of exchange logs into the perf/scaling test drivers
- Moved business policy nodehealth defaults to config.json and made them longer
- Modified perf/scaling scripts to work with ICP
- Moved pattern nodehealth defaults to config.json and made them longer
- Fixed timing problem in public cloud api key authentication
- Added
performance/scale test drivers
- Added retries to IBM IAM API authentication calls
- Added additional api methods tested in
, and improved the error handling
- Switched to use internal ICP authentication endpoints
- Caught exception when no auth provided
- Creating a business policy no longer rejects an arch of
- Updated scale tests
- Added verification of org during ICP IAM authentication
- Added check in pattern POST/PUT for service version not being set (anax issue 932)
- Removed user pw from debug level logging
- Added old tables to table drop list for /admin/dropdb, in case they were running with an old db
- Merged in fixes to exchange travis test (issue 88)
- Added updatedBy field to user resource in exchange
- Change requiredServices.version to requiredServices.versionRange
- Have business policy node search also filter on arch (issue 139)
- Check for update time of node agreement and node policy in exchange business policy search (issue 146)
- Ensure a customer can't set their own org to orgType IBM (only root can)
- Disallow public patterns in non-IBM orgs in the exchange
- Add date to exchange logging
- Added checking for valid service references in the userInput sections in patterns, business policies, and nodes
- Allowed admin user to change pw of other user in org, and allowed root user to change any pw
- Changed
field of patterns and business policies to include service info - Added
field to nodes
- Fixed ExchConfigSuites so it works with default config.json for
make test
in travis
- Added use of ICP self-signed cert
- Added
section to pattern resource - Added
section to business policy resource
- Add
field to node
- Log all invalid credentials
- Removed resource object
- Added business policies to agbot
- Added node search api for business policies
- Fixed bug in initdb and dropdb for service and business policy tables
- Add ICP IAM auth via platform key for
- Added iamtoken support for ICP
- Fixed cloud env vars in to be more general
- Fixed OneNodeProperty bug in NodeRoutes and NodesSuite
- Add Makefile and README support for building docker images for a branch
- Add business policy resource
- Fix swagger doc for node id
- Fixed bug: when org doesn't exist error msg is database-timeout
- Added running to
- Add node and service policy resources
- Do not show keystore encoded password in log
- Do not return "invalid creds" when can't reach db
- Configure https/ssl at run time (instead of build time), so the same container can run with both http and https, or just http.
- Increase db auth access timeout to avoid timeouts under certain conditions.
- Add TLS/SSL support to jetty, instead of relying on the front end (e.g. haproxy) to terminate the SSL
- Increase default max number of resources by an order of magnitude
- Update scale test driver
- Support composite service url in
POST /orgs/{orgid}/patterns/{pattern}/search
- Support composite service url in
- add field to org called orgType, which will have value IBM for any of our orgs that have ibm services in them
- allow any user to GET all orgs with filter of orgType=IBM
- delete support for the special
org - fix bug in which in the access denied error msg it only reported the generic access needed
- POST /orgs/{orgid}/nodes/{id}/configstate to POST /orgs/{orgid}/nodes/{id}/services_configstate
- In node resource, make msgEndPoint and softwareVersions optional
- Add node post to be able to be able to update some of the configState attrs
- Remove Resource from swagger and Services
- Support authentication via ibm cloud iam token that comes from the web ui
- Fix support for multiple orgs associate with 1 ibm cloud account
- Make orgs/ibmcloud_id table column not need to be unique, to support multiple orgs for the same ibm cloud account
- Fix problem with spaces in creds (issue 90)
- Handled special case of getting your own user when using iamapikey
- Added better errors for ibm auth
- Added /admin/clearAuthCaches
- Added IBM Cloud auth automated tests
- Added IBM Cloud auth plugin
- Fixed swagger
- Cleaned up
- Improved error in
when reference service does not exist to output service org, url, arch, version range - Added optional
field to service resource - Added new
definition that can be required by services to hold things like models - Added
as a validsharable
value - Added JAAS authentication framework