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Windows Performance Counters
2024-01-01 08:00:00 +0200

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Table of contents:

General information

The Performance Counter selection uses following syntax: \\Computer\PerfObject(ParentInstance/ObjectInstance#InstanceIndex)\Counter.

In order to match the process instance index with a PID you may use a special counter \Process(*)\ID Process. Similar counter (\.NET CLR Memory(*)\Process ID) exists for .NET Framework apps. If we want to track performance data for a particular process, we should start with collecting data from those two counters, for example:

typeperf -c "\Process(*)\ID Process" -si 1 -sc 1 -f CSV -o pids.txt
typeperf -c "\.NET CLR Memory(*)\Process ID" -si 1 -sc 1 -f CSV -o clr-pids.txt

An application that supports Performance Counters must have a Performance key under the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\appname key. The following example shows the values that you must include for this key.

                  Export = a REG_MULTI_SZ value that will be passed to the `OpenPerformanceData` function
                  Library = Name of your performance DLL
                  Open = Name of your Open function in your DLL
                  Collect = Name of your Collect function in your DLL
                  Close = Name of your Close function in your DLL
                  Open Timeout = Timeout when waiting for the `OpenPerformanceData` to finish
                  Collect Timeout = Timeout when waiting for the `CollectPerformanceData` to finish
                  Disable Performance Counters = A value added by system if something is wrong with the library

The Performance Counter names and descriptions are stored under the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib key in the registry.

         \Windows NT
                  Last Counter = highest counter index
                  Last Help = highest help index
                     Counters = 2 System 4 Memory...
                     Help = 3 The System Object Type...
                  \supported language, other than English
                     Counters = ...
                     Help = ...

Listing Performance Counters installed in the system

To list the available Performance Counters we may use the Get-Counter cmdlet in PowerShell or the typeperf command.

For example, below, we look for Performance Counters in the processor set:

PS> Get-Counter -listset processor

CounterSetName     : Processor
MachineName        : .
CounterSetType     : MultiInstance
Description        : The Processor performance object consists of counters that measure aspects of processor activity.
                     The processor is the part of the computer that performs arithmetic and logical computations, initi
                     ates operations on peripherals, and runs the threads of processes.  A computer can have multiple p
                     rocessors.  The processor object represents each processor as an instance of the object.
Paths              : {\Processor(*)\% Processor Time, \Processor(*)\% User Time, \Processor(*)\% Privileged Time, \Proc
PathsWithInstances : {\Processor(0)\% Processor Time, \Processor(1)\% Processor Time, \Processor(_Total)\% Processor Ti
                     me, \Processor(0)\% User Time...}
Counter            : {\Processor(*)\% Processor Time, \Processor(*)\% User Time, \Processor(*)\% Privileged Time, \Proc

The Get-Counter cmdlet accepts also wildcards and is case insensitive so to list Performance Counter sets which starts with .net you may issue command: Get-Counter -listset .net*.

To find all Performance Counters for the .NET CLR Memory object using typeperf, we could run:

> typeperf -q ".NET CLR Memory"
\.NET CLR Memory(*)\# Gen 0 Collections
\.NET CLR Memory(*)\# Gen 1 Collections

If we also want to include instance information:

> typeperf -qx ".NET CLR Memory"
\.NET CLR Memory(_Global_)\# Gen 0 Collections
\.NET CLR Memory(powershell)\# Gen 0 Collections
\.NET CLR Memory(powershell#1)\# Gen 0 Collections
\.NET CLR Memory(_Global_)\# Gen 1 Collections
\.NET CLR Memory(powershell)\# Gen 1 Collections

Finally, the lodctr extracts Performance Counters information from the registry:

> lodctr /q:".NET CLR Data"
Performance Counter ID Queries [PERFLIB]:
    Base Index: 0x00000737 (1847)
    Last Counter Text ID: 0x0000435A (17242)
    Last Help Text ID: 0x0000435B (17243)

[.NET CLR Data] Performance Counters (Enabled)
    DLL Name: netfxperf.dll
    Open Procedure: OpenPerformanceData
    Collect Procedure: CollectPerformanceData
    Close Procedure: ClosePerformanceData
    First Counter ID: 0x000013A4 (5028)
    Last Counter ID: 0x000013B0 (5040)
    First Help ID: 0x000013A5 (5029)
    Last Help ID: 0x000013B1 (5041)

Collecting performance data

We could use the same tools we used for querying also to collect Performance Counters data. In PowerShell, to collect 50 samples (with 1s interval) from all the process counters and save them to a binary file we could run the following set of commands:

(Cet-Counter -listset process).Paths > counters.txt
Get-Counter (gc .\counters.txt) -sampleinterval 1 -maxsamples 20 | Export-Counter testdata.blg -FileFormat BLG  -Force

Another example shows how to collect samples with interval 2s until ctrl-c is pressed:

Get-Counter (gc .\counters.txt) -sampleinterval 2 -continuous /

We may achieve the same results with typeperf, for example:

typeperf -cf .\counters.txt -si 1 -o testdata.blg -f BIN -sc 20
typeperf -cf .\counters.txt -si 1

Of course, with both PowerShell or typeperf, we may also retrieve only one counter data:

typeperf -c "\process(*)\% Processor Time" -si 1 -sc 20 -o testdata.blg -f BIN

Finally, we have a gui tool, perfmon that allows us to pick the interesting counters and present their values in a graph. We may also trigger a scheduled task when a specific counter threshold is met. You just need to manually create a User-Created Data Collector of type Performance Counter Alert. You will then be able select which counter values are interesting for you.

Examining the collected performance data

Using system tools

If we saved the counters data to a binary file, we can open it with perfmon:

perfmon /sys /open "c:\temp\testdata.blg"

REMARK: Remember to specify full path to the binary file.

A command line tool to query the collected performance data is relog. For example, to list the Performance Counters available in the input file, run the following command:

relog -q testdata.blg

In PowerShell, the Import-Counter cmdlet reads performance data generated by any Performance Counter tool and converts it to the performance data objects (the same as generated by the Get-Counter command).

Collect Performance Counter binary data and convert it using the Import-Counter cmdlet:

typeperf -cf .\counters.txt -si 1 -o testdata.blg -f BIN -sc 20
Import-Counter .\testdata.blg

The Import-Counter cmdlet may show statistics for the performance data file, for example:

PS C:\temp> Import-Counter .\testdata.blg -summary

OldestRecord                   NewestRecord                   SampleCount
------------                   ------------                   -----------
2012-03-31 15:54:27            2012-03-31 15:54:46            20

Using Log Parser

Log Parser Studio and the command line logparser tool (and library) are great data analysing tools and we may use them to query Performance Counters data as well. They do not understand the BLG format so before we can look into the data we need to convert the BLG file to CSV format (additional filtering is possible):

relog -f CSV testdata.blg -o testdata.csv

And we are ready to use logparser to parse the data, for example:

logparser "select * from testdata.csv" -o:DATAGRID

logparser "select top 2 [Event Name], Type, [User Data] into c:\temp\test.csv from dumpfile.csv"

To draw a chart presenting the Performance Counters data use the following syntax:

logparser "select [time], [\\pecet\process(system)\% user time],[\\pecet\process(_total)\% user time] into test.gif from testdata.csv" -o:CHART

logparser "select to_timestamp(time, 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.ll'), [\\pecet\process(system)\% user time],[\\pecet\process(_total)\% user time] into test.gif from testdata.csv" -o:CHART

Save performance data in SQL Server

To save Performance Counters data in SQL Server, you need to create a new Data Source (ODBC) using the SQL Server driver (SQLSRV32.dll). Then run the relog tool, for example:

> relog -f SQL -o SQL:Test!fd .\memperfdata-blog.csv

     .\memperfdata-blog.csv (CSV)

Begin:    2012-4-17 6:44:15
End:      2012-4-17 6:44:25
Samples:  10


File:     SQL:Test!fd

Begin:    2012-4-17 6:44:15
End:      2012-4-17 6:44:25
Samples:  4

The command completed successfully.

More information:

Fix problems with Performance Counters

Corrupted counters

Performance Counters sometimes might become corrupted - in such a case try to locate last Performance Counter data backup in C:\Windows\System32 folder. It should have a name similar to PerfStringBackup.ini. Before making any changes make backup of your current perf counters:

lodctr /S:PerfStringBackup_broken.ini

and then restore the counters:

lodctr /R:PerfStringBackup.ini

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