Here are some thoughts and experiments concering a programming pattern called composition.
What is this all about? All concrete types in julia can only have abstract supertypes. So there is (at the time of writing this, julia 1.6) no way to "inherit" fields/attributes to subtypes (because every abstract type is not allowed to have fields).
Let's use a (very artifical) toy example:
abstract type Shape end
struct Rectangle <: Shape
corner_upper_left :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
corner_lower_right :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
struct Circle <: Shape
center :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
radius :: Float64
Now what happens if you want to "add" an additional field: let's say a gray value? (This is just for simplicity. Obviously it's not a good idea to combine a mathematical shape with part of its appearance. But let's stay for the sake of simplicity with this example.)
One could define a new type GrayRectangle
and GrayCircle
. In order to have methods that work on both types Rectangle
and GrayRectangle
one would add an abstract supertype (see composition01.jl):
abstract type Shape end
abstract type AbstractRectangle <: Shape end
struct Rectangle <: AbstractRectangle
corner_upper_left :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
corner_lower_right :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
struct GrayRectangle <: AbstractRectangle
corner_upper_left :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
corner_lower_right :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
gray_value :: Float64
abstract type AbstractCircle end
struct Circle <: AbstractCircle
center :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
radius :: Float64
struct GrayCircle <: AbstractCircle
center :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
radius :: Float64
gray_value :: Float64
Now, one can define methods that only use the common fields of GrayRectangle
and Rectangle
and methods for gray shapes.
What happens if you want to add a new field, like a value for tranparency (often called an alpha_value
) for each shape? Then you have a lot of possible combinations: Circle
, GrayCircle
, AlphaCircle
, GrayAlphaCircle
. And copying and pasting all the fields is tedious.
Let's use another idea, where we use a new struct to save a reference to an object of the "old" type and add the fields; see, composition02.jl):
abstract type Shape end
struct Rectangle <: Shape
corner_upper_left :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
corner_lower_right :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
struct Circle <: Shape
center :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
radius :: Float64
struct GrayShape{shapeType <: Shape} <: Shape
parent :: shapeType
gray_value :: Float64
struct AlphaShape{shapeType <: Shape} <: Shape
parent :: shapeType
alpha_value :: Float64
Then there is a problem. How to access the gray_value
field of
r1 = AlphaShape(GrayShape(Rectangle((0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0)), 0.5), 0.9)
r2 = GrayShape(AlphaShape(Rectangle((0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0)), 0.9), 0.5)
They are r1.parent.gray_value
and r2.gray_value
, respectively. And here comes one
important part for the composition idea (in julia). If we want to keep
the data-structures as above, then we have to use getter-methods.
(see composition03.jl)
abstract type Shape end
struct Rectangle <: Shape
corner_upper_left :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
corner_lower_right :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
shape_get_corner_upper_left(s::Shape) = shape_get_corner_upper_left(s.parent)
shape_get_corner_upper_left(r::Rectangle) = r.corner_upper_left
shape_get_corner_lower_right(s::Shape) = shape_get_corner_lower_right(s.parent)
shape_get_corner_lower_right(r::Rectangle) = r.corner_lower_right
struct Circle <: Shape
center :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
radius :: Float64
shape_get_center(s::Shape) = shape_get_center(s.parent)
shape_get_center(c::Circle) =
shape_get_radius(s::Shape) = shape_get_radius(s.parent)
shape_get_radius(c::Circle) = c.radius
struct GrayShape{shapeType <: Shape} <: Shape
parent :: shapeType
gray_value :: Float64
shape_get_gray_value(s::Shape) = shape_get_gray_value(s.parent)
shape_get_gray_value(g::GrayShape) = g.gray_value
struct AlphaShape{shapeType <: Shape} <: Shape
parent :: shapeType
alpha_value :: Float64
shape_get_alpha_value(s::Shape) = shape_get_alpha_value(s.parent)
shape_get_alpha_value(a::AlphaShape) = a.alpha_value
The idea is to let the compiler crawl up all the parents until it reaches a parent where the field is saved directly in the struct (using julia's dispatch algorithm).
For every field one has to code two methods. In order to save keystrokes and to make this less error-prone one may use a macro: (see composition04.jl)
abstract type Shape end
macro shape_getter(field, owner_type)
func_sym = Symbol("shape_get_", field)
return esc(quote
$func_sym(s::Shape) = $func_sym(s.parent)
$func_sym(s::$owner_type) = s.$field
struct Rectangle <: Shape
corner_upper_left :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
corner_lower_right :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
@shape_getter(corner_upper_left, Rectangle)
@shape_getter(corner_lower_right, Rectangle)
struct Circle <: Shape
center :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
radius :: Float64
@shape_getter(center, Circle)
@shape_getter(radius, Circle)
struct GrayShape{shapeType <: Shape} <: Shape
parent :: shapeType
gray_value :: Float64
@shape_getter(gray_value, GrayShape)
struct AlphaShape{shapeType <: Shape} <: Shape
parent :: shapeType
alpha_value :: Float64
@shape_getter(alhpa_value, AlphaShape)
What happens if we want the value of a field that does not exist?
r1 = AlphaShape(GrayShape(Rectangle((0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0)), 0.5), 0.9)
ERROR: type Rectangle has no field parent
[1] getproperty(x::Rectangle, f::Symbol)
@ Base ./Base.jl:33
[2] shape_get_radius(s::Rectangle) (repeats 3 times)
@ Main ~/learn/julia/ComplexVisualDev/ComplexVisual/docs/composition04.jl:6
[3] top-level scope
@ REPL[3]:1
One idea to easily get nicer error messages can be seen in composition05.jl
abstract type Shape end
abstract type ShapeWithParent <: Shape end
macro shape_getter(field, owner_type)
func_sym = Symbol("shape_get_", field)
return esc(quote
$func_sym(s::ShapeWithParent) = $func_sym(s.parent)
$func_sym(s::$owner_type) = s.$field
struct Rectangle <: Shape
corner_upper_left :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
corner_lower_right :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
@shape_getter(corner_upper_left, Rectangle)
@shape_getter(corner_lower_right, Rectangle)
struct Circle <: Shape
center :: Tuple{Float64, Float64}
radius :: Float64
@shape_getter(center, Circle)
@shape_getter(radius, Circle)
struct GrayShape{shapeType <: Shape} <: ShapeWithParent
parent :: shapeType
gray_value :: Float64
@shape_getter(gray_value, GrayShape)
struct AlphaShape{shapeType <: Shape} <: ShapeWithParent
parent :: shapeType
alpha_value :: Float64
@shape_getter(alhpa_value, AlphaShape)
Then the same experiment results in
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching shape_get_radius(::Rectangle)
Closest candidates are:
shape_get_radius(::ShapeWithParent) at /home/noadmin/learn/julia/ComplexVisualDev/ComplexVisual/docs/composition05.jl:8
shape_get_radius(::Circle) at /home/noadmin/learn/julia/ComplexVisualDev/ComplexVisual/docs/composition05.jl:9
[1] shape_get_radius(s::GrayShape{Rectangle}) (repeats 2 times)
@ Main ~/learn/julia/ComplexVisualDev/ComplexVisual/docs/composition05.jl:8
[2] top-level scope
@ REPL[2]:1