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== Welcome to my newbie Blog System in Rails, this is a project for my university monography. 
I'm a newbie in Rails, Object-Oriented Programming and also Web-Programming, I work as a COBOL Mainframe programmer, completely different area. 
I just started in this new PC/WEB area, and I'm sure that's the future, I hope get some help here.


Basically my idea is something like this (consider as a textual class diagram please):
=> User login:string name:string email:string crypted_password:string salt:string image:binary created_at:datetime updated_at:datetime remember_token:string remember_token_expires_at:datetime
-Want use Restful_Authentication plugin here, also upload a picture for the user

=> Blog name:string address:string description:text icon:binary template_id:references
-Icon to be used as Favicon in the blog, also use some CSS already build like Zen Garden's CSS

=> BlogUser blog_id:references user_id:references level:integer
-Level for the user (Integer 1 byte):
9 - System Owner
8 - Power Admin
7 - Admin
6 - Moderator ( 9 to 6 will user blog_id = 0 because they have to control every blog and every user, maybe to avoid forbidden stuff like pornography or piracy or spam)
5 - reserved for the future
4 - Blog Owner 
3 - Blog Post Member
2 - Banished from Blog (maybe for spammers)
1 - Banished from system (also using blog_id = 0)
-Users without level can only comment, only logged users could comment

=> Template name:string css:string
-Built CSS just for the blogs

=> Post blog_id:references user_id:references title:string body:text

=> Category name:string

=> CategoryPost category_id:references post_id:references

=> Comment post_id:references user_id:references body:text


Well that's the idea, I hope you help me 8D
I don't know why, but I can't commit the restful_authentication plugin into my repository.

Using the gems:
until now

Using the plugins:
until now too

Luiz Biagi 
Rails Beginner
luizbiagi (at) gmail (dot) com


project for get my grade






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