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Both S+ nlme [note from Siem Heisterkamp] and e.g. lme4 do differ.
svn ci -m’patch from Siem Heisterkamp [‘apVar’ for “fixed sigma”] + changes to make intervals(.) working’
svn-diffB R/gls.R R/gnls.R R/lme.R R/newFunc.R R/nlme.R man/glsControl.Rd man/gnlsControl.Rd man/gnlsObject.Rd man/intervals.lmList.Rd man/intervals.lme.Rd man/lmeControl.Rd man/lmeObject.Rd man/nlmeControl.Rd man/nlmeObject.Rd tests/sigma-fixed-etc.R
compute and print the correlation matrix.
symbolic.cor = x$symbolic.cor, signif.stars = getOption(“show.signif.stars”), …)
so people would use summary(.) much more often probably ! MM thinks the default should even change not to print the correlation
Bug 16806 - nlme getVarCov() fails for corSpatial fits for individuals with a single observation only
because extractAIC() and step() are in stats