👋 Welcome to Voyager, the official desktop application for the Cosmos Network.
💻 Voyager runs on macOS 10.9+, Windows 7+, and Debian-based Linux distros.
🎉 Binary releases are available here. After downloading and untar/unzip-ing, navigate to the source directory and click on the Cosmos Voyager
icon to launch Voyager.
Building Voyager and its dependencies requires Docker installed.
Build the Gaia CLI (gaiacli
) and full node (gaiad
), which are part of the
Cosmos SDK, with the following command:
yarn build:gaia
The version built is specified in tasks/build/Gaia/COMMIT.sh
and the programs
are placed in the builds/Gaia
To connect to a testnet, Voyager needs the configuration files of those networks in the folder app/networks/{network_name}
. Gaia has a Git repository that holds the configuration files. Voyager has script to download those configurations for you:
yarn build:testnets
Voyager requires Node.js >=9.4.0
. If you have a different version of Node.js installed (e.g. Node.js 8.11 LTS
), you can use n
to install the correct version. The following command will use n
to install it alongside your current version of Node.js.
npm i -g n && n 9.4.0
Yarn is a JS package packager we use manage Voyager dependencies. Download it.
With Node.js and Yarn installed, you're ready to check out the source code:
git clone https://github.com/cosmos/voyager.git
cd voyager
yarn install
To run Voyager on the default testnet:
$ yarn start
To run Voyager on a specific testnet, see the status page for a list of available testnets.
$ yarn start <networkName>
To run Voyager on a local node:
First, start a full node following the testnet instructions.
Then start Voyager pointing at your local node.
$ COSMOS_NODE=localhost yarn start
First Build Gaia and Download the testnet configurations.
Here's an example build command:
yarn run build --commit=HEAD --network=gaia-8001
You can specify --help
to see all options with explanations.
When the build is complete, you can find the files in builds/Voyager
To test if your build worked run:
$ yarn test:exe {path to the unpacked executable}
To make an official release, follow the instructions in docs/release.md
Voyager is using Jest to run unit tests.
$ yarn test
You can run the unit tests for a single file (e.g., PageValidator.spec.js) whenever there are changes like this:
$ yarn watch PageValidator
To check test coverage locally run following. It will spin up a webserver and provide you with a link to the coverage report web page.
$ yarn test:coverage
To debug the electron application, build it and run the node inspector for the built files:
$ electron --inspect-brk builds/{{your build}}/resources/app/dist/main.js
Then attach to the debugger via the posted url in Chrome.
To debug the electron view, set the environment variable COSMOS_DEVTOOLS
to something truthy like "true"
. The Chrome DevTools will appear when you start Voyager.
To see the console output of the view in your terminal, set the environment variable ELECTRON_ENABLE_LOGGING
to something truthy like 1
Sometimes you may want to run a local node, i.e. in the case there is no available network. To do so first Build Gaia, then use our automatic script or the manual process to set up your node.
You can do the entire process in one command by running:
$ yarn build:local --overwrite=true
(Be careful with the --overwrite flag as it will remove previous local node configurations)
You can do the entire process manually by following these steps:
First initialize your node:
$ builds/Gaia/{OS}/gaiad init --home ~/.gaiad-testnet --name local
Write down the 12 word secret phrase to be able to import an account that holds tokens later on.
Copy the configuration files (assuming you are in the Voyager dir):
$ mkdir builds/testnets/local-testnet
$ cp ~/.gaiad-testnet/config/{genesis.json,config.toml} builds/testnets/local-testnet/
Enter your local node as a seed:
$ sed -i.bak 's/seeds = ""/seeds = "localhost"/g' ./builds/testnets/local-testnet/config.toml
Activate TX indexing in your local node:
$ sed -i.bak 's/index_all_tags = false/index_all_tags = true/g' ~/.gaiad-testnet/config/config.toml
Store the gaia version used in your local testnet:
$ ./builds/Gaia/{OS}/gaiad version > ./builds/testnets/local-testnet/gaiaversion.txt
Start your local node:
$ ./builds/Gaia/{OS}/gaiad start --home ~/.gaiad-testnet
Then run Voyager for your local testnet:
$ yarn start local-testnet
Import the account with the 12 word seed phrase you wrote down earlier.
A list of all environment variables and their purpose:
Variable | Values | default | Purpose |
NODE_ENV | 'production', 'development' | ||
LOGGING | 'true', 'false' | 'true' | Disable logging |
COSMOS_NETWORK | {path to network configuration folder} | '../networks/gaia-7001' | Network to connect to |
COSMOS_HOME | {path to config persistence folder} | '$HOME/.cosmos-voyager[-dev]' | |
LCD_URL | {URL of a Cosmos light client interface} | see 'app/config.toml' | Cosmos Light Client interface to connect to |
RPC_URL | {URL of a Tendermint rpc interface} | see 'app/config.toml' | Tendermint node to connect to |
COSMOS_DEVTOOLS | 'true', 'false' | 'false' | Open the debug panel in the electron view |
ELECTRON_ENABLE_LOGGING | 'true', 'false' | 'false' | Redirect the browser view console output to the console |
PREVIEW | 'true', 'false' | 'true' if NODE_ENV 'development' | Show/Hide features that are in development |
COSMOS_E2E_KEEP_OPEN | 'true', 'false' | 'false' | Keep the Window open in local E2E test to see the state in which the application broke. |
CI | 'true', 'false' | 'false' | Adds better structured output, makes a screenshot and adds logs to files (used on CircleCI). |
If tendermint crashes and the log shows
Tendermint state.AppHash does not match AppHash after replay.
delete the config folders at$HOME/.cosmos-voyager[-dev]
. -
If you use yarn, the post-install hook may not execute. If this happens you'll have to execute the script manually:
$ cd app
$ yarn
$ cd ..
$ npm run rebuild
- If electron shows the error:
A DLL initialization routine has failed.
rebuild the electron dependencies:
$ npm run rebuild
- If you have trouble installing dependencies, remove all the lockfiles and try installing again.
$ rm -rf app/yarn.lock
$ rm -rf app/package-lock.json
$ rm -rf yarn.lock
$ rm -rf package-lock.json
If your components are not found using a short path, check if the path resolution is applied for Webpack (
webpack.renderer.js > rendererConfig.resolve.alias
) and Jest (package.json > jest.moduleNameMapper
). -
If starting the development server fails with the error:
Error: listen EADDRINUSE
, you have still a development server process running. Kill it withkill $(lsof -t -i:9080)
on Unix systems. On Windows Powershell first look for the processes withnetstat -a -o -n | Select-String -Pattern "9080"
then kill them withtaskkill /F /PID {PID}
- If
yarn test:e2e
outputs an error about ChromeDriver timeout, remove your node_modules folder and reinstall all dependencies.
- The version mismatch (
The network you are trying to connect to requires gaia X, but the version Voyager is using is Y.
) is testing the gaia version in/builds/Gaia/...
against the one specified in the config dir~/.cosmos-voyager[-dev]/{NETWORK}/gaiaversion.txt
. If you know that you have the correct version, change it ingaiaversion.txt