This is a unofficial implementation of "Dive Into Deep Learning" for MindSpore users to get start of deep learning easily. The code is developed as a Jupyter notebook built upon MindSpore 2.0 or above, ensuring compatibility with all hardware platforms, including Ascend, GPU, and CPU.
git clone
cd d2l-mindspore
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd d2l-mindspore
jupyter lab
# use `jupyter lab --allow-root` if you use root
You can find the chinese version on Bilibili, 动手学深度学习Pytorch版. I sincerely hope you use this repository after watching the video.
- Book of "Dive into Deep Learning" version 2
- MindSpore Tutorial
- MindSpore Programming Guide
- MindSpore NLP tutorial
If you need extra resources to learn MindSpore or study Deep Learning with MindSpore, please check the resources list above, or submit a issue to leave your requirements.