You are given an m x n
binary matrix matrix
You can choose any number of columns in the matrix and flip every cell in that column (i.e., Change the value of the cell from 0
to 1
or vice versa).
Return the maximum number of rows that have all values equal after some number of flips.
Example 1:
Input: matrix = [[0,1],[1,1]] Output: 1 Explanation: After flipping no values, 1 row has all values equal.
Example 2:
Input: matrix = [[0,1],[1,0]] Output: 2 Explanation: After flipping values in the first column, both rows have equal values.
Example 3:
Input: matrix = [[0,0,0],[0,0,1],[1,1,0]] Output: 2 Explanation: After flipping values in the first two columns, the last two rows have equal values.
m == matrix.length
n == matrix[i].length
1 <= m, n <= 300
is either0
Related Topics:
Array, Hash Table, Matrix
Intuition: If two rows a
and b
can be flipped to be equal, either a == b
or a == ~b
. So we can:
- For each row, if the first element is not
, flip the row. - Find the maximum count of the rows having the same content.
// OJ:
// Author:
// Time: O(MN)
// Space: O(MN)
class Solution {
int maxEqualRowsAfterFlips(vector<vector<int>>& A) {
int N = A[0].size(), ans = 0;
unordered_map<string, int> cnt;
for (auto &row : A) {
bool flip = row[0] == 0;
string s;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) s += '0' + (row[i] ^ flip);
ans = max(ans, ++cnt[s]);
return ans;