In a N x N grid
composed of 1 x 1 squares, each 1 x 1 square consists of a /
, \
, or blank space. These characters divide the square into contiguous regions.
(Note that backslash characters are escaped, so a \
is represented as "\\"
Return the number of regions.
Example 1:
Input: [ " /", "/ " ] Output: 2 Explanation: The 2x2 grid is as follows:
Example 2:
Input: [ " /", " " ] Output: 1 Explanation: The 2x2 grid is as follows:
Example 3:
Input: [ "\\/", "/\\" ] Output: 4 Explanation: (Recall that because \ characters are escaped, "\\/" refers to \/, and "/\\" refers to /\.) The 2x2 grid is as follows:
Related Topics:
Depth-first Search, Union Find, Graph
Split each cell to 4 parts, top/right/bottom/left indexed by 0/1/2/3.
For each cell:
- If it's
' '
, connect all 4 sub-cells - If it's
, connect top-left and bottom-right. - If it's
, connect top-right and bottom-left. - Connect the 4 sub-cells with the neighboring sub-cells. For example, connect the top sub-cell with the bottom sub-cell of the cell above.
// OJ:
// Author:
// Time: O(N^2 * log(N^2))
// Space: O(N^2)
class UnionFind {
vector<int> id;
int cnt;
UnionFind(int n) : id(n), cnt(n) {
iota(begin(id), end(id), 0);
int find(int a) {
return id[a] == a ? a : (id[a] = find(id[a]));
void connect(int a, int b) {
int x = find(a), y = find(b);
if (x == y) return;
id[x] = y;
int getCount() { return cnt; }
class Solution {
int regionsBySlashes(vector<string>& A) {
int N = A.size(), dirs[4][2] = {{-1,0}, {0,1}, {1,0},{0,-1}}; // TRBL 0123
UnionFind uf(4 * N * N);
auto key = [&](int x, int y, int dir) { return 4 * (x * N + y) + dir; };
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
if (A[i][j] == ' ') {
for (int k = 1; k < 4; ++k) uf.connect(key(i, j, 0), key(i, j, k));
} else if (A[i][j] == '/') {
uf.connect(key(i, j, 0), key(i, j, 3));
uf.connect(key(i, j, 1), key(i, j, 2));
} else {
uf.connect(key(i, j, 0), key(i, j, 1));
uf.connect(key(i, j, 2), key(i, j, 3));
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
auto &[dx, dy] = dirs[k];
int a = i + dx, b = j + dy;
if (a < 0 || a >= N || b < 0 || b >= N) continue;
uf.connect(key(i, j, k), key(a, b, (k + 2) % 4));
return uf.getCount();