Introduction to Complexity Classes:
- Overview of P, NP, NP-Complete, and NP-Hard problems.
- Understanding computational feasibility and intractability.
- Polynomial Time (P): Problems that can be solved in polynomial time.
- Non-deterministic Polynomial Time (NP): Problems verifiable in polynomial time.
- NP-Complete: Importance and significance in real-world problems.
- Reduction: Polynomial-time reductions and transforming problems into NP-Complete form.
Intractability and Approximation Algorithms:
- Strategies for solving NP-Hard problems through approximation.
- Examples: Traveling Salesman Problem, Vertex Cover, Set Cover, Approximate Matching.
Computability and Undecidability:
- Turing Machines: Formalization of computation.
- Halting Problem: Example of an undecidable problem.
- Church-Turing Thesis: The theoretical limits of computation.
Self-Balancing Trees (Advanced):
- Splay Trees: Tree rebalancing through splaying, amortized complexity, and use cases.
- B-Trees: Optimized for reading and writing large blocks of data, commonly used in databases and file systems.
- B+ Trees: Extending B-Trees for range queries in databases.
Segment Trees and Fenwick Trees:
- Segment Trees: Efficient range queries and point updates.
- Fenwick Trees (Binary Indexed Trees): More memory-efficient alternative to segment trees, with focus on cumulative frequency tables.
Persistent Data Structures:
- Introduction to Persistent Trees: How to make data structures immutable and keep previous versions (useful for undo functionality).
- Trie (Radix Trees): Efficient storage for dynamic sets of strings, applications in IP routing, dictionaries, and autocomplete features.
Suffix Trees and Arrays:
- Suffix Trees: Linear-time pattern matching, construction, and usage in text-based search algorithms.
- Suffix Arrays: Space-efficient alternative to suffix trees with focus on solving string problems.
Skip Trees:
- Combining the efficiency of Skip Lists with the hierarchical structure of trees to achieve balanced search structures.
Graph Theory Concepts:
- Graph Isomorphism: Definition and significance, and current open questions in complexity theory.
- Planar Graphs: Special properties, algorithms for planarity testing, and applications.
Advanced Pathfinding Algorithms:
- Johnson's Algorithm: All-pairs shortest path problem, using Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra’s algorithms in combination.
- Edmonds-Karp Algorithm: Implementation of the Ford-Fulkerson method for solving the max-flow problem.
Matching and Network Flow:
- Bipartite Graph Matching: Hungarian algorithm for maximum matching in bipartite graphs.
- Min-Cut Max-Flow Theorem: The relation between network flow and cut problems, applications in network routing.
Approximation Algorithms for Hard Graph Problems:
- Approximate Vertex Cover: Using greedy techniques for NP-hard graph problems.
- Approximate Traveling Salesman Problem: Christofides’ algorithm for near-optimal solutions.
Graph Embedding:
- Understanding and applying graph embeddings in machine learning and computational geometry.
Introduction to Parallel Computing:
- Understanding Parallelism vs Concurrency.
- Parallel algorithms for sorting, searching, and matrix multiplication (e.g., Parallel Merge Sort, Parallel Matrix Multiply).
- MapReduce Paradigm: Decomposing problems for distributed systems.
Distributed Data Structures:
- Data consistency models in distributed systems (e.g., CAP Theorem).
- Designing scalable, fault-tolerant distributed hash tables (DHTs), such as Chord and CAN (Content Addressable Networks).
Consensus Algorithms:
- Introduction to Paxos and Raft algorithms for achieving consensus in distributed systems.
- Fault-tolerance and leader election.
Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Algorithms:
- Deep dive into consensus protocols used in blockchain (e.g., Proof of Work, Proof of Stake).
- Optimizing distributed systems for decentralized networks.
Parallel Dynamic Programming:
- Efficient parallelization strategies for solving dynamic programming problems (e.g., parallelized knapsack problem).
Linear and Non-Linear Programming:
- Introduction to Linear Programming (LP): Applications, simplex algorithm, duality theory.
- Non-linear Optimization: Techniques for solving optimization problems where the objective function or constraints are non-linear.
Integer Programming:
- Branch and Bound: General method for solving NP-hard problems in integer programming.
Convex Optimization:
- Understanding the properties of convex functions and why convex optimization problems are efficiently solvable.
- Applications of convex optimization in machine learning, signal processing, and economics.
- Genetic Algorithms: Evolutionary approaches to optimization problems.
- Simulated Annealing: Probabilistic optimization technique inspired by annealing in metallurgy.
- Ant Colony Optimization: Bio-inspired algorithms for solving combinatorial optimization problems.
Dynamic Graph Algorithms:
- Techniques for efficiently updating graph algorithms when the graph changes dynamically (e.g., edge insertions/deletions).
Introduction to Quantum Computing:
- Overview of Quantum Gates and Quantum Circuits.
- Quantum bits (qubits), superposition, and entanglement as quantum computing foundations.
Shor’s Algorithm:
- Quantum algorithm for integer factorization, crucial for breaking RSA encryption.
Grover’s Algorithm:
- Quadratically faster search algorithm for unsorted databases, applications in optimization problems.
Quantum Error Correction:
- Ensuring fault tolerance in quantum computations through error-correcting codes.
Adiabatic Quantum Computing:
- Alternative quantum computation model based on evolving quantum systems.
Quantum Approximation Algorithms:
- Variational quantum algorithms for solving combinatorial problems on near-term quantum computers.
Optimization in Machine Learning:
- Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD): Optimization for large-scale machine learning models.
- Conjugate Gradient Method: Optimization for convex problems with many variables.
Deep Learning Algorithms:
- Understanding backpropagation, gradient descent, and optimization for neural networks.
- Implementing deep neural networks with real-world datasets.
Reinforcement Learning Algorithms:
- Q-Learning, Policy Gradient, and Monte Carlo methods for decision-making problems.
Graph Neural Networks (GNN):
- Neural networks applied to graph-structured data, used for node classification and link prediction in graph-based systems.
Geometric Data Structures:
- Voronoi Diagrams: Efficiently dividing space for nearest neighbor queries.
- Convex Hull Algorithms: Jarvis March, Graham Scan, and Quickhull.
Computational Geometry Applications:
- Range searching, nearest neighbor search, and their applications in graphics, robotics, and GIS systems.
High-Dimensional Geometry:
- Understanding the curse of dimensionality in high-dimensional data structures.
- Algorithms for nearest-neighbor searches in high dimensions, such as locality-sensitive
hashing (LSH).
- Resources: