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ENS210 examples

There are several examples of increasing complexity.


A basic demo sketch that prints measurement data from them ENS210, relative humidity and temperature.

This is a bare minimum example. It tries to not use any other libraries (it only uses Serial to print results, and Wire for I2C). The ENS210 library is used without error error handling.


A sketch that demonstrates the continuous mode of the ENS210. No error handling.


A sketch, that is basic like ens210basic in that it uses no other libraries. But it does employ full error handling and it demos all conversions (Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit).


A sketch that demonstrates single shot mode, doing other work during the conversion. No error handling.


A real application, not just a basic demo. Reads temperature and humidity from the ENS210, and uploads that to a ThingSpeak channel.

This application uses several (standard) libraries, like WiFi and ThingSpeak. It also requires creation of a ThingSpeak account and an appropriate ThingSpeak channel to receive and store the data.

This has only been tested on ESP8266.


An application that demos how to "push" measurement data (from ENS210) to web clients (using websockets). The data appears in a simple list in the browser. Uses several libraries: web server, websocket server, dns server, flash file system.

This has only been tested on ESP8266.

Note that this example uses the flash file system of the ESP8266 (see ino for instructions).


This application is an extension of the previous. Data no longer appears in a list, but is shown in a graph, using the excellent smoothie library.

This has only been tested on ESP8266.

Note that this example uses the flash file system of the ESP8266 (see ino for instructions).

Sample serial output:

init: Welcome to ENS210 websockets v1
init: LED up
init: I2C up
init: ENS210 up
init: FFS up
init: AP config 'ENS210' at
init: AP up
init: DNS server up
init: WS server up
init: HTTP server up

data: 18.94°C (ok) 47.91%RH (ok) 500ms
data: 18.93°C (ok) 47.93%RH (ok) 500ms
data: 18.93°C (ok) 47.85%RH (ok) 500ms
data: 18.91°C (ok) 47.81%RH (ok) 500ms
data: 18.88°C (ok) 47.73%RH (ok) 500ms
data: 18.94°C (ok) 47.68%RH (ok) 500ms
data: 18.93°C (ok) 47.70%RH (ok) 500ms
data: 18.91°C (ok) 47.68%RH (ok) 500ms
data: 18.90°C (ok) 48.08%RH (ok) 500ms
data: 18.91°C (ok) 48.06%RH (ok) 500ms
http: req '/' ... sending 'index.html' size 5155 ... done
data: 18.94°C (ok) 48.07%RH (ok) 500ms
data: 18.91°C (ok) 48.08%RH (ok) 500ms
data: 18.91°C (ok) 48.06%RH (ok) 500ms
http: req '/smoothie.js' ... sending 'smoothie.js' size 12922 ... done
data: 18.91°C (ok) 48.06%RH (ok) 533ms
wsev: connected (slot 0)
data: 18.93°C (ok) 48.08%RH (ok) 500ms
data: 18.91°C (ok) 48.06%RH (ok) 500ms
data: 18.90°C (ok) 48.08%RH (ok) 500ms
data: 18.91°C (ok) 48.06%RH (ok) 500ms
data: 18.91°C (ok) 48.06%RH (ok) 500ms

Screenshot connected phone Screenshot ens210wsgraph

(end of doc)