diff --git a/houseagent/plugins/jeelabs.py b/houseagent/plugins/jeelabs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e855f1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/houseagent/plugins/jeelabs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+import os, sys
+import time
+from twisted.internet.serialport import SerialPort
+from twisted.protocols import basic
+import ConfigParser
+from houseagent.plugins import pluginapi
+from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
+from twisted.python import log
+# Platform specific imports
+if os.name == "nt":
+ import win32service
+ import win32serviceutil
+ import win32event
+ import win32evtlogutil
+class JeelabsDevice(object):
+ '''
+ Abstract class to represent a JeelabsDevice
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, id, type, subtype, rssi):
+ self.id = id
+ self.type = type
+ self.subtype = subtype
+ self.rssi = rssi
+class RoomNode(JeelabsDevice):
+ '''
+ Anstract class to represent a RoomNode device.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, id, type, subtype, rssi):
+ JeelabsDevice.__init__(self, id, type, subtype, rssi)
+ self.counter = None
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '[RoomNode] id: %r, type: %r, subtype: %r, counter: %r, rssi: %r' % (self.id, self.type, self.subtype, self.counter, self.rssi)
+class MeterNode(JeelabsDevice):
+ '''
+ Anstract class to represent a RoomNode device.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, id, type, subtype, rssi):
+ JeelabsDevice.__init__(self, id, type, subtype, rssi)
+ self.counter = None
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '[RoomNode] id: %r, type: %r, subtype: %r, counter: %r, rssi: %r' % (self.id, self.type, self.subtype, self.counter, self.rssi)
+class JeelabsProtocol(basic.LineReceiver):
+ '''
+ This class handles the JeeLabs protocol, i.e. the wire level stuff.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, wrapper):
+ self.wrapper = wrapper
+ self._devices = []
+ def lineReceived(self, line):
+ if line.startswith("OK"):
+ self._handle_data(line)
+ def _handle_data(self, line):
+ '''
+ This function handles incoming node data, current the following sketches/node types are supported:
+ - Roomnode sketch
+ - Outside node sketch
+ @param line: the raw line of data received.
+ '''
+ data = line.split(" ")
+# log.msg (line)
+# log.msg (data[2])
+# log.msg (len(data))
+ if len(data) > 6:
+ if int(data[2]) == 1:
+ # Raw data packets (information from host.tcl (JeeLabs))
+ a = int(data[4])
+ b = int(data[5])
+ c = int(data[6])
+ d = int(data[7])
+ node_id = str(int(data[1]) & 0x1f)
+ msg_seq = str(int(data[3]))
+ type = 'JeeLabs'
+ subtype = 'RoomNode'
+ rssi = 88
+ device = self._device_exists(id, type)
+ if not device:
+ device = RoomNode(node_id, type, subtype, rssi)
+ self._devices.append(device)
+ light = a
+ motion = b & 1
+ humidity = b >> 1
+ temperature = str(((256 * (d&3) + c) ^ 512) - 512)
+ battery = (d >> 2) & 1
+ temperature = temperature[0:2] + '.' + temperature[-1]
+# print(subtype)
+ log.msg("Received data from rooms jeenode; channel: %s, sequence: %s LDR: %s, " \
+ "humidity: %s, temperature: %s, motionsensor: %s, battery: %s" % (node_id, msg_seq, light, humidity, temperature, motion, battery))
+ values = {'Light': str(light), 'Humidity': str(humidity),
+ 'Temperature': str(temperature), 'Motion': str(motion), 'Battery': str(battery)}
+ self.wrapper.pluginapi.value_update(node_id, values)
+ # Handle outside node sketch
+ elif int(data[2]) == 2:
+ node_id = str(int(data[1]) & 0x1f)
+ type = 'JeeLabs'
+ subtype = 'OutsideNode'
+ # temperature from pressure chip (16bit)
+ temp = str((int(data[4]) << 8) + int(data[3]))
+ temp = temp[0:2] + '.' + temp[-1]
+ # Lux level (32bit)
+ lux = str((int(data[8]) << 24) + (int(data[7]) << 16) + (int(data[6]) << 8) + int(data[5]))
+ # barometric pressure (32bit)
+ pressure = str((int(data[-1]) << 24) + (int(data[-2]) << 16) + (int(data[-3]) << 8) + int(data[-4]))
+ pressure = pressure[0:4] + "." + pressure[-2:]
+ log.msg("Received data from outside sketch jeenode; channel: %s, lux: %s, " \
+ "pressure: %s, temperature: %s" % (node_id, lux, pressure, temp))
+ values = {'Lux': str(lux), 'Pressure': str(pressure), 'Temperature': str(temp)}
+# print('Received data')
+ self.wrapper.pluginapi.value_update(node_id, values)
+ # handle moternode sketch
+ elif int(data[2]) == 3:
+ # Raw data packets (information from host.tcl (JeeLabs))
+ a = int(data[4])
+ b = int(data[5])
+ c = int(data[6])
+ d = int(data[7])
+ node_id = str(int(data[1]) & 0x1f)
+ msg_seq = str(int(data[3]))
+ type = 'JeeLabs'
+ subtype = 'MeterNode'
+ rssi = 88
+ device = self._device_exists(id, type)
+ if not device:
+ device = MeterNode(node_id, type, subtype, rssi)
+ self._devices.append(device)
+ counter = d << 24 | c << 16 | b << 8 | a
+ cnt = str(int(counter / 100)) + '.' + str(counter % 100)
+# print(subtype)
+ log.msg("Received data from MeterNode; channel: %s, sequence: %s Counter: %s, " % (node_id, msg_seq, cnt))
+ values = {'Counter': cnt}
+ self.wrapper.pluginapi.value_update(node_id, values)
+ def _device_exists(self, id, type):
+ '''
+ Helper function to check whether a device exists in the device list.
+ @param id: the id of the device
+ @param type: the type of the device
+ '''
+ for device in self._devices:
+ if device.id == id and device.type == type:
+ return device
+ return False
+class JeelabsWrapper():
+ def __init__(self):
+ '''
+ Load initial JeeLabs configuration from jeelabs.conf
+ '''
+ from houseagent.utils.generic import get_configurationpath
+ config_path = "/etc"
+ config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+ config.read(os.path.join(config_path, 'jeelabs.conf'))
+ self.port = config.get("serial", "port")
+ # Get broker information (RabbitMQ)
+ self.broker_host = config.get("broker", "host")
+ self.broker_port = config.getint("broker", "port")
+ self.broker_user = config.get("broker", "username")
+ self.broker_pass = config.get("broker", "password")
+ self.broker_vhost = config.get("broker", "vhost")
+ self.logging = config.getboolean('general', 'logging')
+ self.log = pluginapi.Logging("Jeenode plugin")
+ self.id = config.get('general', 'id')
+ def start(self):
+ '''
+ Function that starts the JeeLabs plug-in. It handles the creation
+ of the plugin connection and connects to the specified serial port.
+ '''
+ callbacks = {'custom': self.cb_custom}
+ self.pluginapi = pluginapi.PluginAPI(self.id, 'Jeelabs', broker_host=self.broker_host, broker_port=self.broker_port, **callbacks)
+ self.protocol = JeelabsProtocol(self)
+ myserial = SerialPort (self.protocol, self.port, reactor, rtscts=0, xonxoff=1, baudrate=57600)
+ log.startLogging(open('/var/log/houseagent/jeelabs.log','w'))
+ self.log.debug("Started plugin")
+ self.pluginapi.ready()
+ reactor.run(installSignalHandlers=0)
+ return True
+ def cb_custom(self, action, parameters):
+ '''
+ This function is a callback handler for custom commands
+ received from the coordinator.
+ @param action: the custom action to handle
+ @param parameters: the parameters passed with the custom action
+ '''
+ if action == 'get_devices':
+ devices = {}
+ for dev in self.protocol._devices:
+ devices[dev.id] = [dev.type, dev.subtype, dev.rssi]
+ d = defer.Deferred()
+ d.callback(devices)
+ return d
+if os.name == "nt":
+ class JeelabsService(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework):
+ '''
+ This class is a Windows Service handler, it's common to run
+ long running tasks in the background on a Windows system, as such we
+ use Windows services for HouseAgent.
+ '''
+ _svc_name_ = "hajeelabs"
+ _svc_display_name_ = "HouseAgent - Jeelabs Service"
+ def __init__(self,args):
+ win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework.__init__(self,args)
+ self.hWaitStop=win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None)
+ self.isAlive=True
+ def SvcStop(self):
+ self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)
+ reactor.stop()
+ win32event.SetEvent(self.hWaitStop)
+ self.isAlive=False
+ def SvcDoRun(self):
+ import servicemanager
+ win32evtlogutil.ReportEvent(self._svc_name_,servicemanager.PYS_SERVICE_STARTED,0,
+ servicemanager.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE,(self._svc_name_, ''))
+ self.timeout=1000 # In milliseconds (update every second)
+ jeelabs = JeelabsWrapper()
+ if jeelabs.start():
+ win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self.hWaitStop, win32event.INFINITE)
+ win32evtlogutil.ReportEvent(self._svc_name_,servicemanager.PYS_SERVICE_STOPPED,0,
+ servicemanager.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE,(self._svc_name_, ''))
+ self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOPPED)
+ return
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if os.name == "nt":
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ try:
+ import servicemanager, winerror
+ evtsrc_dll = os.path.abspath(servicemanager.__file__)
+ servicemanager.PrepareToHostSingle(JeelabsService)
+ servicemanager.Initialize('JeelabsService', evtsrc_dll)
+ servicemanager.StartServiceCtrlDispatcher()
+ except win32service.error, details:
+ win32serviceutil.usage()
+ else:
+ win32serviceutil.HandleCommandLine(JeelabsService)
+ else:
+ jeelabs = JeelabsWrapper()
+ jeelabs.start()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/houseagent/plugins/jeelabs/README.md b/houseagent/plugins/jeelabs/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c30e1a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/houseagent/plugins/jeelabs/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+HouseAgent JeeLabs plug-in
+This is the JeeLabs plug-in for HouseAgent. For more information about JeeLabs visit: http://www.jeelabs.org
+For more information about HouseAgent visit: http://www.houseagent.nl
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/houseagent/plugins/jeelabs/menu.xml b/houseagent/plugins/jeelabs/menu.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5746a01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/houseagent/plugins/jeelabs/menu.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
This page allows you to view devices that were discovered/received by the Jeelabs interface. This page also allows you to add the device to the HouseAgent database in order to track the values of the device.