- Creating Passionate Users Blog http://headrush.typepad.com/
- This deserves your attention — Leisa's reading list https://tinyletter.com/leisa/
- Mind the Product — an international product community https://www.mindtheproduct.com/
- Intercom on Product Management https://www.intercom.com/books/product-management
- Intercom — Run Less Software https://www.intercom.com/blog/run-less-software/
- DesignBetter.co — Introducing the best practices, stories, and insights from the world’s top design leaders https://www.designbetter.co/
- DesignBetter.co — available in ePub format https://www.invisionapp.com/inside-design/design-better-epub
- Owwly — Home for digital products crafted with passion to design https://owwly.com/products/newest
- Product Frameworks - A collection of tips, resources and best practices from leading companies and experts to help you build products https://www.product-frameworks.com/
- Solve the Product Maze Backwards https://adamnash.blog/2017/07/25/solve-the-product-maze-backwards/
- Christmas Prioritisation - How to run agile with fixed scope, fixed time, planned months in advance https://gojko.net/2017/12/11/christmas-prioritisation.html
- Google Ventures - The Design Sprint http://www.gv.com/sprint/
- The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/video/the-lean-startup-how-todays-entrepreneurs-use-continuous-innovation-to-create-radically-successful-businesses/
- The Lean Startup: This Week In Startups - Eric Ries of Lean Startup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mLrNHSn-yc
- How to build the next Trello and sell it for $425 million or more https://medium.com/99-percent/how-to-build-the-next-trello-and-sell-it-for-425-million-or-more-589045c9bd64
- Startup Pitch Decks - A collection of real fundraising decks from real startups https://attach.io/startup-pitch-decks/
- "The Innovator's Dilemma" by Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUAtIQDllo8
- Triggers — A powerful brainstorming tool for creatives http://www.trytriggers.com/
- Digital Psychology – a free library of psychological principles and examples for inspiration to enhance the customer experience and influence your user's behavior http://digitalpsychology.io/
- Mental Notes - bring a little psychology to web design http://getmentalnotes.com/
- Bite-size behavioural research analysis http://coglode.com/
- Content Review - A simple technique for evaluating content https://userresearch.blog.gov.uk/2014/09/02/a-simple-technique-for-evaluating-content/
- Pollfish — Survey millions of consumers anytime, anywhere https://www.pollfish.com/
- The art of the error message — Writing clear, helpful copy for when things go wrong https://thestyleofelements.org/the-art-of-the-error-message-9f878d0bff80
- Common Types of Error Messages https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6f9wHapAofKRFdvU3BUbVZjckU/view
- Chrome Summit: New Bar for Web Experiences — FIRE / PWAs https://www.lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?1975
- The best resources for learning design and code https://designcode.io/learn
- Refactoring UI — Learn UI design through case studies on improving user-submitted projects https://refactoringui.com/
- Learn UX — UI Design Tools Video Courses https://learnux.io/
- Type Scale - Preview and choose the right type scale for your project. Experiment with font size, scale and different webfonts https://type-scale.com/
- A Five Minutes Guide to Better Typography http://pierrickcalvez.com/journal/a-five-minutes-guide-to-better-typography
- Marvel - Wireframe and design with Marvel https://marvelapp.com/design/
- Haiku - Design UI components, powered by motion. Works with any iOS, Android, or Web codebase. https://www.haiku.ai/
- Sketch. The digital design toolkit https://www.sketchapp.com/
- InVision Studio - The world's most powerful screen design tool https://www.invisionapp.com/studio
- InVision Studio — Made For Studio — Everything You Need To Get Started With InVision Studio https://madeforstudio.com/
- Adobe XD. Design. Prototype. Experience https://www.adobe.com/mt/products/xd.html
- InVision Inspect — Pixel-perfect design handoffs for your team https://www.invisionapp.com/feature/inspect
- Zeplin - Build pixel perfect apps in peace. Design hand-off has never been easier. https://zeplin.io/
- WebFlow - Design and develop at the same time https://webflow.com
- Abstract - Secure version control and design workflow management https://www.goabstract.com/
- ReactSketch.app - Render React components to Sketch; tailor-made for design systems https://airbnb.io/react-sketchapp/
- DO - The most versatile to-do app UI kit you've ever seen. https://www.invisionapp.com/do
- UXPin — The Premier UX Design Platform. Prototyping. Documentation. Design Systems. https://www.uxpin.com/
- Alva — a radically new digital design tool built for cross-functional product teams https://meetalva.io/
- Framer X — Interactive design for everyone. https://framer.com/x
- Rethink — Provocative Prototyping https://www.rethinkhq.com/videos/2018/8/2/provocative-prototyping
- Evergreen — Segment's Design System https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoxEhlLpG9k
- Adele — The repository of publicly available design systems and pattern libraries https://adele.uxpin.com/
- Design Systems Repo — Design Systems Gallery https://designsystemsrepo.com/design-systems/
- Priceline One — Priceline Design System https://pricelinelabs.github.io/design-system/
- Polaris — Shopify Design System https://polaris.shopify.com/
- Evergreen — A Design System for the Web https://evergreen.segment.com/
- Ant Design — A design system with values of Nature and Determinacy for better user experience of enterprise applications https://ant.design/
- Measuring the Impact of a Design System https://medium.com/@didoo/measuring-the-impact-of-a-design-system-7f925af090f7
- Ryan Hoover, The Building Blocks of Community, LSC15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NG1Jn5JM-V8
- Launchaco - The Simplest Way to Build a Website For Your Startup https://www.launchaco.com/
- FullStory.com - What do you want to know about your customer experience? https://www.fullstory.com/
- Mixpanel.com - Product analytics for product people https://mixpanel.com/
- Heap.io — The New Standard in Tracking Customer Data https://heap.io/
- Fathom Analytics — provides simple, useful website stats without tracking or storing personal data of your users. https://usefathom.com/
- UserTesting.com - User Experience Research Platform https://www.usertesting.com/
- UsabilityHub.com - Remote user testing https://usabilityhub.com/
- How Long Should You Run Your A/B Test? https://blog.mailchimp.com/how-long-to-run-an-ab-test/
- Easy statistics for AdWords A/B testing, and hamsters https://blog.asmartbear.com/easy-statistics-for-adwords-ab-testing-and-hamsters.html
- Bullet Train — manage feature flags and remote config across web, mobile and server side applications https://bullet-train.io/
- LogRocket.com - Stop guessing why bugs happen https://logrocket.com/
- Sentry.io - Stop hoping your users will report errors https://sentry.io/
- Rollbar.com - Catch Errors Before Your Users Do https://rollbar.com/
- BugSnag - Error reporting, monitoring, and resolution with Bugsnag https://www.bugsnag.com/
- TrackJS - Fix Your JavaScript. Track Error Context. Actually Fix Bugs https://trackjs.com/