Version 1.1.1 (16.04.2012)
- fixed issue with jslint:copy_config task
Version 1.1 (09.04.2012)
- removed support for installing as a Rails plugin
- doesn't auto-generate jslint.yml if it doesn't exist (create one explicitly using the rake task if you want)
- no need to set JSLint.config_path (if you aren't using the Railtie) if the file is in the default location
Version 1.0.7 (12.09.2011)
- fixed problem with local options from one file being applied to all subsequent files
Version 1.0.6 (19.02.2011)
- escape $ in predef line to prevent Bash for interpreting it
- predef can be passed as a YAML array
Version 1.0.5 (08.01.2011)
- options passed on the command line to JSLint are joined with "&" to fix the "predef" option
- load YAJL module explicitly (in some environments it may not be loaded automatically)
Version 1.0.4 (05.12.2010)
- bundler should be able to load the gem without :require
- added a Railtie to make things simpler in Rails 3
- don't print any warnings if tested JS file is empty
- lastsemic option will now not work if the missing semicolon is on a different line than the end bracket (so it only makes sense for inline one-liner functions)
- updated JSLint to version from 2010-11-27 (adds some new warnings about comparing variables with empty string using "==")
Version 1.0.3 (11.06.2010)
- Ruby 1.9 compatibility fixes
- 'es5' option is disabled by default
Version 1.0.2 (10.04.2010)
- Rails 3 compatibility fixes
- updated JSLint to version from 2010-04-06
- refactoring, added specs
Version 1.0.0 (18.12.2009)
- first gem release