- make constants and config http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/config/
- add cli data_acquisition_tools folder as sibling to heated_mattress w/ file processing util
- review code and meditate on layout
- add a spinner to remote page
- daemon service script
- add threaded false to app.run app.run(debug=True, host='', threaded=False)
- review and improve documentation - add value propositions
- make sender by composition
- eat my own dog food
- Analyze data
- add binary dumps to resources
- compare turn on vs just temp change packets (is temp change smaller/easier to analyze?)
- make 000_000, 100_000, 010_000, 001_000, 000_100, 000_010, 000_001, 001_001 files to compare
- replace averaging pickles with real data