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183 lines (157 loc) · 6.06 KB

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183 lines (157 loc) · 6.06 KB


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Storeon logo by Anton Lovchikov

Utility for creating feature sub store for Storeon.

It size is 420 B (minified and gzipped) and uses Size Limit to control size.


The goal of this library is provide the easy way to create feature sub store, which allows to work on sub state (projection of parent state) within the storeon events handler and returns sub state on get method call.

During work with mid scale application you can notice that on multiple places you have to make the projection of state, eg:

 * @param {Store<{feature: {counter: number}}>} store 
export function featureCounterModule(store) {
    store.on('@init', () => ({
        feature: {
            counter: 0
    store.on('featureIncrement', state => ({
        feature: {
            counter: state.feature.counter + 1,  
    store.on('featureDecrement', state => ({
        feature: {
            counter: state.feature.counter - 1,  
    store.on('featureSet', (state, count) => ({
        feature: {
            counter: count  

To eliminate the duplication of state projection each time when you reduce your state you can use feature sub store:

 * @param {Store<{feature: {counter: number}}>} store 
export function featureCounterModule(store) {
    const featureStore = createSubstore(store, 'feature'); 
    featureStore.on('@init', () => ({
        counter: 0
    featureStore.on('featureIncrement', state => ({
        counter: state.counter + 1,  
    featureStore.on('featureDecrement', state => ({
        counter: state.counter - 1,  
    featureStore.on('featureSet', (state, count) => ({
        counter: count  


Or even use sub store of sub store:

 * @param {Store<{feature: {counter: number}}>} store 
export function featureCounterModule(store) {
    const featureStore = createSubstore(store, 'feature'); 
    const featureCounterStore = createSubstore(featureStore, 'counter'); 
    featureCounterStore.on('@init', () => 0);
    featureCounterStore.on('featureIncrement', state => state + 1);
    featureCounterStore.on('featureDecrement', state => state - 1);
    featureCounterStore.on('featureDecrement', (state, count) => count);

Three important remarks:

  • The state delivered to handler attached to sub store, can get the undefined value if the state of the feature is not yet set.


npm i storeon-substore --save


import createStore from "storeon";
import { createSubstore } from "storeon-substore";

// create store 
const store = createStore([]);

// create sub store
const featureStore = createSubstore(store, 'feature');

// registering handler on substore
featureStore.on('toggleFeatureBooleanFlag', (state) => ({
    // please notice that sub state can be undefined
    flag: state ? !state.flag : true, 

// which is equivalent to 
// store.on('toggleFeatureBooleanFlag', (state) => ({
//     feature: {
//         ...state.feature,
//        flag: state.feature ? !state.feature.flag : true, 
//    }   
// }));

// @changed event
featureStore.on('@changed', (state, diff) => {
    // here the state is a state of featureStore
    // and diff contains only properties which are changed on featureStore level 

// dispatching event on sub store works exactly in same way as on parent one 

// taking state
featureStore.get(); // returns { flag: true }

// which is equivalent to 
// featureStore.get().feature; // returns { flag: true }

Scoped events

This library allows also to scope the events. By default, substore is operates on same set of events like parent store. But there is possibility to narrow scope of all dispatched events only to substore handlers. This can be useful for storeon modules reuse. Look at the example:

import createStore from "storeon";
import { createSubstore } from "storeon-substore";
// lets create generic counter module
const counterModule = (store: StoreonStore<any>) => {
    store.on('inc', state => ({
        count: (state?.count || 0) + 1
    store.on('dec', state => ({
        count: (state?.count || 0) + 1
// create master store
const store = createStoreon<any>([]);

// create counterA substore
// please notice that we are using third argument
const counterAStore = createSubstore(store, 'counterA', true);

// create counterB substore
// please notice that we are using third argument
const counterBStore = createSubstore(store, 'counterB', true);

// now lets dispatch events first on counterAStore
console.log(store.get()) // { counterA: { count: 1 } }

// then on counterBStore
console.log(store.get()) // { counterA: { count: 1 }, counterB: { count: 1 } }


  • createSubstore - is factory function which returns sub feature store. Params:
    • parent the parent store, can be a result of createStore or other sub store created by createSubstore
    • key the sub state property key in parent state
    • scopeEvents (optional) boolean flag which will enable the events scoping, so every event dispatched on the substore will be only scoped to this substore, so only handlers attached to this substore will handle the event