It allows to delay route transition until all promises returned by reduxAsyncConnect methods of components defined within corresponding route are resolved or rejected.
Static route configuration (Array<Route>
Function used to filter asyncConnect
items in components matched by machRoutes
Has signature: (item: { key?: string, promise: () => Promise<any> | undefined | any }, component: React.Component) => boolean
Function that accepts props and used to render route components.
Defaults to ({ routes }) => renderRoutes(routes)
Any helpers you may want pass to your reduxAsyncConnect static method. For example some fetching library.
asyncConnect(AsyncProps: Array, mapStateToProps?, mapDispatchToProps?, mergeProps?, options?)
Signature now corresponds to react-redux connect
This function is used to decorate your container components that are connected to the router. It should provide a mapStateToProps
object as follows:
key: 'lunches',
promise: ({ store: { dispatch, getState }, helpers }) => (
export default class Home extends Component {
// ...
is an array of objects with key
and promise
The interface is similar to react-redux connect. The key
field of each object will be used to connect data returned from from promise
to both the redux state and the corresponding prop in the component.
So in example above you'll have this.props.lunches
The promise
field should be a function that accepts a single object as an option.
Given that you are using loadOnServer
as follows with the current version of react-router (v4.x at the time of writing),
loadOnServer(params: { location: { pathname: string }, routes: Array<Route>, store? : { dispatch: (Action) => any, getState: () => any } , helpers?: any }) => Promise<void>
the option can include the following keys:
- store - Includes methods
- match -
{ params: any, isExact: boolean, path: string, url: string }
the match object that also gets passed to<Route>
render method - route - a reference to the matched item from routes array
- routes - routes you have passed to
- helpers - Any helpers you have passed from
- location - location you have passed to
The promise
function can return:
- undefined - In this case we'll do nothing
- promise - In this case we'll store data from this promise on the appropriate key in the redux state and will ask ReduxAsyncConnect to delay rendering until it's resolved.
- other value - In this case we'll store this data to redux state on the appropriate key immediately
This reducer MUST be mounted to reduxAsyncConnect
key in combineReducers.
It uses to store information about global loading and all other data to redux store.
You'll have the following in your reduxAsyncConnect
key in redux state:
(the [key] here is corresponding to mapStateToProps object's keys passed to asyncConnect decorator)
- loaded It's global loading identifier. Useful for page preloader
- [key].loading Identifies that promise resolving in progress
- [key].loaded Identifies that promise was resolved
- [key].data Data, returned from resolved promise
- [key].error Errors, returned from rejected promise
There are some actions you can react on:
- LOAD data loading for particular key is started
- LOAD_SUCCESS data loading process successfully finished. You'll have data returned from promise
- LOAD_FAIL data loading process was failed. You'll have error returned from promise
- CLEAR data for particular key was cleared
- BEGIN_GLOBAL_LOAD loading for all components began
- END_GLOBAL_LOAD loading for all components finished