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05a51b2 · Jun 25, 2020


This branch is 758 commits behind GoogleCloudPlatform/php-docs-samples:main.


Google Cloud Firestore API Samples

These samples show how to use the Google Cloud Firestore API to store and query data.



  1. Open the Firebase Console and create a new project. (You can't use both Cloud Firestore and Cloud Datastore in the same project, which might affect apps using App Engine. Try using Cloud Firestore with a different project if this is the case).

  2. In the Database section, click Try Firestore Beta.

  3. Click Enable.


Authentication is typically done through Application Default Credentials which means you do not have to change the code to authenticate as long as your environment has credentials. You have a few options for setting up authentication:

  1. When running locally, use the Google Cloud SDK

     gcloud auth application-default login
  2. When running on App Engine or Compute Engine, credentials are already set-up. However, you may need to configure your Compute Engine instance with additional scopes.

  3. You can create a Service Account key file. This file can be used to authenticate to Google Cloud Platform services from any environment. To use the file, set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to the path to the key file, for example:

     export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/service_account.json

Install Dependencies

  1. Enable the Cloud Firestore API.

  2. Install dependencies via Composer. Run php composer.phar install (if composer is installed locally) or composer install (if composer is installed globally).

  3. Create a service account at the Service account section in the Cloud Console

  4. Download the json key file of the service account.

  5. Set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable pointing to that file.


To run the Cloud Firestore Samples:

$ php firestore.php
Cloud Firestore

  command [options] [arguments]

  -h, --help            Display this help message
  -q, --quiet           Do not output any message
  -V, --version         Display this application version
      --ansi            Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi         Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

Available commands:
  add-data                             Add data to a document.
  add-doc-data-after-auto-id           Auto-generate an ID for a document, then add document data.
  add-doc-data-types                   Set document data with different data types.
  add-doc-data-with-auto-id            Add document data with an auto-generated ID.
  add-subcollection                    Add a subcollection by creating a new document.
  array-membership                     Create queries using an an array-contains where clause.
  batch-write                          Batch write.
  chained-query                        Create a query with chained clauses.
  collection-ref                       Get a collection reference.
  composite-index-chained-query        Create a composite index chained query, which combines an equality operator with a range comparison.
  create-query-capital                 Create a query that gets documents where capital=True.
  create-query-state                   Create a query that gets documents where state=CA.
  delete-collection                    Delete a collection.
  delete-document                      Delete a document.
  delete-field                         Delete a field from a document.
  delete-test-collections              Delete test collections used in these code samples.
  document-path-ref                    Get a document path reference.
  document-ref                         Get a document reference.
  end-at-field-query-cursor            Define field end point for a query.
  get-all-docs                         Get all documents in a collection.
  get-document                         Get a document.
  get-multiple-docs                    Get multiple documents from a collection.
  help                                 Displays help for a command
  initialize                           Initialize Cloud Firestore with default project ID.
  initialize-project-id                Initialize Cloud Firestore with given project ID.
  invalid-range-order-by-query         An invalid range with order by query.
  invalid-range-query                  An example of an invalid range query.
  list                                 Lists commands
  list-subcollections                  List subcollections of a document.
  multiple-cursor-conditions           Set multiple cursor conditions.
  order-by-name-desc-limit-query       Create an order by name descending with limit query.
  order-by-name-limit-query            Create an order by name with limit query.
  order-by-state-and-population-query  Create an order by state and descending population query.
  paginated-query-cursor               Paginate using cursor queries.
  query-create-examples                Create an example collection of documents.
  range-order-by-query                 Create a range with order by query.
  range-query                          Create a query with range clauses.
  retrieve-all-documents               Retrieve all documents from a collection.
  retrieve-create-examples             Create an example collection of documents.
  return-info-transaction              Return information from your transaction.
  run-simple-transaction               Run a simple transaction.
  set-document                         Set document data.
  set-document-merge                   Set document data by merging it into the existing document.
  set-requires-id                      Set document data with a given document ID.
  simple-queries                       Create queries using single where clauses.
  start-at-field-query-cursor          Define field start point for a query.
  start-at-snapshot-query-cursor       Define snapshot start point for a query.
  subcollection-ref                    Get a reference to a subcollection document.
  update-doc                           Update a document.
  update-doc-array                     Update a document array field.
  update-doc-increment                 Update a document number field using Increment.
  update-nested-fields                 Update fields in nested data.
  update-server-timestamp              Update field with server timestamp.
  where-order-by-limit-query           Combine where with order by and limit in a query.

The client library

This sample uses the Google Cloud Client Library for PHP. You can read the documentation for more details on API usage and use GitHub to browse the source and report issues.


If you get the following error, set the environment variable GCLOUD_PROJECT to your project ID:

No project ID was provided, and we were unable to detect a default project ID.

If you have not set a timezone you may get an error from php. This can be resolved by:

  1. Finding where the php.ini is stored by running php -i | grep 'Configuration File'
  2. Finding out your timezone from the list on this page:
  3. Editing the php.ini file (or creating one if it doesn't exist)
  4. Adding the timezone to the php.ini file e.g., adding the following line: date.timezone = "America/Los_Angeles"