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434 lines (400 loc) · 23.2 KB

0.05btc起 Fmex多头版 - 高频版 (自用高风险版建议0.1-0.2b起).md

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434 lines (400 loc) · 23.2 KB


0.05btc起 Fmex多头版 - 高频版 (自用高风险版建议0.1-0.2b起)




FMex排序挖矿多头版本代码使用说明 //策略仅限个人使用,若用于商业传播,请提前联系. //保证金市场风险巨大,你可能随时面临100%损失。或有不明bug100%损失,概不负责。 //(若考虑持仓做空或震荡,可对应灵活修改参数和代码挡位) //目前最大仓位(转向计算),建议0.5-3倍以内。若0.1Btc,3倍杠杆,转向仓位约2700,最大仓位3200,调到10倍杠杆,则转向仓位为9000u,最大仓位10000u,单量可以调整为300-500u //实盘地址: 测试网注意:首先手动持仓long1-1000u。 //(联系微信:ying5737) 策略原理:


盘口下单随机成交/该策略默认倾向于持有多头仓位/ 注意:先持仓long1u-1000u。// - 检测现有订单是否超过界限,如果超过了就立马取消该订单/ - 检测是否成交形成了仓位,如果大于仓位xxu,则减仓到既定仓位以下/


全局挂单: 为区别市商策略,特定定义远端排序为挂单。参数可调,目前在8档左右。

市商(盘口近端挂单): 最大多头持仓自定义,若大于该仓位,约每6s减仓位,直到小于自定义参数. 最大空头持仓自定义,若大于该仓位,约每6s减仓位,直到小于自定义参数. 大于多仓启动减多仓策略,挂单为short为主:成交空头仓位 大于1u空头仓位,启动减空头仓位策略,挂单为long:极易成交多单 正常持仓(盘口波动随机成交多单为主)


order = createOrderPrice({ symbol: "BTCUSD_P", type: "LIMIT", direction: "SHORT",//选择多空,short或long post_only: true, price: lastPrice + 5.5,//数字可调0.5或0.5的倍数 quantity: sp_perAmount, affiliate_code: "9y40d8" })

风险自负/参数可调,微信:ying5737 优化方向:加入均线或K线对比来确定方向,挡位优化,增加自定义单量等/


参数 默认值 描述
Url 链接交易所api地址,测试网
maxPrice 30000 区间最高价
minPrice 9100 区间最低价
sp_baseAmountLong 2700 多仓过多,转向成交空头的限制仓位
sp_baseAmountShort 300 空头仓过多,转向成交多头的限制仓位
g_maxHoldingLong 3000 仓位控制:多单最大持仓量
g_maxHoldingShort 800 仓位控制:空单最大持仓量
sp_perAmount 150 市商排序:单量。(深度排序单量=市商单量*3)
RetryInterval 5000 容错重试间隔(毫秒)(默认参数即可)
Debug true 显示重试记录(默认参数即可)
EnableErrorFilter false 显示重试记录屏蔽常见网络错误信息(默认参数即可)
ApiList GetAccount,GetDepth,GetTicker,GetRecords,GetTrades,GetOrders,SetContractType 容错API列表(默认参数即可)
Interval 2 Interval0轮询时间(默认参数即可)

源码 (javascript)

var eName = exchange.GetName();
            if (eName == "Futures_FMex") {
                exchange.IO("extend", '{"POST/v3/contracts/orders$":{"affiliate_code":"9y40d8"}}');
            } if (eName == "FCoin") {
                exchange.IO("extend", '{"POST/v2/orders$":{"affiliate_code":"9y40d8"}}');
exchange.IO("base", Url)//(联系微信:ying5737)策略仅限个人使用,若用于商业传播,请提前联系
var ordersInfo = {
    buyId: 0,    buyPrice: 0,    sellId: 0,    sellPrice: 0,    minPrice: 0,    maxPrice: 0
var depthInfo = {
    asks: [],
    bids: []
var symbol = "BTCUSD_P"
function getTicker(symbol) {
    url = "/v2/market/ticker/" + symbol;
    data = _C(exchange.IO,"api", "GET", url);
function getAccounts() {
    data = _C(exchange.IO,"api", "GET", "/v3/contracts/accounts")
function createOrderPrice(body) {
    parameter = "symbol=" + body.symbol + "&type=" + body.type + "&direction=" + body.direction + "&post_only=" + body.post_only +  "&price=" + body.price + "&quantity=" + body.quantity + "&affiliate_code=9y40d8";   
    resultData = exchange.IO("api", "POST", "/v3/contracts/orders", parameter)
    return resultData;
function createOrder(body) {
    parameter = "symbol=" + body.symbol + "&type=" + body.type + "&direction=" + body.direction + "&quantity=" + body.quantity + "&affiliate_code=9y40d8";   
    resultData = exchange.IO("api", "POST", "/v3/contracts/orders", parameter)    
    return resultData;
function getOrders() {
    resultData = _C(exchange.IO,"api", "GET", "/v3/contracts/orders/open");
function cancelOrder(id) {
    if (typeof(id) == 'undefined') {
    resultData = exchange.IO("api", "POST", "/v3/contracts/orders/" + id + "/cancel");//+ id 
    return resultData;    
function cancelAllOrder() {
    resultData = exchange.IO("api", "POST", "/v3/contracts/orders/cancel");
    return resultData;    
function getPosition() {
    resultData = _C(exchange.IO,"api", "GET", "/v3/broker/auth/contracts/positions");
function getMatches(id) {
    resultData = _C(exchange.IO,"api", "GET", "/v3/contracts/orders/" + id + "/matches");
function getCandles(resolution, symbol) {
    resultData = _C(exchange.IO,"api", "GET", "/v2/market/candles/" + resolution + "/" + symbol);

function cleanPosition(ticker) {
  // var buyPrice = ticker[2] 
  //  var sellPrice = ticker[4] 
    res = getPosition();    
    res.results.forEach(function(it) {
        if (it.symbol == symbol) {
            if (it.quantity) {
                if (it.quantity > g_maxHoldingLong && it.direction.toUpperCase() == 'LONG') { 
                   data = createOrder({symbol: symbol,type: "MARKET",  direction: "SHORT",  quantity: sp_perAmount * 2  })
                   Log("LONG超最大仓位,市价减仓sp_perAmount * 2");
                  //  order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice ,quantity: 250 })
                if (it.quantity > g_maxHoldingShort && it.direction.toUpperCase() == 'SHORT') {
                    data = createOrder({symbol: symbol,type: "MARKET",
                        direction: 'LONG',
                        quantity: sp_perAmount
                   // order = createOrderPrice({ symbol: symbol,  type: "LIMIT",  direction: "LONG",   post_only: true,  price: buyPrice - 2,      quantity: sp_perAmount * 3      })
               // Log("LONG超最大仓位,减仓" ); 
// add new 判断盘口,满足条件挂单
var hasElephantOrder = false
// var elephantOrder  = []
var elephantOrderTime = 0
function underElephant (ticker) {
    var buyPrice = ticker[2] 
    var sellPrice = ticker[4] 
    var bestAskAmount = ticker[5];
    var bestBidAmount = ticker[3];
    var now = new Date().getTime()
    if (hasElephantOrder) {
        if (now - elephantOrderTime < 3000) {
        // for (var index = 0; index < elephantOrder.length; index++) {
        //     cancelOrder(elephantOrder[index].id)
        //     Sleep(1000)
        // }
        hasElephantOrder = false
    if (bestBidAmount > 40000 && bestBidAmount > bestAskAmount * 2) {
        // order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 0.5,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        //Log("大象挂单买2 LONG" );
        // elephantOrder.push(
        //order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 1,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        //Log("大象挂单买3 LONG" );
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 4.5,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单买9 LONG" );
        // elephantOrder.push(
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 2,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单买4 LONG" );
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 3,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单买6 LONG" );
        // elephantOrder.push(
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 4,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单买8 LONG" );
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 5,quantity:sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单买10 LONG" );
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 5.5,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单买11 LONG" );
        // elephantOrder.push(
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 6,quantity: sp_perAmount * 10})
        Log("大象挂单买12 LONG" );
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 6.5,quantity: sp_perAmount * 10})
        Log("大象挂单买13 LONG" );
        // elephantOrder.push(
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 7,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单买14 LONG" );
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 5.5,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单买11 LONG" );
        // elephantOrder.push(
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 6,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单买12 LONG" );
         order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 6.5,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单买13 LONG" );
        // elephantOrder.push(
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "LONG",post_only: true,price: buyPrice - 7,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单买14 LONG" );
        // elephantOrder.push(
        hasElephantOrder = true
        elephantOrderTime = now
    } else if (bestAskAmount > 40000 && bestAskAmount > bestBidAmount * 2) {
        // order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 1,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        // Log("大象挂单卖2 LONG" );
        // elephantOrder.push(
        //  order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 2,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
       // Log("大象挂单卖3 LONG" );
       // order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 4,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        //Log("大象挂单卖2 LONG" );
        // elephantOrder.push(
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 4,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单卖8 LONG" );
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 5,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单卖10 LONG" );
        // elephantOrder.push(
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 6,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单卖12 LONG" );
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 7,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单卖14 LONG" );
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 5.5,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单卖10 LONG" );
        // elephantOrder.push(
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 6.5,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单卖12 LONG" );
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 7.5,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单卖14 LONG" );
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 5.5,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单卖10 LONG" );
        // elephantOrder.push(
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 6.5,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单卖12 LONG" );
        order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,type: "LIMIT",direction: "SHORT",post_only: true,price: sellPrice + 7.5,quantity: sp_perAmount * 3})
        Log("大象挂单卖14 LONG" );
        // elephantOrder.push(        
        // elephantOrder.push(
        hasElephantOrder = true
        elephantOrderTime = now
function marketMaker(ticker) {
    lastPrice = ticker[0] 
    buyPrice = ticker[2] 
    sellPrice = ticker[4] 
    Log("lastPrice:"+lastPrice+":buyPrice:"+buyPrice+":sellPrice:" + sellPrice);
    if (lastPrice == buyPrice) {
        sellPrice = (buyPrice + 0.5).toFixed(1)
    if (lastPrice == sellPrice) {
        buyPrice = (sellPrice - 0.5).toFixed(1)
    Log("buyPrice:"+buyPrice+":sellPrice:" + sellPrice);    
    res = getPosition();
    Log("市商/排序挖矿Position:" + JSON.stringify(res));

    res.results.forEach(function(it) {
        if (it.quantity) {
            var index = 0
            if (it.quantity > sp_baseAmountLong && it.direction.toUpperCase() == 'LONG') {//多仓过多,改变挂单档位
                for (index = 0; index < 5; index++) {
                    order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol, type: "LIMIT", direction: "SHORT",  post_only: true,  price: lastPrice + 2 + 0.5 * index,   quantity: sp_perAmount                   })
                    Log("市商/排序SHORT卖" + (2 + index) );                            
                for (index = 0; index < 3; index++) {
                    order = createOrderPrice({ symbol: symbol,  type: "LIMIT",   direction: "LONG",   post_only: true,   price: lastPrice - 4 - (0.5 * index),   quantity: sp_perAmount                 })
                    Log("市商/排序LONG买" + (8 + index));
            } else if (it.quantity > sp_baseAmountShort && it.direction.toUpperCase() == 'SHORT' ) {       
                for (index = 0; index < 9; index++) {
                    order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol, type: "LIMIT", direction: "LONG",  post_only: true,  price: lastPrice - 1 - 0.5 * index,   quantity: sp_perAmount                   })
                    Log("市商/排序LONG买" + (2 + index) );                            
            } else {//正常持仓状态,long1-10 (非全档)           short789   
                //order = createOrderPrice({ symbol: symbol,  type: "LIMIT",  direction: "LONG",   post_only: true,     price: lastPrice - 1,   quantity: sp_perAmount                  })
               // Log("市商/排序LONG2" );
              //  order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,     type: "LIMIT",   direction: "LONG",    post_only: true,    price: lastPrice - 1.5,    quantity: 20                  })
                //Log("市商/排序LONG3" );
               // order = createOrderPrice({ symbol: symbol,  type: "LIMIT",  direction: "LONG",   post_only: true,         price: lastPrice - 2.5,      quantity: sp_perAmount                })
               // Log("市商/排序LONG4" ); 
                order = createOrderPrice({   symbol: symbol,  type: "LIMIT",   direction: "LONG",    post_only: true,     price: lastPrice - 3,        quantity: sp_perAmount                     })
                Log("市商/排序LONG6" );
                //order = createOrderPrice({  symbol: symbol,   type: "LIMIT",    direction: "LONG",    post_only: true,    price: lastPrice - 3.5,    quantity: sp_perAmount                         })
              //  Log("市商/排序LONG7" );
                order = createOrderPrice({   symbol: symbol,  type: "LIMIT",   direction: "LONG",    post_only: true,     price: lastPrice - 4,        quantity: sp_perAmount                  })
                Log("市商/排序LONG8" );
              //  order = createOrderPrice({   symbol: symbol,   type: "LIMIT",  direction: "LONG",   post_only: true,      price: lastPrice - 4.5,    quantity: sp_perAmount})
               // Log("市商/排序LONG9" );
                order = createOrderPrice({ symbol: symbol,  type: "LIMIT",   direction: "LONG",   post_only: true,   price: lastPrice - 5,   quantity: sp_perAmount               })
                Log("市商/排序LONG买10" );
                order = createOrderPrice({   symbol: symbol,  type: "LIMIT",   direction: "LONG",    post_only: true,     price: lastPrice - 6,        quantity: sp_perAmount                  })
                Log("市商/排序LONG8" );
                order = createOrderPrice({   symbol: symbol,   type: "LIMIT",  direction: "LONG",   post_only: true,      price: lastPrice - 6.5,    quantity: sp_perAmount})
                Log("市商/排序LONG9" );
                order = createOrderPrice({ symbol: symbol,  type: "LIMIT",   direction: "LONG",   post_only: true,   price: lastPrice - 7,   quantity: sp_perAmount               })
                Log("市商/排序LONG买10" );
               // order = createOrderPrice({  symbol: symbol,  type: "LIMIT",   direction: "SHORT",    post_only: true,     price: lastPrice + 3,     quantity: sp_perAmount                   })
               // Log("市商/排序SHORT6" );
                order = createOrderPrice({  symbol: symbol,  type: "LIMIT",   direction: "SHORT",    post_only: true,     price: lastPrice + 6,     quantity: sp_perAmount  * 0.6                 })
                Log("市商/排序SHORT7" );
                order = createOrderPrice({  symbol: symbol,     type: "LIMIT",   direction: "SHORT",   post_only: true,  price: lastPrice + 7,     quantity: sp_perAmount    * 0.6                  })
                Log("市商/排序SHORT8" );
                order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,    type: "LIMIT",     direction: "SHORT",  post_only: true,    price: lastPrice + 6.5,quantity: sp_perAmount     * 0.6                    })
                Log("市商/排序SHORT9" ); 
                order = createOrderPrice({  symbol: symbol,  type: "LIMIT",   direction: "SHORT",    post_only: true,     price: lastPrice + 4,     quantity: sp_perAmount  * 0.6                 })
                Log("市商/排序SHORT7" );
                order = createOrderPrice({  symbol: symbol,     type: "LIMIT",   direction: "SHORT",   post_only: true,  price: lastPrice + 5,     quantity: sp_perAmount    * 0.6                  })
                Log("市商/排序SHORT8" );
               // order = createOrderPrice({symbol: symbol,    type: "LIMIT",     direction: "SHORT",  post_only: true,    price: lastPrice + 4.5,quantity: sp_perAmount     * 0.6                    })
               // Log("市商/排序SHORT9" ); 
var lastPrintfTime = null
function printfBanner() {
    var now = new Date().getTime()

    if (lastPrintfTime == null || now - lastPrintfTime > 60 * 5 * 1000) {
        Log("FMex排序 解锁版本代码使用说明见描述,微信:ying5737)#ff0000")
        lastPrintfTime = now

/********************END 市商/排序挖矿***************************************************************************************************/
// 模板初始化时调用
function init() {    // 过滤常见错误
    if (EnableErrorFilter) {
        SetErrorFilter("502:|503:|tcp|character|connection|unexpected|network|timeout|WSARecv|Connect|GetAddr|no such|reset|http|received|EOF|reused");
   // 重定义需要容错的函数
    var names = ApiList.split(',');
    _.each(exchanges, function(e) {
        _.each(names, function(name) {
            if (typeof(e[name]) !== 'function') {
                throw "尝试容错 " + name + " 失败, 请确认存在此API并且输入正确.";
            var old = e[name];
            e[name] = function() {
                var r;
                while (!(r = old.apply(this, {
                    if (Debug) {
                        Log(e.GetLabel(), name, "调用失败", RetryInterval, "毫秒后重试...");
                return r;
    Log("容错机制开启", names);
function checkRisk(ticker) {
    lastPrice = ticker[0]
    if (lastPrice< minPrice || lastPrice > maxPrice) {
        '===== 价格已超出箱体震荡区间 [',
        '],挂单暂停 1 分钟,1分钟后重新检测 ====='
        Sleep(1000 * 60);
        return true;
    return false
function main() {
        tickerInfo = getTicker(symbol);
        ticker = tickerInfo.ticker;
        if (!checkRisk(ticker)) {
        Sleep(Interval * 1000) 
function onexit() {



2020-12-26 00:01:21