<?php include_once 'fbaccess.php'; if (!$user): require_once 'logout.php'; else: $mapName = $_POST['mapName']; $placeName = $_POST['placeName']; $lat = $_POST['lat']; $lng = $_POST['lng']; $placeDescription = $_POST['placeDescription']; $result = array(); $responseCode = 200; $success = "Successfully added map"; $mapName = strtolower($mapName); $mapName = trim($mapName); $mapName = str_replace(" ", ".", $mapName); $mapId = $user.$mapName; $getMapResponse = $dynamo->get_item(array( "TableName" => "MapPlusPlusUserMaps", "Key" => $dynamo->attributes(array( 'HashKeyElement' => $user, 'RangeKeyElement' => $mapName, )), "AttributesToGet" => array("UserId", "originalName", "totalPlaces"), )); if ($getMapResponse->isOK()) { if ($getMapResponse->body->Item) { // Check if the map exists. $getPlaceResponse = $dynamo->get_item(array( "TableName" => "MapPlusPlusUserPlaces", "Key" => $dynamo->attributes(array( 'HashKeyElement' => $mapId, 'RangeKeyElement' => $placeName, )), "AttributesToGet" => array("MapId", "PlaceName", "placeDescription"), ) ); //print_r($getMapResponse); // Check if the place already exists. if ($getPlaceResponse->isOK()) { if ($getPlaceResponse->body->Item) { // This place is already marked. $result = array( "responseCode" => 200, "success" => "The ".$placeName." already exists in the map" ); } else { $addPlaceResponse = $dynamo->put_item(array( "TableName" => "MapPlusPlusUserPlaces", "Item" => $dynamo->attributes(array( "MapId" => $mapId, "PlaceName" => $placeName, "placeDescription" => $placeDescription, "latitude" => $lat, "longitude" => $lng, "createdBy" => $user, "creationDate" => $date )) )); if ($addPlaceResponse->isOK()) { // Adding place was successful. $result = array( "responseCode" => $responseCode, "message" => $success ); } else { $result = array( "responseCode" => 500, "message" => "Unable to add this place at this time, please try again later" ); // Adding place was failure. } } } } else { $result = array( "responseCode" => 404, "message" => "The specified map doesn't exist, please create this map." ); } } else { //print_r($getMapResponse); $result = array( "responseCode" => 500, "message" => "Unable to add this place at this time, please try again later" ); } echo json_encode($result); endif; ?>