diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/html/browsers/browsing-the-web/history-traversal/document-state.tentative.https.html b/testing/web-platform/tests/html/browsers/browsing-the-web/history-traversal/document-state.https.html
similarity index 67%
rename from testing/web-platform/tests/html/browsers/browsing-the-web/history-traversal/document-state.tentative.https.html
rename to testing/web-platform/tests/html/browsers/browsing-the-web/history-traversal/document-state.https.html
index d0e629f631245..609ce9b850369 100644
--- a/testing/web-platform/tests/html/browsers/browsing-the-web/history-traversal/document-state.tentative.https.html
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/html/browsers/browsing-the-web/history-traversal/document-state.https.html
@@ -86,6 +86,50 @@
'Same-origin forward history navigation to a document whose original ' +
'initiator was cross-site ends up with document.referrer that is the ' +
'original cross-site initiator');
-}, "A navigation's initiator origin and referrer are stored in the document state");
+}, "A navigation's initiator origin and referrer are stored in the document " +
+ "state and used in the document repopulation case");
+// This test is similar to the above, but instead of testing for the true
+// history entry -> document state -> document repopulation case, we stay on [B]
+// (the document who was navigated to from [A]) and run `location.reload()` to
+// confirm that the initiator information from the [A] -> [B] navigation is used
+// when reloading [B], not [B]'s own same-origin information.
+promise_test(async t => {
+ const rcHelper = new RemoteContextHelper();
+ const A = await rcHelper.addWindow();
+ const originA = new URL(await A.executeScript(() => location.href)).origin;
+ // Create B on a new origin.
+ const B = await A.navigateToNew({
+ });
+ const originB = new URL(await B.executeScript(() => location.href)).origin;
+ assert_not_equals(originA, originB, 'Contexts A and B are cross-origin');
+ // Reload B.
+ await B.navigate(() => {
+ location.reload();
+ }, []);
+ const secFetchSite = await B.executeScript(() => window.requestHeaders['sec-fetch-site']);
+ const referrer = await B.executeScript(() => window.requestHeaders['referer']);
+ const documentReferrer = await B.executeScript(() => document.referrer);
+ assert_equals(secFetchSite, 'cross-site',
+ 'Same-origin forward history navigation to a document whose original ' +
+ 'initiator was cross-site, ends up with Sec-Fetch-Dest: cross-site ' +
+ 'header');
+ assert_equals(referrer, originA + '/',
+ 'Same-origin forward history navigation to a document whose original ' +
+ 'initiator was cross-site ends up with the Referer header that is the ' +
+ 'original cross-site initiator');
+ assert_equals(documentReferrer, originA + '/',
+ 'Same-origin forward history navigation to a document whose original ' +
+ 'initiator was cross-site ends up with document.referrer that is the ' +
+ 'original cross-site initiator');
+}, "A navigation's initiator origin and referrer are stored in the document " +
+ "state and used on location.reload()");