Jira Changelog
(2)Generates a changelog message by looking at Jira issue keys, surrounded by square brackets (i.e. [DEV-123]), in the git commit logs. When it finds one, it associates that Jira issue ticket with that commit and adds it to the output.
Required Root host of your JIRA installation without protocol. // (i.e "yourapp.atlassian.net")
Required Email address of the user to login with
Required Auth token of the user to login with
Jira base web URL for changelog message entries
Regex used to match the issue ticket key Note: Use capture group one to isolate the key text within surrounding characters (if needed).
Starting branch to get range of commits
Ending branch to get range of commits
Comma separated list of issue statuses treated as approved
Comma separated list of issue types to exclude from changelog
Boolean flag indicating whether to include or exclude Pending Approval
Generated changelog entry
Jira Tickets
* <Bug> - Unable to access date widget
[DEV-1234] https://yoursite.atlassian.net/browse/DEV-1234
* <Story> - Support left-handed keyboards
[DEV-5678] https://yoursite.atlassian.net/browse/DEV-5678
* <Story> - Search by location
[DEV-8901] https://yoursite.atlassian.net/browse/DEV-8901
Other Commits
* <cd6f512> - Fix typo in welcome message
Pending Approval
~ None. Yay! ~
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Changelog
- name: Set Version
run: echo ::set-env name=VERSION::1.1.1
# To use this repository's private action, you must check out the repository
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: Changelog
id: changelog
uses: actions/jira-changelog@v1
jira_host: 'myapp.atlassian.net'
jira_email: '[email protected]'
jira_token: 'qWoJBdlEp6pJy15fc9tGpsOOR2L5i35v'
jira_base_url: 'https://yoursite.atlassian.net'
source_control_range_from: 'develop'
source_control_range_to: 'master'
- name: Get the changelog message
run: echo "${{ steps.changelog.outputs.changelog_message }}"
Jira Changelog is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.