List queued deployments
(1)This action returns a matrix that contains all deployments of a repository that have the 'queued' status. We use this action to deploy those queued deployments at a scheduled moment.
Required Repository for which to list the queued deployments.
Required Github token used to access the REST API to fetch the deployments.
Matrix containing the following keys (with example data):
"environment": "production",
"deployment_id": 1234,
"deployment_url": "/repos/pivvenit/list-queued-deployments-action/deployments/1234/statuses",
"status": "queued",
"ref": "deployment ref here",
"deployment": {/* Raw deployment response from the Github Rest API */},
"deployment_status": { /* The first status from the deployment_status response from the Github Rest API */}
uses: pivvenit/list-queued-deployments-action
token: "${{ github.token }}"
repository: "${{ github.repository }}"
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