Quality Monitor
(2)This GitHub action monitors the quality of projects based on a configurable set of metrics and gives feedback on pull requests (or single commits) in GitHub. This action is a stand-alone version of my Jenkins Warnings and Coverage plugins. It can be used in any GitHub project that uses GitHub Actions. A similar action is available for GitLab projects as well.
You can see the results of this action in an example pull request and the associated GitHub Checks output.
Please note that the action works on report files that are generated by other tools. It does not run the tests or static analysis tools itself. You need to run these tools in a previous step of your workflow. See the example below for details. This has the advantage that you can use a tooling you are already familiar with. So the action will run for any programming language that can generate the required report files. There are already more than one hundred analysis formats supported. Code and mutation coverage reports can use the JaCoCo, Cobertura, OpenCover and PIT formats, see the coverage model for details. Test results can be provided in the JUnit, XUnit, or NUnit XML-formats.
The details output of the action is shown in the GitHub Checks tab of the pull request:
You can use this action in any GitHub project that uses GitHub Actions. The following example shows how to use this action with the default settings in a Java project that uses Maven as a build tool.
name: 'Quality Monitor'
name: Run the quality monitor
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up JDK 21
uses: actions/setup-java@v3
distribution: 'temurin'
java-version: '21'
check-latest: true
cache: 'maven'
- name: Set up Maven
uses: stCarolas/setup-maven@v5
maven-version: 3.9.6
- name: Build # (compile, test with code and mutation coverage, and run static analysis)
run: mvn -ntp clean verify -Ppit
- name: Extract pull request number # (commenting on the pull request requires the PR number)
uses: jwalton/gh-find-current-pr@v1
id: pr
- name: Run Quality Monitor
uses: uhafner/quality-monitor@v1
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
pr-number: ${{ steps.pr.outputs.number }}
This action can be configured using the following parameters (see example above):
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
: mandatory GitHub access token.config: "{...}"
: optional configuration, see sections above for details, or consult the autograding-model project for the exact implementation. If not specified, a default configuration will be used.pr-number: ${{ steps.pr.outputs.number }}
: optional number of the pull request. If not set, then just the checks will be published but not a pull request comment.checks-name: "Name of checks"
: optional name of GitHub checks (overwrites the default: "Quality Monitor").skip-annotations: true
: Optional flag to skip the creation of annotations (for warnings and missed coverage).max-warning-comments: <number>
: Optional parameter to limit the number of warning comments at specific lines. By default, all line comments are created.max-coverage-comments: <number>
: Optional parameter to limit the number of coverage comments at specific lines. By default, all line comments are created.
The individual metrics can be configured by defining an appropriate config
property (in JSON format) in your GitHub workflow:
- name: Run Quality Monitor
uses: uhafner/quality-monitor@v1
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
pr-number: ${{ steps.pr.outputs.number }}
config: > # Override default configuration: just evaluate the test results
"tests": {
"name": "JUnit",
"tools": [
"id": "test",
"name": "Unittests",
"pattern": "**/target/*-reports/TEST*.xml"
Currently, you can select from the metrics shown in the following sections. Each metric can be configured individually. All of these configurations are composed in the same way: you can define a list of tools that are used to collect the data, and a name and icon for the metric. All tools need to provide a pattern where the quality monitor can find the result files in the workspace (e.g., JUnit XML reports). Additionally, each tool needs to provide the parser ID of the tool so that the underlying model can find the correct parser to read the results. See analysis model and coverage model for the list of supported parsers.
This metric can be configured using a JSON object tests
, see the example below for details:
"tests": {
"name": "JUnit",
"tools": [
"id": "test",
"name": "Unittests",
"pattern": "**/junit*.xml"
Skipped tests will be listed individually. For failed tests, the test error message and stack trace will be shown directly after the summary in the pull request.
This metric can be configured using a JSON object coverage
, see the example below for details:
"coverage": [
"name": "JaCoCo",
"tools": [
"id": "jacoco",
"name": "Line Coverage",
"metric": "line",
"sourcePath": "src/main/java",
"pattern": "**/jacoco.xml"
"id": "jacoco",
"name": "Branch Coverage",
"metric": "branch",
"sourcePath": "src/main/java",
"pattern": "**/jacoco.xml"
"name": "PIT",
"tools": [
"id": "pit",
"name": "Mutation Coverage",
"metric": "mutation",
"sourcePath": "src/main/java",
"pattern": "**/mutations.xml"
Missed lines or branches as well as survived mutations will be shown as annotations in the pull request:
This metric can be configured using a JSON object analysis
, see the example below for details:
"analysis": [
"name": "Style",
"id": "style",
"tools": [
"id": "checkstyle",
"name": "CheckStyle",
"pattern": "**/target/checkstyle-result.xml"
"id": "pmd",
"name": "PMD",
"pattern": "**/target/pmd.xml"
"name": "Bugs",
"id": "bugs",
"icon": "bug",
"tools": [
"id": "spotbugs",
"name": "SpotBugs",
"sourcePath": "src/main/java",
"pattern": "**/target/spotbugsXml.xml"
All warnings will be shown as annotations in the pull request:
The action writes a summary of the results to the pull request as well. Since the action cannot identify the correct pull request on its own, you need to provide the pull request as an action argument.
- name: Extract pull request number
uses: jwalton/gh-find-current-pr@v1
id: pr
- name: Run Quality Monitor
uses: uhafner/quality-monitor@v1
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
pr-number: ${{ steps.pr.outputs.number }}
checks-name: "Quality Monitor GitHub Action"
config: {...}
Configuring the action in this way will produce an additional comment of the form:
The results of the action can be used to create various badges that show the current status of the project. The action writes the results of the action to a file called metrics.env
in the workspace. This file can be used to create badges using the GitHub Badge Action. The following snippet shows how to create several badges for your project, the full example is visible in my autograding workflow.
- name: Run Quality Monitor
uses: uhafner/quality-monitor@v1
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
pr-number: ${{ steps.pr.outputs.number }}
- name: Write metrics to GitHub output
id: metrics
run: |
cat metrics.env >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
mkdir -p badges
- name: Generate the badge SVG image for the line coverage
uses: emibcn/[email protected]
label: 'Line coverage'
status: ${{ steps.metrics.outputs.line }}%
color: 'green'
path: badges/line-coverage.svg
- name: Generate the badge SVG image for the branch coverage
uses: emibcn/[email protected]
label: 'Branch coverage'
status: ${{ steps.metrics.outputs.branch }}%
color: 'green'
path: badges/branch-coverage.svg
- name: Generate the badge SVG image for the mutation coverage
uses: emibcn/[email protected]
label: 'Mutation coverage'
status: ${{ steps.metrics.outputs.mutation }}%
color: 'green'
path: badges/mutation-coverage.svg
- name: Generate the badge SVG image for the style warnings
uses: emibcn/[email protected]
label: 'Style warnings'
status: ${{ steps.metrics.outputs.style }}
color: 'orange'
path: badges/style-warnings.svg
- name: Generate the badge SVG image for the potential bugs
uses: emibcn/[email protected]
label: 'Potential Bugs'
status: ${{ steps.metrics.outputs.bugs }}
color: 'red'
path: badges/bugs.svg
- name: Commit updated badges
continue-on-error: true
run: |
git config --local user.email "[email protected]"
git config --local user.name "GitHub Action"
git add badges/*.svg
git commit -m "Update badges with results from latest autograding" || true
- name: Push updated badges to GitHub repository
uses: ad-m/github-push-action@master
if: ${{ success() }}
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
branch: main
Quality Monitor is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.