ActionsUpload your mod to the Steam Workshop with the power of GitHub Actions — now with Steam Guard 2FA support
LatestBy Weilbyte
(1)Upload your mod to the Steam Workshop with the power of GitHub Actions — now with Steam Guard 2FA support.
Takes inspiration from workshop-upload but with an added Steam Guard 2FA code generator.
- name: steam-workshop-upload
uses: weilbyte/steam-workshop-upload@v1
appid: 294100 # Game's Steam App ID
itemid: 0000000000 # Your mod's Steam Workshop ID
path: 'dist' # Path to your mod's folder from repository root
STEAM_USERNAME: ${{ secrets.STEAM_USERNAME }} # Your Steam username
STEAM_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.STEAM_PASSWORD }} # Your Steam password
STEAM_TFASEED: ${{ secrets.STEAM_TFASEED }} # Your Steam Guard 2FA shared secret (Optional)
You can get your 2FA seed by various methods. Your seed here is the shared_secret
Pull requests are welcome.
steam-workshop-upload is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.