Top Issues action
(2)A GitHub Action that labels and displays the top-upvoted (i.e. 👍) issues and pull requests in your repository. It currently can:
- Label top issues.
- Label top bugs.
- Label top feature requests.
- Label top pull requests.
- Display all of the above in a simple dashboard.
Create a workflow .yml
file in your .github/workflows
directory. An example workflow is available below. For more information, reference the GitHub Help Documentation for creating a workflow file.
Various inputs are defined in action.yml to let you configure the action:
Name | Description | Default |
github_token |
Token used for authorizing interactions with the repository. Typically the GITHUB_TOKEN secret. |
N/A |
top_list_size |
The number of top issues to show. | 5 |
subtract_negative |
Subtract negative from positive reactions to get the total count. | true |
dry_run |
Run the action without actually creating the labels and dashboard. | false |
filter |
Comma or newline-separated list of issues you want to exclude. | "" |
label |
Label top issues. | false |
dashboard |
Create a dashboard that displays the top issues and pull requests. | true |
dashboard_title |
Dashboard title. | Top Issues Dashboard |
dashboard_label |
The label used for the top issues dashboard. title. | ⭐ top issues dashboard |
dashboard_label_description |
The description used for the top issues dashboard label. | Top issues dashboard. |
dashboard_label_colour |
The colour used for the top issues dashboard label. | #EED801 |
dashboard_show_total_reactions |
Display the total number of positive reactions after each dashboard item. | true |
hide_dashboard_footer |
Hide dashboard footer. | false |
top_issues |
Display top issues. | true |
top_issue_label |
The label used for labelling top issues. | ⭐ top issue |
top_issue_label_description |
The description used for the top issue label. | Top issue. |
top_issue_label_colour |
The colour used for the top issue label. | #027E9D |
top_issue_label_description |
The description used for the top issue label. | Top issue. |
top_bugs |
Display top bugs. | false |
bug_label |
The label that is used for bug issues. | bug |
top_bug_label |
The label used for labelling top bugs. | ⭐ top bug |
top_bug_label_description |
The description used for the top bug label. | Top bug. |
top_bug_label_colour |
The description used for the top bug label. | #B60205 |
top_features |
Display top feature requests. | false |
feature_label |
The label that is used for feature requests. | enhancement |
top_feature_label |
The label used for labelling top feature request issues. | ⭐ top feature |
top_feature_label_description |
The description used for the top feature request label. | Top feature request |
top_feature_label_colour |
The colour used for the top feature request label. | #0E8A16 |
top_pull_requests |
Display top pull requests. | false |
top_pull_request_label |
The label used for labelling top pull request. | ⭐ top pull request |
top_pull_request_label_description |
The description used for the top pull request label. | Top pull request. |
top_pull_request_label_colour |
The colour used for the top pull request label. | #41A285 |
custom_label |
The label that is used for custom issues. | "" |
top_custom_label |
The label used for labelling top custom issues. | "" |
top_custom_label_description |
The description used for the top custom issues. | "" |
top_custom_label_colour |
The colour used for the top custom issues. | "" |
custom_pull_requests_label |
The label that is used for custom pull requests. | "" |
top_custom_pull_requests_label |
The label used for labelling top custom pull requests. | "" |
top_custom_pull_requests_label_description |
The description used for the top custom pull requests. | "" |
top_custom_pull_requests_label_colour |
The colour used for the top custom pull requests. | "A23599" |
This action currently does not have any outputs.
The following example uses the schedule event to run the top-issues-action every day at 12:00 AM with all features enabled.
name: Top issues action.
- cron: '0 0 */1 * *'
name: Display and label top issues.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Run top issues action
uses: rickstaa/top-issues-action@v1
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
label: true
dashboard: true
dashboard_show_total_reactions: true
top_issues: true
top_bugs: true
top_features: true
top_pull_requests: true
Feel free to open an issue if you have ideas on how to make this GitHub action better or if you want to report a bug! All contributions are welcome. 🚀 Please consult the contribution guidelines for more information.
Top Issues action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.