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Workflow Time Predictor

Tells how long take time for the current workflow based on past results
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This action measures how long take time for the current workflow based on past results. This measurement is based on the history of the last 50 runs for the average, median, maximum, and minimum times when CI succeeds and fails, respectively.

Expected Use Cases

  • Notify users in advance when CI will be finished by notifying them of the values output from these github actions.
  • Measure CI execution time and use for simple monitoring


Input Description Required
token Required to fetch workflow and repository information. Give ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}. y
owner Required to determine which repository to fetch. Give ${{ github.repository_owner }}. y
repository Required to determine which repository to fetch. Give ${{ github.repository_owner }}. y
workflow-file-name Required to determine which repository to fetch. Give build.yml if your workflow file name is build.yml. y
numbers The number of past results to fetch retroactively. Default value is 50. n


Output Description Unit
succeed_median_time The median take time to run the workflow. minutes
succeed_average_time The average take time to run the workflow. minutes
succeed_max_time The max take time to run the workflow. minutes
succeed_min_time The min take time to run the workflow. minutes
failure_median_time The median take time to run the workflow. minutes
failure_average_time The average take time to run the workflow. minutes
failure_max_time The max take time to run the workflow. minutes
failure_min_time The min take time to run the workflow. minutes

Example usage

- name: Predict run time
  id: predict_run_time
  uses: jerome-1010/workflow-time-predictor@v1
    token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    owner: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
    repository: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
    workflow-file-name: "build.yml"
- name: Noti expected run time
  run: echo "succeed_median_time is ${{steps.predict_run_time.outputs.succeed_median_time}}"

Or you can also see the results output on the job details page as well.

---------- Result ----------
succeed_median_time: 0.23 min
succeed_average_time: 18.91 min
succeed_max_time: 461.60 min
succeed_min_time: 0.00 min
failure_median_time: 0.22 min
failure_average_time: 7.35 min
failure_max_time: 180.32 min
failure_min_time: 0.00 min

Workflow Time Predictor is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Tells how long take time for the current workflow based on past results

Workflow Time Predictor is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.