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Byte Bot App

Byte is the Discord and GitHub app for serving in open source communities
13 installs


The Free Plan plan available.

Byte is the app destined to serve in developer communities.

Byte features an extensive Discord integration coupled with an easy-to-use GitHub integration, allowing for seamless and enjoyable developer workflows.

Features Include:

  • Repository and organization queries via Discord

Easily link repository issues, discussions, and pull requests.
Someone ask a question in Discord and you already have an issue to track it?
Sync that issue so that discussions between Discord and GitHub revolving around
it are recorded!

  • Issue and Discussion management

Create issues inside of your Discord guild with ease.
Do you want to sync your forum posts to GItHub discussions so that it's indexed and safe?

  • Organization and/or repository contribution queries made easy

Gamify contributions! Link GitHub and Discord users to know how much they have contributed, then assign
them a role based on it.

The person with 500 commits gets a gold star!

...and more!

If you would like to contribute, check out the repo!

Byte Bot App screenshot

Supported languages

Shell, JavaScript, C++, Python, C, PHP, Java, Go, Rust, and TypeScript

Plans and pricing

It's like expensive, but the opposite.
  • Free
  • Very Free
  • Freedom Free

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Byte Bot App is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation


Byte is the Discord and GitHub app for serving in open source communities
13 installs


The Free Plan plan available.

Supported languages

Shell, JavaScript, C++, Python, C, PHP, Java, Go, Rust, and TypeScript