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Contribute to Empire

@brief Document the development environment, code conventions, et al.

Empire V is a CMake-based C++, POSIX usermode console program.


Directory Description
./src All Empire V source code.
./src/lib There's a need for common functionality between all of the Empire programs, so let's make a library.
./test For our Boost Test code.
./.doxygen The configuration files and scripts for auto generating documentation with Doxygen.
./.doxygen/generated_docs/html/index.html The root of the Doxygen-generated documentation.
./images All images for the project.

C++ Naming Conventions

  • C++ files are suffixed with .cpp and header files with .hpp
  • Types start with upper case: MyClass
  • Functions and variables start with lower case: myMethod
  • Constants are all upper case: const double PI=3.14159265358979323;
  • Macro names use upper case with underscores: INT_MAX
  • Template parameter names use camel case: InputIterator
  • All other names use snake case: unordered_map

Name private data with a m_ prefix to distinguish it from public data. m_ stands for "member" data.

Prefixes: m_ for members c_ for constants/readonlys p_ for pointer (and pp for pointer to pointer) s_ for static

Variable names: i, j & k for indexes and iterators


Empire uses CMake for its build system. It's thoroughly modern, multi-platform, multi-compiler aware. It also works well with CLion, my IDE.

CMake has a steep learning curve. It's taken me years to get the hang of it. In fact, it's taken several years of on-and-off development to get it to do all the things I'd like it to do: Compile, generate Doxygen documentation, Lint code, publish documentation, etc. Our CMakeLists.txt file is definitely non-trivial.

Our build environment is complex, so I'll try to document it here. The first concept is the idea of a CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE. Think of a Build Type as a specific set of tools. For example:

  • A default compiler with debug flags enabled
  • A linting tool that uses clang-tidy

The second concept is targets. Targets are created by processing a set of source files through a Build Type.

Empire uses the following CMake Build Types:

Build Type Description
Debug A default compiler with debug enabled and optimization disabled.
Release A default compiler with no debugging. The target is optimized for speed and uses static executables.
MinSizeRel A default compiler with non non-static libraries. The target is optimized for size.
Clang Compile with the clang++ compiler.
Doxygen Configure the clang compiler. Use Doxygen to build the documentation using the clang parser.
Lint Use clang-tidy to do static analysis on the source code.

Design Decisions

ArchLinux doesn't ship static libraries with its packages. Therefore, we have to build our Boost package from scratch. It's in /opt/boost. This allows us to compile Empire as a static executable.

CMake Targets

Empire uses the following CMake targets:

Target Description
All_Boost_Tests The Boost Test target
doxygen_local_build Make a local Doxygen website
doxygen_publish Push the Doxygen website to a public webserver
empire The common Empire V library
empire_client A command-line client for Empire V
empire_server The Empire V server


Not sure how to wire in Valgrind Run All_Boost_Tests using valgrind and report any leaks

There's actually a 3rd type of target: A CLion configuration. I've created a configuration called valgrind that runs against All_Boost_Tests.

Setup the development environment

To set up your development environment on a fresh system, you'll likely need the following:

  • This section is incomplete, but...
    • ...but it worked on my ArchLinux rig!
  • After Git is installed, you can use git clone to download memscan
Package Debian / apt-get ArchLinux / pacman AWS ARM-64 RedHat / rpm
Git # dnf install git
C++ # dnf install g++
Boost # apt-get install libboost-all-dev # dnf install boost-devel
clang-tidy # apt-get install clang-tidy # dnf install clang-tools-extra
Graphviz for DOT # apt-get install graphviz # dnf install graphviz
Python pip # apt-get install python3-pip # pacman -S python-pip # dnf install python3-pip
GitPython $ pip install GitPython $ pip install GitPython
Doxygen # apt-get install doxygen # dnf install doxygen
Valgrind # apt-get install valgrind # dnf install valgrind

If you plan to contribute, don't forget to set your name and eMail in Git:

git config --global "Mark Nelson"
git config --global "[email protected]"

ArchLinux does not normally ship .a files. To statically link memscan, we need to manually install libcap.

git clone
cd libcap
make test
make sudotest
sudo make install

Declaration order

Google favors this order: "Typedefs and Enums, Constants, Constructors, Destructor, Methods, including static methods, Data Members, including static data members."

Matthew Wilson (Safari subscription required) recommends the following order: "Construction, Operations, Attributes, Iteration, State, Implementation, Members, and my favorite, Not to be implemented."

They offer good reasons, and this kind of approach seems to be fairly standard, but whatever you do, be consistent about it.

Handling errors & warnings in a testing framework

  • Empire has a dedicated logger.

  • Messages and exceptions should be pre-pended with getProgramName and sent to stderr.

  • Instrument programs to make them easily to test. This is easier with C++ programs that have try/catch blocks and exceptions. As a C program, we have created some tools for test instrumentation:

    • PRINT( outStream, ... ): Print a message
    • WARNING( msg, ... ): Print a formatted warning message
    • ASSERT( condition ): Assert a condition. Call exit() when the condition is not true
    • FATAL_ERROR( msg, ... ): Print a message and call exit()
  • Use ASSERT() for things that should never happen.

  • Use FATAL_ERROR() for things that may happen and we need to tell the user why the program is ending.

  • Functions may return bool if the local logic needs to check the results. In most cases, however, functions should call FATAL_ERROR().

  • Successful functions should operate silently.

Memscan uses FATAL_ERROR() and ASSERT() for error checking. Normally, these functions will call exit( EXIT_FAILURE ), however when TESTING is defined, they will call throwException() so BOOST_CHECK_THROW can catch it.

Furthermore, when an unexpected call to FATAL_ERROR() or ASSERT() happens, the Boost Test framework can catch the exception rather than immediately exit().

This utility function is a unique hybrid of C and C++ -- as C does not support exceptions.

Using this technique gives me a works/doesn't work test, but we loose fidelity in that we don't get a reason code or message. I'm willing to accept that as I'd like to focus on writing a traditional command-line program in C. Bare-bones tests will tell us if something works or doesn't but not why.


  • Memscan is written in C.
    • It's compiled with gcc.
    • Use make test to test the program. Boost Test is the test framework.
    • Use make valgrind to test for memory leaks using valgrind.
    • Use make lint to lint the program. clang-tidy is the linter.
    • Use make doc to build documentation: Doxygen is used to produce it.
    • Use make publish to publish the documentation to UHUnix.
    • It uses Makefile for its build.
    • It uses GitHub for version control.
    • All of the above should run clean and without warnings.
  • Memscan uses Boost Test written in C++. Use make clean and make test to test the application. The tests have special flags, so always make clean first.
  • Memscan is a Linux-based, user-mode command-line program that needs to run with root-level privileges.
  • Memscan was written in CLion, using Makefile based build. Note: CLion usually uses a CMake based build.

Coding Conventions

  • I intend to let CLion reflow the source code
  • Put 2 blank lines between functions
  • Put a space before the ;. Ex. return true ;
  • Memscan uses printf but we may convert to something that can be tested with the Boost test framework
  • For enums, the last element should be called COUNT and has the number of elements in the enum.

Naming Conventions

  • I use CaMel case and snake_case interchangeably, depending on my mood.
  • File names and the functions that are in them represent the names of the files they are processing. Ie. iomem, maps, pagemap, et. al..
  • Function names start with a lowercase letter.
  • Structures, Enums, et al. start with an uppercase letter.
  • Constants and macros are in all UPPERCASE.
  • I'm not consistently using Hungarian notation, but you might see it from time to time.

Documentation Conventions

  • Fully document "published" functions in .h files. Leave internal documentation in the .c files.
  • If there's a code-block that's longer than a page, I'll usually comment the } with an indication of what it's closing. Ex. } // validate()
  • Markdown files should use references and avoid embedding URLs in the narrative.

Testing Notes

I need to work on this section as well. Memscan is severely test deficient. I'd like to sweep through the code and make a bunch of unit and system tests for it.

make test needs to run as root

One cool thing about memscan is that it's a C program that is tested by a C++ unit test framework Boost Test.
It's cool to have this working.

Test Results

Archlinux Debian on WSL AWS ARM-64
Architecture x86-64 x86-64 ARM-64
Date tested Ongoing 27 Mar 2023 7 Apr 2023
Build tested Ongoing 2.1.0+10332 2.3.0+12146
make memscan Clean Clean Clean
make doc Clean A few warnings, as Doxygen is out of date
make test Clean Clean Clean
make valgrind Clean
make lint Clean Some warnings as clang-tidy is out of date Clean
make static Clean
local allocations Not working
iomem Not working


  • The physical page maps are all reporting Unallocated memory. It's like iomem or PFNs aren't lining up.
  • Local variables are relative to sp (the stack pointer) not the base pointer, so local allocations are segfaulting badly.

Release Procedures

  • For each source file:
    • Cleanup #include files
      • Create scratch.c, then #include each .h file and ensure they are self-sufficient:
        • Ensure they have the #includes to stand alone.
        • Remove any unnecessary #includes.
        • Ensure the functions #included are documented.
    • const correctness
      • Look for const-able parameters
    • Look for any API calls and document them with @API{}
      • Man pages come from:
      • Some calls have multiple man pages; reference system calls (2) first, then the Standard C API (3) and lastly the POSIX API (3p)
    • Read the Doxygen content for each source file and Markdown file
    • Check for a space before ;
      • Use clear ; grep --color -n "[[:graph:]];" *.c *.h tests/*.h tests/*.cpp
      • ... and Find Regular Expression in CLion: \p{Graph};
    • Ensure all parameters are validated
    • assert( validateThing() ) before-and-after anything that modifies it
    • Look for CLion problems
    • Ensure each NOLINT is still relevant and valid
  • Run make clean and then make lint
  • Run make clean and then make test
  • Run make clean and then make valgrind
  • Run make doc and then make publish
  • Scrub GitHub issues
  • Scrub all @todos
  • Create a tagged release in Git
  • Use to shrink the size of our .PNG files


For review: const var Means the variable won't change after it's initialized. Variables may be initialized at runtime, though. method() const Means the method won't change the state of the object constexpr Means "to be evaluated at compile time". Applies to variables. consteval Declares a function or template to produce a compile time constant expression. It forces calls to happen at compile-time. constinit Initializes a static variable at compile time. It does not imply const nor constexpr.

Source Code Status

Module const correctness include correctness Review Doxygen 32-bit Boost tests API documented
  • (1): getPageInfo() has comprehensive unit tests. comparePages() needs some tests, but I don't want to do them right now. The other routines print things to the screen and don't lend themselves to unit testing. I intend to implement system tests to exercise this code.
  • (2): See the following notes for the iomem module:
    • release_iomem() and release_iomem_summary() are validated through valgrind.
    • getEnd() is pretty fundamental... it's also simple. If this did not work, then lots of other stuff break. I don’t want to expose (Whitebox) regions, so I'm not going to directly test this.
    • print_iomem_regions() is intended for debugging. It's not output by any of memscan's options. It's also used to visualize tests.
    • The heart of the iomem module, get_iomem_region_description() and add_iomem_region() are thoroughly tested.
    • read_iomem() gets most of its testing through bulk tests. It does file I/O and parsing and that's pretty well tested.
    • print_iomem_summary() and summarize_iomem() are not systematically tested. Everything underneath them are.
    • compose_iomem_summary() and sort_iomem_summary() are tested with validate_summary() which is called frequently in all the tests and at key places in the iomem module.