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Smart last-mile delivery project @MakeZurich

CharIoTeer is a contribution to the long-standing quest of making delivery smart. By measuring critical indicators of package health (temperature of goods, ambient temperature, humidity, position) together with geographical coordinates. The project provides real-time actionable data for inner-city logistics of high-value shippments (medicines, blood, valuable documents, groceries, cigars,... ).

Check my blog post on the project.

Building CharIoTeer

Building CharIoTeer is simple and fun! The following sections take you step by step through the process.


Bill of Materials:

Getting Started

Before starting the project, check that your area has loRaWAN coverage. Consider joining the movement and building your very own gateway. Do some quick reading on how LoRaWAN works.

Once your hardware arrives, put it all together:

Wiring the Arduino

Note that despite being named The Things Network UNO (TTN Uno), the board is actually a Arduino Leonardo (with a RN2483 chip). To make this clear, I name TTN Uno TTN Leanardo instead.


ADXL345 Arduino UNO TTN Leonardo
CS 5V 5V
SDA A4 2
SCL A5 3
DHT-11 Arduino UNO (or TTN Leonardo)
+ 5V
S 7
u-blox PAM-7Q LevelConv Arduino UNO (or TTN Leonardo)
not connected HV 5V
TX LVx <-> HVx 5
RX LVx <-> HVx 13
Device (+) to board (-) to board
red led 4 trhu 220R GND
green led 8 thru 220R GND
active buzzer 12 GND thru 100R
themistor 5V GND thru 10kR and A3

All connections are identical for Arduino Uno and TTN Leonardo. Polarity for thermistor does not matter.

Understanding the Code


You are encouraged to develop the code in PlatformioIO. If you do so, check the project file platformio.ini and make sure it corresponds to your setup. It will handle library dependencies for you. If you are using other IDE (like Arduino IDE), you may need to install the libraries manually.

Sending Data as Bytes

LoRaWAN is a technology that is designed for small volume of transferred data. Each message sent from a device over gateway to a backend is limited to maximally 51 bytes. Preferentially, messages should not exceed 12 bytes as more data per transfer results in longer airtime of each message. Daily airtime per device is limited (see [limitations] and [fair access policy], therefore messages should not be sent more frequently then every couple of minutes or less.

To reduce the amount of data being sent, I encode each message emitted by the device as bytes. The message is then decoded in a server application by applying reverse mathematical operations.

For example, encoding gographical coordinates to 3 bytes per longitude and 3 bytes latittude may look like this:

void add_buffer_gps(double lat, double lon){

  // offset by 90(180) to make positive and scale to 0..1
  latB = ((lat + 90) / 180.0) * pow(256,3);
  lonB = ((lon + 180) / 360.0) * pow(256,3);

  // byte shifting
  dataBuffer[0] = ( latB >> 16 ) & 0xFF;
  dataBuffer[1] = ( latB >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
  dataBuffer[2] = latB & 0xFF;

  dataBuffer[3] = ( lonB >> 16 ) & 0xFF;
  dataBuffer[4] = ( lonB >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
  dataBuffer[5] = lonB & 0xFF;

Another example is encoding of tilt of the device as measured by accelerometer:

void add_buffer_tilt(float Xg_crit, float Yg_crit, int it = 0) {
  // it, position where to start writing to the buffer

  // offset by 2 to assure range -1..1 becomes positive and scale to 0..1
  XgB = (Xg_crit  + 2.0) * pow(256,1) / 4;
  YgB = (Yg_crit + 2.0) * pow(256,1) / 4;

  // each value is just one byte
  dataBuffer[it] = XgB;
  dataBuffer[it+1] = YgB;

Using Rolling Averages

I want to send message every couple of minutes but our Aurdino with sensors is capable of collecting data at much higher rate. It is advantaegous to send values averaged over several preceding measurements. This makes our measurements more accurate and helps to deal with outliying values. For example for humidity I do that as follows:

#include <RunningAverage.h>
#include <dht11.h> // temperature and humidity sensor
RunningAverage myRA_h(10); // 10 is size of buffer
void setup(){

void loop(){
  // ...
  // ...

Obtaining GPS Data

Check out the working example developed by @njam.

Using Smart Delay and Software Serial

The Arduino hardware has built-in support for serial communication on pins 0 and 1 (which also goes to the computer via the USB connection). The native serial support happens via a piece of hardware (built into the chip) called a UART. The Software Serial is used to allow serial communication on other digital pins of the Arduino,

static const int RXPin = 13, TXPin = 5;
AltSoftSerial gpsSerial(RXPin, TXPin);

void delay_smart(unsigned long ms) {
  // This custom version of delay() ensures that the gps object is "fed"
  unsigned long start = millis(); // Get current time from board start in ms
  do {
    // wait for data available
    while (gpsSerial.available()) {
    // wait extra if needed to fill delay
  } while (millis() - start < ms);

Talking with The Things Network

#include <TheThingsNetwork.h>
#include <private_keys.h> // imports appKey and appEUI from external file

#define loraSerial Serial1
#define freqPlan TTN_FP_EU868 // Use european freq plan
#define COUNT_OF(array) (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0])) // gets array size

TheThingsNetwork ttn(loraSerial, Serial, freqPlan);
bool is_connected = false;
uint8_t dataBuffer[12] = {0}; // uint8_t is byte, buffer can hold 12 bytes

void send_ttn_message(uint8_t* data, size_t data_size, port_t prt = 1) {
      ttn.sendBytes(data, data_size);// sizeof(data)
    } else {
      Serial.print("ttn message: ");
      uint8_t i = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++){ // prints byte message in HEX encoding
        if (data[i] < 16) {
          Serial.print(data[i], HEX);
        } else {
          Serial.print(data[i], HEX);

void setup(){
  Serial.print("--- TTN STATUS ---"); ttn.showStatus();
  ttn.provision(appEui, appKey);
  is_connected = ttn.join(10); // try to connect up to 10 times
  if (!is_connected){
    Serial.print("Join to TTN failed.");

void loop(){
  // ...
  // Messaging the TTN Application
  if (iteration % send_per == 0){ // send only infrequently
    send_ttn_message(dataBuffer, COUNT_OF(dataBuffer));
  // ...

More can be found on the Quick Start site for the TTN Uno (Leonardo) device.

Printing the Case

img I wanted to have a nice casing for the project to work as tight protective enclosure and to make it all together look neat. To design the case (starting from a template) I used OpenSCAD. I sliced the stl files to gcode using CURA and printed them on a 3D printer from Teil3. You will find the design in scad file in hw folder for you to adjust and play with.

Receiving and Decoding Payloads

Once the data was emitted by the RN2483 chip, received by usually multiple) gateways it is handed over to the backend server application. We used The Things Network Console to create and manage such applciation inlcuding its decoder , validator and converter functions.

For example the decoder function for geographical coordinates and for temperature looks as following (compare with encoding on Arduino above):

function Decoder (bytes, port) {
  var decoded = {}
  if (port === 1) {
    if (bytes.length === 10) {
      var lat = bytesToInt(bytes.slice(0, 3)) / Math.pow(256, 3) * 180 - 90
      var lon = bytesToInt(bytes.slice(3, 6)) / Math.pow(256, 3) * 360 - 180
      if (lat !== 0 && lon !== 0) {
        decoded['lat'] = lat
        decoded['lon'] = lon

      var tiltx = bytesToInt(bytes.slice(10, 11)) / Math.pow(256, 1) * 4 - 2
      decoded['tiltx'] = tiltx
      var tilty = bytesToInt(bytes.slice(11, 12)) / Math.pow(256, 1) * 4 - 2
      decoded['tilty'] = tilty
  return decoded

function bytesToInt (bytes) {
  var integer = 0
  for (var n = 0; n < bytes.length; n++) {
    integer += bytes[n]
    if (n < bytes.length - 1) {
      integer = integer << 8
  return integer

Here is a sample of datapoint:

{"_id": "5b377f54e4d28c0006c1ab93",

Storing and Visualizing Data

The server application was developed by @njam. The full source code is available at the project's gitlab. The visalizations are available here.

Here is a sample visualization showing geographical coordinates as dots color-coded by temperature measured by DHT11 sensor.



