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104 lines (77 loc) · 4.24 KB


To command the iCub simulator to points in Cartesian space where the end-effectors (palms or palm and finger) would intersect and the robot will simultaneously gaze at them. Logs all the corresponding joint configurations.

alt text


The operation is illustrated in these videos:

Note: The code has not been tested on the real robot. Some options - e.g. palm to palm configurations - are certainly not to be used on the real robot!

Note also that the solutions are a result of optimization and do not match perfectly with the desired target and hence also the 3 chains (2 arms, 1 gaze) do not intersect perfectly in 1 point in the operational space.

Requirements and operation

  • yarpserver
  • iCub_SIM

and as per: app/scripts/icubSimSelfTouchWithGaze.xml

  • yarprobotinterface --context simCartesianControl
  • iKinCartesianSolver --context simCartesianControl --part left_arm
  • iKinCartesianSolver --context simCartesianControl --part right_arm
  • iKinGazeCtrl --from configSim.ini

Then run selftouchWithGazeGenerator


The targets are chosen from a cube where both arms can reach and also where the robot can gaze at them. In the iCub Root reference frame:

#define TARGET_CUBE_MIN_X   -0.26
#define TARGET_CUBE_MAX_X   -0.21
#define TARGET_CUBE_MIN_Y   -0.1
#define TARGET_CUBE_MAX_Y    0.1
#define TARGET_CUBE_MIN_Z    0.0
#define TARGET_CUBE_MAX_Z    0.3 

There is a "grid search" through this cube with

#define POINTS_PER_DIMENSION 24 //resolution of Cartesian grid; in reality, it will be this +1 in every dimension

E.g. for POINTS_PER_DIMENSION 24, 25 x 25 x 25, i.e. 15575 points will be sampled.

With this flag, a random sequence of the targets is followed (a permutation of the order - without repetition).


The end-effector of the left arm is always the palm. For the right arm, tip of index finger can be chosen:


The user can also choose:

#define VISUALIZE_TARGET_IN_ICUBSIM 1 //red sphere in icubSim marks the target
#define ASK_FOR_ARM_POSE_ONLY 1 //to ask for and log solutions for arm poses without commanding the simulator

The latter setting can be applied to the arm Cartesian controllers (see also; however, this is not possible to apply to the gaze controller that has no such methods and the robot/simulator needs to be commanded (

#define LOG_INTO_FILE 1

Log file

The modules creates a selfTouchConfigs.log log file in the current directory with one row per self-touch configuration and the following structure:

  • columns 1:3: target (x,y,z) (in metres, iCub Root reference frame)
  • columns 4:13: left arm chain (3 torso, 7 arm joints) (deg)
  • columns 14:23: right arm chain (3 torso, 7 arm joints) (deg)
  • columns 24:29: head and eyes chain (neck pitch, roll, yaw, eyes tilt, eyes pan, eyes vergence)

Kinematics version

The iCub_SIM has kinematics version 1.

If you want to use this module to generate solutions for kinematics V2, you can set the Cartesian solver to use V2 kinematics in: .local/share/yarp/contexts/simCartesianControl/cartesian/Left_arm_cartesian.xml

Change <param name="KinematicType">left</param> to <param name="KinematicType">left_v2</param>


Change <param name="KinematicType">right</param> to <param name="KinematicType">right_v2</param>

Then you have to use the #define ASK_FOR_ARM_POSE_ONLY 1 regime.

However, it seems that in reality, V1 was still being used when tested.

For the gaze controller, it is not possible to choose the kinematics version.

Cartesian solver accuracy

For this application, we changed in .local/share/yarp/contexts/simCartesianControl/cartesianSolver.ini

tol            0.001 -> 0.0001
maxIter     200 ->   2000
tol            0.001 -> 0.0001
maxIter     200 ->   2000